
Immoral LGBT activists to set up ‘safe space’ at World Youth Day

LGBT activists in Poland will advocate their issues in a shadow outreach at this year’s World Youth Day. Heads of the Warsaw-based “Faith And Rainbow LGBT” group hope to reach thousands of gay, lesbian and transgender individuals at the Catholic Church’s triennial international event in Krakow, and to do so they have set up an “ LGBT Pilgrims Haven .” "We want to create a space in which they will feel safe and where they will find answers to issues facing them," said Misza Czerniak, one of the organizers. The “LGBT Pilgrims Haven” will take place in a cafe in Krakow's Kazimierz Jewish quarter. World Youth Day runs July 25-31 and is   expected to draw   about two million people to the city. This year’s theme is "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy" from Matthew 5:7, the fifth of the eight Beatitudes imparted by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount. World Youth Day includes Masses, catechetical sessions, and youth festivals. Pope Fra

Erotic homosexual liberty and religious liberty now clash

Moral revolutions require legal revolutions. This is certainly the case with the sexual revolution and its various causes of sexual liberation. A revolution is only complete when the legal structure aligns itself with a new moral understanding. This alignment is exactly what is taking place in American public life on the issue of gay liberation. Every society has a structure of systems that either influence or coerce behavior. Eventually, societies move to legislate and regulate behavior in order to align the society with what is commonly, or at least largely, considered morally right and wrong. Civilization could not survive without a system of moral controls and influences. Throughout almost all of Western history, for the most part, this process has played out in a non-threatening way for the Christian church and Christians in the larger society. So long as the moral judgment of the culture matched the convictions and teachings of the church, the church and culture were not at od

Homosexual marriage has nothing to do with children - "It's all about love"

Australia: Last night on ABC1's 7:30 program, Mr Turnbull said it was unlikely the people's vote would be held before Christmas, as he had previously indicated. Early 2017 is now firming. In the past three weeks, I have been involved in two debates with activists from Australian Marriage Equality, the peak body seeking to change the definition of marriage in law. Tiernan Brady helped run the Irish referendum which redefined marriage there. When I mentioned the connection between marriage and children he became visibly uncomfortable and tried to assert same-sex marriage has nothing to do with children. "It's all about love", is his mantra. "How do two men get a baby?" I asked. He did not answer. Tiernan has been more forthcoming on social media, as this Twitter exchange with my Irish friend David Quinn last February where Tiernan directly indicates the flow on effect that came with the yes vote in Ireland’s May 2015 Referendum. Surrogacy is ethicall

Confused transgender student becomes prom king, now he’s suing to use the boys’ bathroom

A confused transgender 16-year-old boy from Wisconsin filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday alleging that his school district violated his civil rights by refusing to treat him as a boy, including by requiring him to use the girls’ bathroom, directing security guards to monitor his restroom use and repeatedly referring to him by his birth name and female pronouns. The complaint against the Kenosha Unified School District No. 1 was filed on the same day a transgender boy from Maryland filed a similar federal lawsuit, a sign of the intensifying legal battle over the rights of transgender students in the nation’s public schools. The student’s lawyers identified him as Ash Whitaker, an honors student at Kenosha’s George Nelson Tremper High School who is involved in extracurricular activities ranging from the orchestra and tennis team to the Astronomical Society. Whitaker made national headlines in April when he tried to run for prom king, but his school told him he had to run for prom queen i

Dr. Ben Carson: transgenderism is ‘absurd’

The transgender movement opposes “tolerance” The neurosurgeon has come under fire today for a separate address to the Florida delegation at the Republican National Convention, in which he said changing one’s gender is as absurd as attempting to change ethnicity. “For thousands of years, mankind has known what a man is and what a woman is, and now, all of a sudden we don’t know anymore,” he told delegates on Tuesday morning. “Now, is that the height of absurdity?” “We have to be willing to call out people for this absolutely ridiculous stuff that they’re trying to put over on us, that they’re trying to put over on our children,” he said. “Secular progressives” had tried to present the transgender political movement as part of the civil rights crusade, but “it's not a civil rights issue,” he said. Polls   have shown a majority of African-Americans reject   equating LGBT concerns with the civil rights movement . Dr. Carson defended his remarks in an   interview   wit

Obama’s transgender decree is harming the military

Joining a growing consensus of military leaders, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said President Obama’s decision to allow transgender people to serve openly in the military is bogging enlisted men down with irrelevant matters and social engineering. "Too often, way too often, our troops are instead are distracted by trivial matters, trivial matters about what words to use, what terminology is politically correct and what bathroom door to open up,” he told the Republican National Convention in a prime time speech delivered on Monday. “My God, war is not about bathrooms. War is not about political correctness or words that are meaningless." Flynn had been floated as a possible vice presidential candidate, but the party’s grassroots objected that the retired Air Force general was a   registered Democrat who supported abortion-on-demand   and redefining marriage, both positions at odds with the 2016 Republican Party platform . However, on this issue, he joins the majority of Rep

The Lie: Coming Out as gay - forces sinful homosexual to be seen as normal

As Gregory Woods notes in A History of Gay Literature, queerness has been here from the beginning, and shall be here in the end, alongside heterosexuality.  But the Bible affirms that sexual sin came from the fall of humanity of Adam and Eve. It is the result of sin and our sin nature. Homosexuality only recently started to assert itself, with campaigns in Britain during the 1950s and 60s demanding the decriminalisation of homosexual acts between consenting adults in private.  Why were homosexual acts criminalized for 1000's years?  The arrival of Postmodernism - where we all have our own personal truths and personal rights and wrongs. Postmoderism contradicts natural law, Biblical law plus science and evolution.  Most dangerous - yet we only apply that to morals and not gravity or standing in fronts of a speeding car.  After the Stonewall riots in 1969, the early gay liberation movement began to demand more comprehensive change – the problem was not homosexua