Labor MP wants marry bloke in ACT at midnight just to send a message: "I disregard the law of the land"

Nine Labor and Green Politicians are being allowed to change the definition of marriage for the rest of the nation? Outrageous! 

A West Australian Labor MP plans to be among the first to marry his homosexual partner when homosexual marriage becomes legal in the Australian Capital Territory tomorrow.

The MLC Stephen Dawson intends to marry his partner of 10 years, Dennis, in a small ceremony in the ACT at one minute past midnight. The new immoral laws being forced on Australia by nine politicians (Labor and Greens) allowing homosexuals to marry will be short-lived as they face a huge challenge in the High Court.

The huge challenges is that these immoral relationships will not be recognized in different states on a whole range of issues, including financial, welfare, inheritance, death and other issues that only federal marriages can claim.

Mr Dawson wants to sends a message to the community. In effect, he is saying, whether you like it or not we will force homosexual marriage upon the nation. Mr Dawson is using marriage to make a point, our nine Labor and Greens politicans from the left want to change marriage for the rest of Australai. if you do not like it you are a bigot. 

Nine politicians are being allowed to change the definition of marriage?

Penny Wong said the purpose of homosexual marriage in bring respect to homosexuality. How does marriage achieve that? Because most Australians don't respect it now at all, they even abuse it. 

Even Dawson himself has been living in homosexual sin with a bloke for year, so why bother getting married? 

Answer: He wants to use marriage to make a point. Does he love marriage as defined by God and the State? No. Because homosexuals are wanting marriage to wipe away the stigma of homosexuality. They feel their disordered misguided love through marriage will make them acceptable like other married heterosexual couples. But the opposite will occur. The homosexual relationship is barren, against biological nature, against evolution, against bodily design, subject to disease (increase in HIV rates recently), subject to promiscuity rates above heterosexuals. 

Conservative orthodox Christian Churches will hold their position against the sin of homosexuality, not because they have decided to do so, but because it is the law of God.  It is not their personal opinion but God's moral holy law.

The stigma of homosexuality, is quite different from other sins. According to scripture the Apostle Paul states that lesbianism then male homosexuality in that order are examples of the worst degrees of sin under God's judgement. We have all sinned and must all repent. However, the Apostle Paul points out clearly that homosexuality goes against humanities nature and purposes of creation. God places his judgement upon the person by pushing them away from his grace and become hardened in their sin. (Romans 1). Hence we see this level of hardened indifference towards mainly Christians and the church. 

Even though there are anti-discrimination laws, the stigma remains even after homosexual marriage. Because the stigma or more correctly the sinful offense is against God himself who places the impact of that sin back upon the person. That manifests itself in a range of ways. 

When commentators say, "the sky has not fallen" they are inferring that God (as in Sodom) will not, does not and or is indifferent to the legalization of homosexuality. But God does offer grace and forgiveness constantly calling for repentance and not acceptance of sin. But habitual sin places the person away from God grace, and in effect they place themselves there with hardened hearts. The judgement has already fallen. No fire, no brimstone, but hardness and distance. The homosexual church like the Metropolitan Community Church are complete theologically fakes and frauds in that they can say the words, perform their rituals and even pray, but God doesn't know them.

"Between us we decided if we're going to do this we're also going to take the opportunity to make a statement, to say that we think Australia is ready, we think the community is ready," he said.

Notice how Dawson misreads the community when he says: 
"A good number of people in the community are supportive of marriage equality and in fact another significant number, it doesn't bother them, so I think there's a clear majority who aren't against it and so we're making a statement that we think Australia is ready for this.The time has come and other parliaments and indeed the Federal Parliament should legislate to allow same sex couples to get married."

Mr Dawson appears to be blind to the huge numbers of people who are against homosexual marriage. Nine politicians should not be forcing this down the throats of this nation. It must go to a referendum. 

Mr Dawson says while he and his partner were concerned by the media attention their marriage would generate, they felt it was such an important issue they should take action. 

Again Dawson, along with the nine ACT politicians are abusing the purpose of marriage to achieve their own goals: community acceptance." For those who care less about marriage or who live in defacto relationships this is no big deal. For those who value marriage this is offensive. 

But will Dawson and the homosexuals advocates accept the High Court's view? My guess is a big no. The Marriage Equality zealots will beat their drums until they get their immorality legalized. They have said so many times, this is the first step. 

Current circumstances show clearly across nations that have approved homosexuality that they continue to harass and intimidate people and companies who do not support their immorality, using courts to punish people who resist.  Just look at the Vistorian Church Campsite that got hauled into court and fined. Look at the florist that got threatened when refusing to do the flowers for a homosexual marriage (but offered alternative services). Look at the B&B folk who were taken to court and fined because they refused to have the 'Stonewall' stooges have homosexual sex in their home. It goes on and on. 
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