
Obama fights back after judge blocks transgender bathroom mandate

The Obama administration is appealing an injunction against its mandate for transgender bathrooms in public schools. Last Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Reed O'Connor rejected the Justice Department 's request to limit his nationwide injunction against enforcement of Obama's redefined Title IX law that mandated opposite sex use of showers, locker rooms, and toilets. Obama threatened public schools with losing federal funding if they failed to comply. The Justice Department had requested that O'Connor's injunction be limited to the 13 states where attorney generals sued to stop government-imposed transgender bathrooms. The judge   responded   that not only does he have the authority to issue a nationwide injunction, but "a geographically-limited injunction would be ineffective" because "both Title IX and Title VII rely on the consistent, uniform application of national standards." On Friday, the Obama Department of Education file

'Homosexual cake' appeal: Christian bakers Ashers lose appeal

The Christian owners of a Northern Ireland bakery have lost their appeal against a ruling that their refusal to make a "gay cake" was discriminatory . IMMORAL HOMOSEXUAL POLITICS LOOSES AGAIN - GAYS SHOW THEIR REAL COLORS - JUDGES HIDE BEHIND FALSE LAWS Appeal court judges said that, under law, the bakers were not allowed to provide a service only to people who agreed with their religious beliefs . Two years ago, the family-run firm refused to make a cake iced with the slogan: "Support Gay Marriage". The order was placed at its Belfast shop by gay rights activist Gareth Lee. Timeline: Bakery discrimination case 'Gay cake' row Q&A Reaction to 'gay cake' appeal ruling Analysis: Ruling was 'surprisingly straightforward' The firm argued that the cake's message was against the bakers' religious views. Reacting to the ruling, Daniel McArthur from Ashers said he was "extremely disappointed" adding that it undermined

UK: Homosexual marriage and homosexual conviction apologies - not enough for LGBT

HOMOSEXUAL ADVOCATES IN THIS ARTICLE STATE  GAY MARRIAGE AND APOLOGIES ARE NOT ENOUGH Gay advocates have now moved beyond gay marriage to schools, the government and now want more changes. The Government's plan to posthumously pardon gay and bisexual men convicted of now-abolished sexual offences in England and Wales is a cosmetic measure which means very little to gay men today. The 1967 Sexual Offences Act finally decriminalised private homosexual acts between men aged over 21 in England and Wales, although the law wasn’t changed in Scotland until 1980, or in Northern Ireland until 1982. The age of consent was only equalised in 1998. Of the 65,000 men convicted under the laws, 15,000 are still alive . SNP MP Jon Nicholson's private member's bill, "talked out" in Parliament on Friday afternoon, would have meant an automatic pardon being granted to them too. That’s all well and good as a symbolic gesture. But we continue to live in a society that

Australia: Response to Brad Chilcott - Homosexual, Women and Slaves and the Bible

BRAD CHILCOTT'S  ARGUMENT - BIBLE SUPPORTS HOMOSEXUAL CHURCH LEADERS "Two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul wrote that in Christ there is no male or female, slave or free, Jew or non-Jew. I wonder what social divides he would’ve included were he writing that letter to the church today.  Many churches are struggling with gender inequality, women are unable to preach or take senior leadership positions. Others have changed their interpretation of Scripture in this area and fully include women. Some denominations don’t let divorced people share in leadership and some rituals of the church, like communion.  Many, many churches have decided that LGBTIQ people should not be allowed to have equal participation rights in leadership and ministry. We have a different practice on all these issues because we believe that regardless of gender, sexuality or background there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus and all are loved, welcomed and included equally. All people are w

Slaves, Women and Homosexuals

This article will show that an acceptance of an egalitarian view does not logically move one toward acceptance of a homosexual lifestyle.  Six biblical and theological reasons will serve to illustrate the point: the core value of gender boundaries, the direction of redemptive movement, the vice/virtue and penal-code lists, the lack of canonical variance, biblical purpose statements, and pragmatic clues. A seventh, nontheological reason will highlight egalitarians who are producing major scholarly works against accepting homosexuality. Besides the transcultural core value of gender boundaries, there are a number of other reasons that acceptance of egalitarianism does not logically lead to accepting homosexuality.  One of the clearest hermeneutical reasons for rejecting this logical-acceptance thesis is the dramatic difference in “movement” within biblical homosexuality texts compared to women texts. At this point we need to return to the idea that “movement provides meaning

Should gay people be accepted as members in the community of faith or ordained to church leadership?

Should gay people be accepted as members in the community of faith or ordained to church leadership? The Revisionist Answer The liberating ethic of love demands that a local church accept gays and allow them to participate fully in membership, including leadership. The Bible does not concern itself with the modern idea of mutually committed relationships of people who have been gay from birth. The Bible does not condemn such. It is obvious, then, that churches should ordain gay people for ministry. The Biblical Answer Ample evidence exists that the ancients knew and sometimes practiced gay relationships and mutuality. Paul’s discussion in Romans 1 , 1 Corinthians 6:9 –11, and 1 Timothy 1:8–10 must include this understanding of homosexual relationships .  In addition, Paul’s vice list—including “homosexuals” (arsenokoitai)—occurs in a broader context of those who “shall not inherit the kingdom of God” ( 1 Cor. 6:9–11) and who should, like the person involved in sexual

Are the ancient law codes relevant to today’s discussion, either those that tolerated homosexual behavior or later codes that dealt harshly with homosexuals?

Are the ancient law codes relevant to today’s discussion, either those that tolerated homosexual behavior or later codes that dealt harshly with homosexuals? The Revisionist Answer The later Christian emperors used their influence to change the legal standing of homosexual behavior so that law came to restrict it. They did this out of a Christian bias and a misinterpretation of Scripture. These prejudiced laws should have no standing in today’s culture. The Biblical and Historical Answer Because proscription of homosexuality begins with regulations of Leviticus 18 and 20, calling for the death penalty, this dismissive attitude seems premature. Paul (1 Tim. 1:8–10) includes homosexuality in his list of immoralities that he believes society should proscribe. The Mishnah and targums, intertestamental literature , Philo and Josephus, and early Christian church fathers share this emphasis in any reference remotely dealing with the subject. Even the Greeks did not allow un