
Why I cringe when Pope Francis gets on an airplane

Is it the altitude? Is it free cocktails? Is it the urging of a captive media hungry for headlines? Is it a loquacious and friendly Pope who likes to freewheel and think aloud? I just don’t know. But now we are told that Christians “have to apologize for so many things, not just for this (treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness. Not just apologize – forgiveness.” I have no trouble apologizing for my misdeeds, even if they are corporate in nature, meaning if they are directed towards a group of some kind. As a young man, I had to come to terms, and repent of, the racism I was raised with. I’m very grateful to the University of Texas student who taught me that lesson early in my freshman year. After the initial hurt feelings, my reaction was, “Well, of course he’s right!” Towards gays and lesbians, I’ve never felt any prejudice. Many of my close friends know this, and there’s no need to say anymore than that. So I am assuming that Pope Francis must not be talking

Christian law school’s religious freedom ‘must yield’ to gay demands: Ontario appeals court

Trinity Western University promised to appeal today’s decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal to allow the Ontario legal profession to exclude graduates from TWU’s proposed law school. In a case that pits core constitutional freedoms of religion, conscience, expression, and association against sexual expression, the appeal court backed the latter. Its ruling stated, “TWU can hold and promote its beliefs without acting in a manner that coerces others into forsaking their true beliefs in order to have an equal opportunity to a legal education. It is at that point that the right to freedom of religion must yield.” “This isn’t just a loss for TWU,” says Amy Robertson, a spokesperson for the private university. “This is a loss for all Canadians. Freedom of conscience and religion is the first of the fundamental freedoms mentioned in the Charter. It is deeply compromised by this decision, and everyone in Canada, religious or not, should be concerned. Canada is a diverse, pluralisti

Australia: Labor leader Mr. Shorten calls Christians - homophobes

Australia: Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten should stop smearing supporters of the people's vote on marriage as "homophobes". If you object to homosexual marriage you are branded - bigot, backward, hater, homophobe...on and on. Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Lyle Shelton said Mr Shorten's backflip on supporting a people's vote meant he could not have it both ways. "Was Mr Shorten a homophobe three years ago when he told an ACL election forum he supported a plebiscite? "The use of bullying language to demonise people who simply wish to preserve the definition of marriage must stop,” Mr Shelton said. "If there is homophobic or bigoted language being used in the marriage debate, Mr Shorten should give examples. “All of us deplore phobia against our fellow citizens. However, smearing people as bigots with unspecified allegations simply creates a climate of intimidation designed to silence one side of the debate. "Advocating

US United Methodist Church nominates 3 openly homosexual candidates for Bishop

At its quadrennial meeting last month, the United Methodist Church decided not to take up contentious LGBT issues. But that’s not stopping its regional conferences from making decisions on their own. Two U.S. jurisdictions will consider three openly gay candidates for bishop next month. The Rev. Karen Oliveto, the Rev. Frank Wulf and the Rev. David Meredith have been nominated for election at the meetings of the denomination’s Western and North Central jurisdictions July 13-16, according to the Reconciling Ministries Network. It’s not the first time an openly gay candidate has been nominated — Wulf has been nominated before, according to Reconciling Ministries Executive Director Matt Berryman — but there’s “no question” there is momentum this time after last month’s United Methodist Church General Conference in Portland, Ore. “I feel like there’s a kind of a groundswell of movement,” Berryman said. “Many, many annual conferences are refusing to comply with the Book of Discipline

The Queering of the world -who has that spirittual power?

Are you shocked by the radical success of LGBT activism in recent years? I hate to say it, but I told you it was coming, clearly and in detail. Here’s what I wrote in A Queer Thing Happened to America back in 2011. (In fact, much of this was written years earlier, before the book reached its final form in the beginning of 2011). I stated there that: “civil rights” for some means “limited rights” for others, and that by specific design. As stated explicitly in a teacher’s lesson aid published by the Gay and Lesbian Educators [GALE] of British Columbia: “We must dishonour the prevailing belief that heterosexuality is the only acceptable orientation even though that would mean dishonouring the religious beliefs of Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.” All this is part of the gay agenda. Does this surprise you? If so, bear in mind that these are not predictions. They are statements of fact, a recap of what has already taken place in America and what is currently taking place around the worl

The Darker Side of LGBT Theology: From Queer Christ to Transgender Christ

There is a darker side to LGBT theology, a side that goes far beyond seeking to legitimize same-sex relationships in the name of the Lord. It is a side that seriously perverts the Scriptures and creates a Jesus in its own image — a queer Christ and beyond. But what else should we expect? This is the trajectory of radical LGBT theology. Had these theologians and teachers and leaders said that Jesus can relate to every one of us, I would have offered a hearty Amen. Had they said that Jesus loved every one of us and shed His blood for our redemption, again I would have said Amen. Had they said that all of us are created in God’s image and yet fallen, once more I would have agreed. Had they said that the Lord always reached out to the marginalized, and today that would include many in the LGBT community, yet again I would have given my affirmation. But these leaders have gone far beyond that. They have even gone far beyond trying to make Jonathan and David or Ruth and Naomi into homose

A Christian Message to homosexuals

I know that many of you are not only hurting, you are also angry. And your anger is not just directed at the Muslim terrorist who slaughtered so many of your people. You are also angry at Christians, believing that we have helped to create the toxic, hateful atmosphere that led to the horrific massacre. A gay activist in Charlotte, North Carolina, expressed his anger towards what he called the “sanctimonious bulls—t” of conservative Christian leaders, saying , “You helped cause this massacre. Your anti-LGBTQ theology assisted in helping others, including the Orlando shooter, in seeing each of our precious LGBTQ lives as dispensable and worthy of death. . . . F--k your prayers and your chaplains. How 'bout you stop your anti-queer theology that supports our death and despair, huh?” In your eyes, people like me are hateful bigots, not recognizing the validity of your marriages, not recognizing the depth of your relationships, not recognizing the beauty of your families. And when w