The homosexual mafia can't silence or embarrass everybody

David Tyree at the Giants Rally after victory ...
David Tyree at the Giants Rally after victory in Super Bowl XLII. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
First, it turns out that Tyree is a strong Christian, and his faith drives his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. CBS reports:
"This will be the beginning of our country sliding toward, it's a strong word, but anarchy,” Tyree told the pro-marriage group, the National Organization for Marriage, three years ago when talking about marriage equality. "How can marriage be marriage for thousands of years and now all the sudden because a minority, an influential minority, has a push or agenda ... and totally reshapes something that was not founded in our country.”
In 2013, he said this.
"I don't agree with [gay marriage] because God doesn't agree with it. As a Christian, I don't agree. Society may be changing but God is not," Tyree said. "This is not personal. I could still be in a locker room with a gay man and still love him as a teammate. I can be tolerant, but the problem is people aren't tolerant of the views people like me have. If you don't agree with that lifestyle, you're a bigot. I'm not a bigot. I have different viewpoints."
Second, the Giants are standing with Tyree, rather than pulling a Mozilla and throwing him out on his rear. From the same link as above, the Giants' statement: "He was expressing his personal view, and that is not the view of the Giants organization."

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