
Gay ideology propagates various justifications, all of the falsehoods.

Homosexuality must be defined in terms of attraction. ( i ) It is the condition of being chronically or periodically sexually attracted to the same-sex, along with rudimentary or reduced heterosexual interest, and this after adolescence, say 17-18 years. According to the best estimates, less than 2% of men have these attractions and less than 1.5% of women. [ii] The term “gay” I shall use for those who choose to declare their tendency normal and live it out; that is the majority today; however about 20% do not want to identify themselves as gay and to live that way.  This group has no public voice and is discriminated against by the gay establishment. It is crucial whether or not a person normalizes his attractions. Doing this, he suppresses his reason and conscience, for the inner perception that homosexual activities are contra-naturam is inborn and universal. [iii]   Starting thus to lie to himself, he must suppress his awareness of the normality of man-woman love and o

Homosexuality - sickness of the soul

Europe ’s foremost expert on homosexuality, paedophilia , and gays within the Catholic priesthood said that gay ideology actually “hates marriage” and sees Humanae Vitae as its archenemy. Dr Gerard van den Aardweg recently told a distinguished group of pro-life leaders gathered in Rome from around the world that “Gay ideology proclaims that gay sexuality ––including its inherent polygamy––is a natural instinct, that faithful non-contraceptive marriage is unnatural, and so is diametrically opposed to Humanae Vitae.” While same-sex “marriage” has been sold to the western world as an extension of conservative––even Christian––values, in reality “it hates marriage, out of jealousy and rebellion.” “Insofar as it has infiltrated the Church,” he continued, “it is out to eliminate its main obstacle, Humanae Vitae.” “Don’t believe the propaganda for the noble, faithful, loving gay ‘marriage’ of devout Catholics,” warned van den Aardweg. It is nothing more than “a trick to sell acceptance

Religious Freedom amendments introduced in NSW Australia

Today the Rev the Hon Fred Nile , for the Christian Democrat Party, introduced a Bill to add “ religious beliefs or religious activities” into NSW legislation as a prohibited ground of discrimination. The proposed  Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms) Bill  2018 will add new Parts 3B and 5A into the  Anti-Discrimination Act  1977 (NSW) (“ADA”), making it unlawful in various areas to discriminate on the grounds of religion, or to subject religious bodies to a detriment. The proposals will also make it unlawful to penalise someone for holding views on marriage as the union of a man or a woman, or for holding the view that there are only two genders. The CDP is a minority Party in the NSW Parliament, and the Bill is a Private Member’s Bill , so it is not clear whether it will be fully debated, let alone enacted. But it is an interesting and worthwhile proposal which may lead to clarity in the future on the need for changes to the law of NSW. The Second Reading Sp

LGBT tactics involve kids

Aww, the little kid is just  so cute!  And Jesus supports people who are marginalized, regardless of right and wrong . Therefore boys should be allowed in girls’ bathrooms, and vice versa, right? That, my friends, is the persuasive strategy being employed in this video. That’s what’s supposed to convince Texas to toss out decades of common sense and good thinking. Don’t believe it. You might be tempted to do so since it’s an amazing piece of persuasive theatre. It’s had 3 million views in about 48 hours. And it works. It works, that is, unless you think about what you’re watching; but thinking isn’t so easy with all that’s going on here. The music, the little kid, the pleading mom — none of it is designed to stimulate your brain to work. Only your  aww, so cute  sensor. But that sensor is a bad guide to public policy. So let’s turn it off a while and think about this together. There’s a whole clinic in LGBT strategy here for those who will take time to study it. Th