How to address the sin of homosexuality

Some difficult questions are easier to avoid than others. The question about homosexuality might be one of those if it weren’t for cultural pressures and our loved ones who find themselves in the middle. Whether we take the traditional position or the new gay-affirming side, there’s a lot at stake.

Traditional: If we wrongfully condemn homosexual practice as sinful, we may be depriving people of God-given sexual pleasure and intimacy. Worse, we’re implicitly compelling our friends to needlessly turn away from God when arguing that homosexual behavior is contrary to God.

Gay-affirming: If we wrongly teach homosexual behavior is morally neutral – even God-honoring – when it’s not, we’re teaching a lie and compelling people to sin. Worse, we are encouraging people to part company with God in this life, and if unrepentant, for eternity.

It’s in light of this conundrum that I chose to cover homosexuality today. How the church addresses the issue is perhaps the biggest complaint against Christians by the secular culture and a growing number of churches are moving from the traditional to the gay-affirming position. What’s worse, churches stay silent while millions of church members leave services each Sunday without a clue how to address the topic. 

It’s for this reason I sought out a foremost expert in this area to help answer this pressing question. I hope you’ll watch this engaging 72 minute interview with Dr. Robert A. Gagnon and look forward to your comments.

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