What Does Exodus Believe About Homosexuality, Genetics & Science?

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Exodus International believes… that homosexuality is a multi-causal issue in which genes, environment and personality traits may play a factor in its development. Regardless of its origin, Exodus believes that any individual can live a life free from the dominance of same-sex attraction and exists to offer support through professional counselors, pastoral care or a support group.
The “gay gene” theory has never been proven. Genetic linkage and association are not equivalent to genetic causation. Even so, numerous studies analyzing a potential “gay gene” have been conducted over the last fifty years, but none have been replicated to conclusively prove that homosexuality is determined by genetics alone. In addition, researchers have not found a 100% correlation among identical twin studies in their study groups; if homosexuality is solely a genetically based trait, there would obviously be no variance among identical twins that share the same genetic history.
Most researchers agree that homosexuality is multi-causal and complex. Both sides of this debate are guilty of oversimplifying a very complex issue. One thing we all seem to agree on is that many factors contribute to the development of same-sex attraction. Most researchers, including Dr. Dean Hamer, the “gay gene” researcher who is himself a gay man, agree that homosexuality, like most other psychological conditions, is due to a combination of social, biological, and psychological factors. Dr. Hamer has said, “Genes are hardware…the data of life’s experiences are processed through the sexual software into the circuits of identity. I suspect the sexual software is a mixture of both genes and environment, in much the same way the software of a computer is a mixture of what’s installed at the factory and what’s added by the user (P. Copeland and D. Hammer (1994) The Science of Desire. New York: Simon and Schuster.)”
My gene pool doesn’t define and dictate my life. If homosexuality is found to be partially or completely genetic in origin, as the case has been made with other behaviors and conditions such as obesity and rage — it does not make it optimal, healthy or moral. Should genetics be a factor, the existence of former homosexuals proves that DNA doesn’t have to dominate a life.
“Perhaps one of the biggest concerns for the person on the street is whether we are stuck with our genetic inheritance, or whether we can overcome our genes. ‘Absolutely,’ Hamer reassures. ‘One of the biggest myths is that something is genetic is therefore fixed. This simply isn’t true.’ It’s what we do with our genes that matters. Someone who relishes novel experiences might use this trait for good or for bad — to become a great explorer or a violent criminal. ‘All these genes do is to give us a disposition one way or another. Whether we act on that —or don’t — is very much a matter of our free will.’”
- “The Power of Our Genes: An Interview with Dean Hamer,” Science & Spirit, December 1998.
While the “gay gene” has yet to be substantiated, new research shows shifts in sexual orientation to be possible. In September of 2007, Drs Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse released the results of the first longitudinal study on religiously mediated programs such as Exodus and its affect upon sexual orientation change. The research, praised by former American Psychological Association president
Nicholas Cummings, found that sexual orientation change is possible for some and that on average undergoing such programs does not cause psychological harm. The major findings of this study are reported in full in the book Ex-Gays? A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation (InterVarsity Press).
Former American Psychological Association President, Nicholas A. Cummings, Ph.D., Sc.D., praised the research methods of Jones and Yarhouse, “This study has broken new ground in its adherence to objectivity and a scientific precision that can be replicated and expanded, and it opens new horizons for investigation.” In the absence of any scientific, peer-reviewed research on this topic, Exodus International funded the research conducted by Jones and Yarhouse.
As Christians, inclination does not authorize indulgence. As Christians, we recognize that we live in a “fallen” world. As physically fallen beings, we experience situations that were not in God’s original design for humanity. Yet, we are still required to live in obedience to the Bible and are enabled to do so through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:26-27) and that Christ offers forgiveness, redeems our past and holds us accountable for our life choices.

Dig Deeper

  • Homosexuality & the Use of Scientific Research in the Church’s Moral Debate
    By: Stanton L. Jones & Mark A. Yarhouse, Published by: InterVarsity Press
    Book Summary: Both liberal and conservative Christians are ignorant about scientific studies of homosexuality. Further, few understand the appropriate role of these studies in the church’s ongoing moral debate. This brilliant book provides common sense, reasoned analysis and biblical wisdom for Christians who seek a clear-eyed understanding of this inflammatory issue.
Check out www.Exodusbooks.org to find many of these titles and other great resources.

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