Qld Government Australia - What makes the existence of ex-gays so dangerous?

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What is it that makes the very existence of ex-gays so dangerous? And why is there a concerted, effort to block counseling for those with unwanted same-sex attractions? If you help a gay person back to normal life you can go to prison for 12 months! Why is counseling in every other area of life good but counseling sinful homosexuality subject to prison?

Before you think I’m exaggerating, consider the following examples.

On the social media front, it is now reported that, “Facebook and its photo platform Instagram are banning any content advertising or promoting treatment to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction.”

According to Facebook spokeswoman Stephanie Otway, “This is a global policy. The policy is still under development, but for now it will be applied to content that promotes conversion therapy when we become aware of it.”

Counselling | Northern Beaches Council

Ex-gay colleagues have already informed me that their content is being removed from Facebook and their pages are being shut down, simply for stating that change is possible.

As posted on the official website of the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations Human Rights organization,

“Practices known as ‘conversion therapy’ inflict severe pain and suffering on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender-diverse (LGBT) persons, often resulting in long-lasting psychological and physical damage, a UN expert told the Human Rights Council while calling for a global ban.”

Yes, you read that correctly. This UN expert is calling for a global ban of so-called “conversion therapy.”

And what, exactly, is this dangerous therapy?

Calls for Global Ban on Conversion Therapy by UN Expert | Gay Nation

According to Victor Madrigal-Borloz, “the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity . . . conversion is attempted through beatings, rape, electrocution, forced medication, isolation and confinement, forced nudity, verbal offense and humiliation and other acts of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. He said,

 UN Report Condemns Talk Therapy for Homosexuality - C-Fam

"These interventions exclusively target LGBT persons with the specific aim of interfering in their personal integrity and autonomy because their sexual orientation or gender identity do not fall under what is perceived by certain persons as a desirable norm. They are inherently degrading and discriminatory and rooted in the belief that LGBT persons are somehow inferior, and that they must at any cost modify their orientation or identity to remedy that supposed inferiority.” 


“Report on Conversion Therapy” was issued by Victor Madrigal-Borloz of Costa Rica, the UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, who has sought in the past to punish religious opponents of the gay agenda. He says: "DOCTORS ARE PERPETRATORS." 

Borloz said: "Talk therapy is a violation of human rights", though there is no agreed-upon human right mentions “sexual orientation” or “gender identity,” despite the fact that such an agreement has long been a goal of homosexual and transgender rights advocates at the UN. 


Therapists who practice this kind of therapy are eager to point out that they do not take patients who have been forced. They believe force is not only wrong but that it also does not work. In any therapy situation, especially if there is going to be any progress, patients must want to change and seek change on their own. While many of these laws focus on minors, some ban it for adults, too.


The report is based on the notion that homosexuality and transgenderism are not subject to change, that such desires and behaviors are inborn and therefore immutable. But, even gay-friend researchers admit that homosexuality is quite fluid. Lisa Diamond of the University of Utah who identifies as a lesbian, published a whole book on the topic called “Sexual Fludity.” A question Madrigal-Borloz does not apparently raise in the report is: if sexual desire can change, why can’t a person seek that change with professional help? 


Some argue that “sexual orientation change” is a misnomer since there is only one orientation and that is between men and women as evidenced by nature. They argue that sexuality can become confused for various psychological reasons and that therapy is used to bring the patient back to what nature intended.


It should be noted that advocates against talk therapy have argued that such therapy is physically and psychologically abusive. Therapists have responded by insisting that it is no more than talking as happens in almost all psychological counseling. Therapists also say that no other reason for talk therapy has ever been banned. They are trained to follow the patient and if something is bothering the patient, no matter what it is, and they work to help the patient overcome what is bothering them.



This sounds pretty horrible, right? No wonder Facebook and Instagram are blocking posts advocating these torturous practices. No wonder the UN is calling for a ban. No wonder the Qld Government of Australia will put you in prison.

There’s only one problem!

This is a myth. It is a creation of the left. It is a bogey man, manufactured out of thin air, meant to discredit fine organizations, professional counsellors, and ministries which simply say, “If you are unhappy with your same-sex attractions or gender-identity confusion, we’re here to talk with you and help.”

That’s it.

Nothing is forced or coerced. No one is being beaten. Or raped. Or electrocuted. Or isolated. Or confined. Or forced to take medication. Or stripped naked. Or subjected to “verbal offense and humiliation and other acts of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse.” God forbid!

There is not a person I know on the planet who would affirm such abusive practices, and if they do exist, they have no connection at all to normal counseling and professional organizations and others.

Instead, professional counselors and ministry leaders, many of them ex-gay or ex-trans themselves, are offering prayer, support, and talk therapy to those that request it.

You say, “But I’ve heard horror stories of kids taken against their own will and isolated and tortured in an attempt to drive the gay out of them. It is child abuse of the worst kind.” MP Qld Joe Kelly claims kids, are taken overseas for conversion therapy but then includes himself. 

What exactly did he undergo - beaten, raped, electrocuted, isolated, confined, forced to take medication, stripped naked, subjected to “verbal offense and humiliation and other acts of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse? Because that is the definition of conversion therapy. No. He was told it was an illness. That is all he said to Parliament. 

If such stories were true, I would agree with you wholeheartedly. That would be downright wicked, and all people of conscience should denounce such horrific practices. And to the extent such a thing has taken place or still takes place, I will work side by side with you to help eradicate it.

The reality, however, is that many of these stories are not true at all. 

And certainly, there is not a single, recognized ex-gay ministry or organization in the world that would sanction any of the horrific practices listed here.

LNP Marty Hunt said, "In fact, the Qld Government committee heard NO evidence of any concerning practices of health professionals but more a general message the government is trying to send to non-health providers, religious groups they can't legislate against."

In other words - They are seeking

Why, then, should they be banned by the Qld Government, by social media, and by other countries when all they do is offer counseling and prayer to those who request? 

  • What is their crime? 
  • Why the extreme reaction, to the point of removing their content on social media and shutting down their bank accounts? 
  • Why accuse them of practicing “conversion therapy” (allegedly replete with horrible practices) when that is not who they are or what they do?


You say, “I have gay and trans friends who told me how damaging it was to receive this kind of counseling and prayer when they were adults. They were told this would help them change their sexual orientation or gender identity, but in the end, it did far more harm than good. Worse still, it made them feel like there was something wrong with being gay or trans when, in fact, this is how God made them.”

Maybe they weren’t helped at all

Maybe they were actually hurt. The same can be said for countless people who tried everything from new diets to spiritual fads to life coaches to psychiatrists. They report negative outcomes rather than positive outcomes.

But I can also point you to countless thousands who have been helped. 

  • Who have improved the quality of their lives. 
  • Who are happier and more content. 
  • Who have resolved deep inner conflicts. 
  • Who have found gender wholeness (without surgery or lifelong hormones). 
  • Who have even seen changes in their sexual orientation.

Why don’t their stories count? 

And what about those people who believe that God did not make them gay or trans? Do not their beliefs or convictions count?

Really now, in today’s world, if someone wants to go a new age healer who allegedly makes contact with UFO’s, they can do so. Or, if someone wants to go to a holistic cancer treatment center rather than get chemotherapy, that’s their choice.

Yet if someone says, “I would rather not take hormones for life and remove perfectly healthy organs in order to feel at home in my body. Instead, I would prefer finding wholeness from the inside out, and I’d like to meet with a professionally trained counselor,” they will be told that such counseling is forbidden.

This is both criminal and cruel, and people of conscience around the world need to raise their voices in support of freedom of choice. (Shall I mention here the secular therapists who believe that sexual orientation is often quite fluid?)


Dr. Robert Spitzer, longtime professor of psychiatry at Columbia University and former head of the American Psychiatric Association, had a hand in changing the psychology profession’s diagnostic manual in favor of homosexuality. Even so, he published a 2003 paper that showed that under certain circumstances talk therapy helps people overcome unwanted homosexual desires and behaviors.

As for the questions I asked at the outset of this article, the answers are simple.

People who are ex-gay and ex-trans are a threat to the whole “born that way” argument.

By undermining that, we undermine the movement.

And that’s why is it such a threat.

Author: Dr. Michael Brown

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