Gays must trivialize Church opposition

Below is an article entitled:  " What to expect from the anti-gay marriage brigade. Campaigners will say same-sex marriage is a threat to the family, religious freedom and civilisation itself" The author of the article is Jane carnell writing for the 

The author trivializes and ridicules the churches opposition against gay marriage without presenting a fair representation of their argument.
Because the Church uses a definition of marriage as defined by scripture, not culture, not Hollywood they are ridiculed. Churches and Christians hold a high view of the purpose and meaning of marriage as determined by the scriptures. The culture has abused marriage by introducing living together (fornication), easy divorce / no fault divorce. The scriptures state clearly that divorce is not genuine unless adultery has occurred, but the state has ignored that also. The state has endorsed homosexuality, some have made sexual orientation a human right whereas God clearly condemns it as a sin. 
Gay Marriage therefore would be seen as unnatural, against evolution, against the survival of the species for the purpose of the state as it is infertile by nature; against biological design and logic, and only serves to bring a form of legitimization to the sin of homosexuality.  people think Gay marriage will bring them equality in the eyes of the community. They are using marriage as the tool for equality. It will fail in general and gay relationships of any kind will always be seen as unnatural and sinful by God and hence the church and genuine Christians. Christians do not hate gays they disagree with people who seek to promote a sinful lifestyle as something righteous. 
The question must be asked why is this an issue today? Is there a demonic force behind this? Is this the ultimate result of God's handing over people to their sin without God constraining their sin as Paul outlines in Romans? 


On Wednesday 30 November the first UK campaign organisation against marriage for same-sex couples was launched. With the Scottish government "minded" to pass legislation for gay marriage and the UK government planning to consult next year on similar legislation, we'll be seeing this and other organisations taking off from now till equal marriage becomes law. In the US, where anti-marriage campaigns flourish across 49 states, we've had a clear view of how these people work, so what can we expect from them in the UK – and particularly in Scotland?
It's unifying. In the US, Baptist, Catholic, evangelical, Mormon and Presbyterian churches unite to agree that same-sex couples shouldn't get married: the alliance of Catholic and Protestant across sectarian barriers in Scotland is like an Old Firm match ending in a group hug.
They're not homophobic. They'll make a point of saying so, that's how you know.
Allowing same-sex couples to marry redefines marriage. The ba's on the slates, the penguins are out on parade, the definition of marriage is already changed. Scotland for Marriage means marriage as a privilege from which some groups are barred – just as Focus on the Family means some families aren't included. It's as if they think there isn't enough marriage or family to go around.
The marriage of two men or two women is not real marriage because same-sex couples can't have children. This theme is why so many anti-marriage groups call themselves "pro-family" and it's remarkably consistent, from a Mormon science-fiction writer in 2004 to a Catholic bishop in 2011, thousands of miles apart and as divided in religion as two Christians can be, they none the less agree: marriage is not about two people pledging to love, honour, and cherish each other all their lives, marriage is about a man and a woman having children together.
Marriage is one of the building blocks of society and same-sex couples marrying are attacking the block! This is pure horror movie – lesbians and gays as invisible monsters with glittery mouths, an alien threat to civilisation, and the brave forces of the anti-marriage movement attacking the threat no one else can see. In a variant of this, gay people are Nazis. (Really: this is more widespread than you'd think.)
If same-sex couples get married, homosexuality will be taught in schools! This chestnut is a perennial favourite. What would a GCSE in homosexuality look like? There's a theory current in some US evangelical circles that the only way someone "becomes" gay is if they're taught to be gay by the gay people who go out of their way to spread gayness. The logic from this theory is that if only all the lesbian and gay and bisexual people in the world could be stuffed back into the closet, no one would ever become gay again. The kindest thing that can be said about this theory is that it is not borne out by anything we know about sexual orientation.
Allowing same-sex couples to marry is said to be an attack on religious freedom! The line is consistently pushed that if it is legal for religious organisations and ministers of religion to celebrate the marriage of a same-sex couple, it will become illegal to refuse to do so. There is no instance of this ever happening: the fears that it might seem to derive from T H White's totalitarian anthill, "Everything not forbidden is compulsory".
After years of Christian campaigning on gay marriage, by 2007 young people in the US were sure of one thing: Christianity is anti-homosexual. The deadline for responding to the Scottish government's consultation on equal marriage is 9 December, the day before International Human Rights Day. You can respond via

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