Frank Turek on Gay Marriage

You and I know that advocates of gay marriage are seeking to create an America in which good, decent, loving, law-abiding people are afraid to speak up for marriage as the union of husband and wife.
It's intellectually and morally absurd, but our opponents have sought to silence debate, and to strip Americans of our core civil rights to speak, to donate, to organize and to vote to protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
We are so blessed as Americans to have a voice like Frank Turek.
Frank is a Christian apologist who has written a book opposing gay marriage. In his day job, as a former naval officer, he teaches leadership skills to Fortune 500 companies.
If you do one thing this week, watch this video:

It will tell you more succinctly than I can where we are now in America.
A student of Frank's says, in essence, that he LOVES Frank's corporate leadership class, which includes teaching respect for diversity within a corporate culture. But because this student has Googled Frank and discovered that Frank opposes same-sex marriage, he seeks to get Frank Turek fired—and succeeds!
This is even bigger than gay marriage. This is simply un-American. You have to have a corporately-correct political view to hold a job in America?
What does that tell us about the kind of America gay-marriage advocates are seeking to build?
You have to see Frank speak for himself about what happened to him.
Take a moment and see what courage in defense of truth looks like:

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