Sydney Morning Herald labels Christians who oppose immoral homosexualmarriage extremist

English: Tony Abbott in 2010.
English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
What an astonishing offensive statement by the editor of the SMH. Any Christian or non-religious person or MP who rejects homosexual marriage on grounds of logic, biology, evolution, Christian teaching, human history and common sense is labelled an extremist. The inference support homosexual marriage you are normal, object to it you're extreme. What arrogance! 

The SMH also believes the refusal to allow immoral homosexual marriage is because of the moral preferences of one man, Tony Abbott? Again SMH is seeking to twist the argument and the PM to make him look like a sexual Scrooge. Is this journalism or homosexual propaganda?

After labelling normal fathers and mothers, young and old people who follow Christ and obey Biblical scripture to label everyone of them as extremist does not create "potential community support."

Here is the quote from the SMH below:

The Coalition so far has denied its MPs a conscience vote. Abbott must now apply his moral weight to his partyroom so it can approve a conscience vote for every MP.

He should also allocate time for a private member's bill to go before Parliament.

Any proposals must have the surest legal footing and broadest potential community support.

Such strong leadership would not require Abbott to abandon his personal preference for retaining marriage as male-female.

It would simply reassure Australians that Abbott will not allow extremists in his cheer-squad to deny the nation a chance to express its opinion through its elected representatives.

Same-sex marriage reform would be probably defeated in this Parliament in any case, partly because many Coalition MPs fear reprisals for publicly disagreeing with their leader or influential party figures.
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