Qld to outlaw 'gay conversion therapy'

Practices intended to change or suppress someone's sexual orientation or gender identity will be outlawed in Queensland, Australia. This is a Labor Government who are pro-homosexual marriage and pro-homosexual adoption who are not even allowing a confused child to receive counseling after being influenced by the LGBT agenda.


The confused health minister Steven Miles said the following; "So-called gay conversion therapies will be made illegal and health practitioners caught carrying them out will face fines and time behind bars under a new law. 
The practices are immoral, unethical and have long been discredited by the medical sector."

Yet many would say homosexual and gay marriage is immoral and wrong.  On what basis does Steven Miles make his immoral claims? There are many who want to leave the homosexual lifestyle choice and need help but this minister has banned all help. This minister will apply a massive financial penalty if you do help. 

Steven Miles said; "I strongly oppose any suggestion that being LGBTIQ is a disorder that requires medical treatment," he said. 

The APA used to say this until they voted on science. That's right they voted on science because they were infiltrated by pro-gay activists.

The Catholic church and all other Biblical churches affirm homosexuality is wrong. 40% of Australians believe gay marriage is wrong. 

Steven Miles then uses scare tactics: 

"Such therapies include giving electric shocks or nausea-inducing drugs while showing a person a picture of someone of the same sex, regression or hypnotherapy, and counseling that encourages someone to distinguish their private and public sexual feelings or identity. It is not a legitimate health therapy. This is an appalling practice that has no place in modern society, let alone Queensland's health system. It does nothing but cause harm and devastation to vulnerable members of the community who need and deserve our support and respect."


No counselling for those wanting to leave this lifestyle choice. No help!

Electric shock is still being used by specialists but on mental health patients.The old argument the past worldview is so wrong us in the Labor movement who reject all biblical morals are right!  People are to be cared for - but sin needs no respect but repentance.

He includes transgenderism which is a mental health issue - confused people are being encouraged to experiment with dangerous results due to the unquestionable wisdom of the LGBTQ ideology.

Penalties will be higher where the person receiving conversion therapy is vulnerable, such as a child, and will apply to all health professionals, registered or otherwise, and organisations. 

So even a confused child seeking counseling say from a church pastor will be abandoned when asking for help and the pastor will be fined. 

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