
Showing posts with the label APA

What is the influence of homosexual couples on kids?

Gay Couple with child (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) One new study by Prof. Loren Marks , takes a hard look at the scientific basis for the APA's repeated claims that science has proven that having gay parents makes "no difference" to a child . He concludes that the existing body of scientific research is amazingly weak: small samples, few comparison groups, few outcome measures studied, and, most importantly of all, the data is not nationally representative. It's not based on a random sample . From a scientific point of view that's a flaw that cannot be overcome. Without a random sample, you simply cannot say whether the children with gay parents you are studying are typical of all such children or self-selected outliers. That's why the second new study is so significant.  The New Family Structures Survey  is the first new survey of young adults that is large, nationally representative, and looked at more than 40 varied outcome measures, from the cha

Former president of APA says organization controlled by ‘gay rights’ movement

June 6, 2012 ( ) - A former president of the American Psychological Association (APA), who also introduced the motion to declassify homosexuality as a mental illness in 1975, says that the APA has been taken over by “ultraliberals” beholden to the “gay rights movement,” who refuse to allow an open debate on reparative therapy for homosexuality. Dr. Nicholas Cummings was President of the APA from 1979 to 1980, and also served as a member of the organization’s Council of Representatives . He served for years as Chief of Mental Health with the Kaiser-Permanente Health Maintenance Organization , and is the author of the book “Destructive Trends in Mental Health: The Well-Intentioned Path to Harm.” In an interview with representatives of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) in late April, Cummings said that the organization’s problems began with the rejection of the Leona Tyler Principle, which required that all public p

Is Lady Gaga correct: Gays are born that way?

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Lady Gaga ’s mega-hit song “Born this Way” sold millions of copies affirming what many people believe: homosexuality is hardwired. In fact, people think that’s as axiomatic as saying the earth revolves around the sun. No rational person rejects the idea. The only hold-outs, it is said, are either ignorant of science, homophobic, or bigots (read: Christians). But before I explain why this view is beset with problems, let me make a tactical suggestion. Many Christians get defensive when someone says homosexuality is inborn. I understand the temptation to argue against this claim. But it’s a mistake to try to show it’s false, at least initially. That’s because the claim is not an argument. It’s just an opinion and, therefore, not necessarily true. In order for their claim to become a bona fide argument, it must be supported with evidence or reasons. So, instead of defending your convictions, make them defend their claim. Simply ask, “What eviden

Born Gay No way!

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Lady Gaga ’s mega-hit song “Born this Way” sold millions of copies affirming what many people believe: homosexuality is hardwired. In fact, people think that’s as axiomatic as saying the earth revolves around the sun. No rational person rejects the idea. The only hold-outs, it is said, are either ignorant of science, homophobic, or bigots (read: Christians ). But before I explain why this view is beset with problems, let me make a tactical suggestion. Many Christians get defensive when someone says homosexuality is inborn. I understand the temptation to argue against this claim. But it’s a mistake to try to show it’s false, at least initially. That’s because the claim is not an argument. It’s just an opinion and, therefore, not necessarily true. In order for their claim to become a bona fide argument, it must be supported with evidence or reasons. So, instead of defending your convictions, make them de

Australian Psychological Society believes gay marriage will heal gays

The Australian Psychological Society has endorsed a recent resolution of the American Psychological Association calling for marriage equality for those in same-sex relationships, on health and wellbeing grounds. The resolution of the APA, called for the legalisation of same-sex marriage, on the basis of psychological evidence showing the mental health benefits of marriage, and the harm caused by social exclusion and discrimination arising from not having the choice to marry .   Professor Simon Crowe , President of the APS, said: “Decades of psychological research provides the evidence linking marriage to mental health benefits, and highlighting the harm to individuals’ mental health of social exclusion. The APS supports the full recognition of same-sex relationships, on the basis of this evidence.” Unfortunately, genuine marriage by definition, history, logic and biological design cannot include same sex relationships. Likewise, the prevent of u nderage children or a brother a