
Justice Neil Gorsuch error and betrayal

Justice Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s first addition to the nation’s highest court, wrote the majority opinion for the ruling, which concluded that “sex discrimination” in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act should be interpreted to mean sexual orientation and gender identity, in addition to its original biological meaning. "An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex,” Gorsuch wrote. “Sex plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids." Trump’s reaction did not discuss any of the details of the ruling and did not address the fact that his own administration weighed in against the position Gorsuch ultimately chose, by filing an amicus brief that argued that Title VII  “simply does not speak to discrimination because of an individual’s gender identity or a disconnect between an individual’s gender identit

Supreme Court interpret 1964 law about sex to include transgenderism.

Republican-appointed Justices John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch joined the U.S. Supreme Court’s liberals Monday in ruling that longstanding anti-discrimination law should be reinterpreted to cover homosexuality and gender confusion, in a case that will have drastic ramifications on religious liberty and force Americans to adopt a “fluid” understanding of biological sex in scores of policies.  Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s first addition to the nation’s highest court, wrote the majority opinion for the 6-3 ruling, which concluded that “sex discrimination” in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act should be interpreted to mean sexual orientation and gender identity, in addition to its original biological meaning. The case consolidated several suits into one, including that of a Christian funeral home that fired a male employee who insisted on dressing as a woman on the job; a skydiving instructor who was fired after informing a customer he was gay; and a county child welfare servi

John Piper and Gay Marriage

So-called “same-sex marriage” has never been more popular in America, and whatever garners cultural popularity seeps into the church. You know this. According to the Pew Research Center, among white evangelicals in America, 29 percent now favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally — 29 percent of white American evangelicals.  That’s up from 11 percent just fifteen years ago. So that’s a long and steady increase in a rise in affirmation among white evangelicals in America — up from 11 percent to 29 percent in fifteen years. Bill, who is here with us this morning, asks, “Hello, Pastor John. As the LGBT movement strives to become mainstream, I’ve watched more and more believers give in to the culture by posting rainbow-colored affirmations on social media, hanging rainbow flags outside their homes, and even attending pride rallies in my city. I want to believe the best, but I am perplexed. How should we respond to fellow believers who make such affirmations?” How you re

Pixar Targets Your Children With Their First Gay Lead Character

“We’ll get you through your children!” These words were  shouted   to Norman Podhoretz in 1958 by beat poet and pioneer gay activist Allen Ginsberg at the end of an unsuccessful summit. According to Daniel Oppenheimer in his book   Exit Right , “A decade later (1968) that threat would prove one of the fulcrums around which Podhoretz would execute his hard pivot to the right.” RELATED Drag Queens Dancing for Little Children Got My Attention in 2004 When a Drag Queen Has to Lecture Parents on Morality Ginsberg’s words have proven true. Leftists and LGBTQ activists and their allies have waged an effective ideological war on our children, proclaiming that gay is good, that biological sex is changeable, and that heterosexual unions are really no different than homosexual unions. Now, Pixar, that incredibly gifted animation studio, is joining in the culture wars, for the first time featuring an openly gay lead character. In fact, his gayness is a central part of the story. As  ex

From the gay lifestyle back to his wife and family: The story of Doug Mainwaring

Twenty years ago, Doug Mainwaring left his wife and two children to live as a gay man. His story may or may not surprise you, but it will definitely bring you hope .  Twenty years ago, Doug Mainwaring left his wife and two children to live as a gay man. His story may or may not surprise you, but it will definitely bring you hope.  A new video, tells the story of Mainwaring’s abandonment of his family to live as a gay man and eventual reunion with his family from the most unlikely of roads: same-sex marriage activism.   In his search for ways to argue in favor of same-sex marriage, Mainwaring discovered the Truth, which eventually led him back to Christ and to opposition of same-sex marriage and LGBT activists in the political square.    Having lived his life as an activist on the other side of the tracks, Mainwaring reflects on the battle raging against the family saying:    “The sexual revolution has been the bloodiest war in history, and after having

New Pixar kids’ film centers on gay main character coming ‘out’ to parents

One review summarizes the film: 'As he frantically tries to hide the evidence of his relationship from his mom ... he quickly learns that maybe there's nothing to hide after all.' Pixar featured its first homosexual main character in a new short film, “Out.” The film tells the story of a young man revealing to his parents that he is in a homosexual relationship. Disney’s streaming service Disney+ announced the short film as “[t]he latest heartwarming tale” on Twitter. The trailer shows the main character, Greg, looking at a picture of himself standing beside another man practicing telling his parents of his homosexuality. “Just look them in the eyes and say, ‘Mom, Dad, I’m…,’” he says, as the doorbell rings and his parents walk in. According to  E ntertainment Weekly , “[w]ith a little nudge in the right direction from a pair of fairy god-pets — a magically fabulous dog and cat who ride in on a rainbow — Greg swaps bodies with his dog, Jim. As he f

Canadian city bans help to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction

The new bylaw comes with fines of up to $10,000 or a year-long prison term for any business, extremely broadly defined, that offers 'conversion therapy.' A Canadian city banned businesses from offering help to those with unwanted same-sex attraction. In a 14-1 final vote yesterday, the Calgary City Council passed the third reading of the “Prohibited Businesses Bylaw-20M2020” (page 531), making it become law. The new bylaw 20M2020 makes it illegal for a business to offer help to those with unwanted same-sex attraction. The bylaw comes with fines of up to $10,000 or a year-long prison term for those found to violate the law. It also bans the advertising of so-called “conversion therapy” services.  Marty Moore, a lawyer for the Alberta-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), said that bylaw 20M2020 constitutes a violation of one’s freedom and conscience rights. “Calgary’s bylaw violates individuals’ Charter rights and freedoms, includi