
Gay friendly media - promoted fake claim of anti-gay harassment

Americans have watched as the improbable claims of actor Jussie Smollett have unraveled. The mainstream media immediately latched onto Smollett's story that he was the victim of a racist, homophobic attack. Smollett's claims were not checked or investigated by the media. Instead, they were instantly broadcast as true throughout the world because they fit nicely into one of the media's favorite narratives: that LGBT individuals face widespread intimidation, harassment, and even violence and on a daily basis. Smollett the victim, who is a homosexual, was feted at a sold-out concert in Hollywood and was a guest on countless network news, entertainment and late night television shows where he was given free rein to tell his story of the supposed racist, anti-gay attack. Since the beginning, however, there has been no corroborating evidence to document Smollett's claims. Indeed, the available evidence showed that no attack took place. Smollett refused to turn over importa

Pope’s biographer: ‘Why do you say that our Lord did not have homosexual tendencies?’

Austen Ivereigh, has been the Director of Public Affairs for the late Cardinal Murphy O’Connor, was a founder of the Catholic media organization “Catholic Voices,” and has written a biography of Pope Francis: he is what you might call a “professional Catholic.” Discussing the latest claims about priests working in the Vatican who are homosexual, Ivereigh suggests: The issue, as the priests make clear, isn’t celibacy and chastity, but having to hide who they are. The denial makes it impossible to live the vow in freedom. That’s what they’re saying. This is a convenient argument for someone who wants to say that the Church has made homosexuality into a problem by her negative teachings about it. Get rid of the teachings, and you’d get rid of the problem! A Twitter user replied, in Spanish (this is the Google translation): They must serve God and his people without the entanglement of manifesting or hiding a hidden tendency. The priests, I believe, must be heterosexual. T

Will more teachers smash boundaries under compulsory ‘LGBT’ school lessons?

The door is now wide open in many public schools for corrupting teachers to enter and poison the minds and bodies of impressionable children. Most teachers try to do what's right, but with so-called "non-discrimination" school policies in place, sexually immoral adults and pro-abortion/"LGBTQ" activists cannot be barred from classroom access to children. And now in New Jersey, it's easier than ever, since "gay" indoctrination just became a state requirement. Beginning in the 2020 school year, N.J. schools must teach that homosexuality and gender confusion are wonderful and normal behaviors with a legacy of brave heroes. This will be, of course, a bald-faced lie. The timing is ironic. Just two weeks before this deviance-mandate bill was signed by New Jersey's Democrat governor, Mission America received a distraught email from a mother in north central New Jersey. She contacted us after reading articles on our website and provided infuriating

Tennis pro blasts letting gender-confused men play against women: ‘it’s insane and it’s cheating’

Two months after sparking controversy by tweeting a blunt dissent from transgender orthodoxy, tennis star Martina Navratilova has penned an op-ed elaborating on and standing by her opposition to letting gender confused men compete against actual women in professional sports. Navratilova is a self-described feminist and outspoken lesbian who has won eighteen Grand Slam single titles, including nine Wimbledon women’s single titles. She generally aligns with the Left on LGBT issues, from vehemently supporting same-sex “marriage” to opposing President Donald Trump’s ban on gender-confused soldiers, but sees the erasure of sex differences in athletics as a bridge too far. In December, she came under fire for tweeting that “You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women. There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard.” Among her critics was Rachel McKinnon, a male philosophy professor and competitive cy

Transgender insanity: Police now jailing people for laughing at men in women’s clothes

There was a  story in the Edinburgh Newslast week, gravely titled “Edinburgh labourer shouted abuse at transgender woman.” It turns out that one Graham Spiers, a father of two and a construction worker employed at the St. James construction site, was walking past a pub in Bonnington, Edinburgh, with a few buddies, when they passed a transgender woman—a biological male. Although the journalist writing the story goes to great lengths to make it sound as if Spiers was “screaming” at the apparent victim, Spiers and his friends were specifically accused of “pointing and laughing” at the person. The man being laughed at suspected that he was being mocked for his appearance, as fiscal depute Rosie Cook told the Edinburgh Sheriff Court that the “complainer thought [the laughing and pointing] was in reference to her gender transition.” The transgender person then did what anyone would do if someone laughed at them: He promptly called the police, who take such things very seriously these days

California Health Education pushes LGBT into Kindergarten

The California Department of Education has released a new Health Education Framework for 2019. Given that California often sets trends for the wider country, parents ought to pay very close attention to the new standards. In fact, this new framework should trouble anyone concerned about young people getting a fair and diverse education today. The goal of the new framework is the physical, mental, and social well-being of California students. According to chapter 1, “The health of California youth may be improved by high-quality health education.” We can all agree on the value of student health. My two concerns lay elsewhere. First, the state has adopted a "progressive" view of student health that undermines a religious view of human flourishing (the views of many Christians, Muslims, Jews, Mormons, and others). Second, the framework claims to be diverse, inclusive, and open, but in reality, it is none of these. Before offering my concerns, it is worth noting that there is

Mike Pence is NOT anti-gay

President Trump made a bold declaration in his State of the Union address Tuesday calling on “Democrats and Republicans to make the needed commitment to eliminate the HIV epidemic in the United States within 10 years. Together, we will defeat AIDS in America.” The House chamber erupted in an ovation – and among the first to stand applauding was Vice President Mike Pence. If that doesn’t seem like the response one would expect from an anti-gay bigot who supports so-called “gay conversion therapy,” that’s because it isn’t. Despite false accusations made against him, Mike Pence is not anti-gay. There is absolutely nothing – nothing at all – in Mike Pence’s record to indicate he sees himself as a culture warrior who believes LGBT Americans are the enemy. Yet false accusations that the evangelical stalwart is a virulent homophobe who went out of his way to target gay people for harassment, oppression, and even physical torture have dogged Pence for years. The claim resurfaced last week