
Homosexual Church = Bible ignorance

With his booming voice and high-voltage charisma capable of working crowds of hundreds into a lather, Marcos Gladstone has all the trappings of a successful preacher. But Gladstone has something that most other Pentecostal leaders don’t – a husband. He and spouse Fabio Inacio are co-founders of the Contemporary Christian Church, one of a handful of Pentecostal denominations in Brazil that welcome gays and lesbians with open arms and was born out of Gladstone’s dream to preach “a gospel of love and acceptance for all people.” ................................................................................................................................................................... Let’s be straight with each other regarding this "Contemporary Christian Church" run by two homosexuals .  It is not a Church it is an abomination before God. Homosexuality turns our stomachs. What usually passes for sophistication today is the rejection of common sense, of wh

LGBT Puppeteer -Cultural Bully with their manufactured radicals

All of this H8 and homophobic bigotry anti- God is manufactured and has become the standard fare for LGBT radicals and their allies. They do not want to actually debate the merits of the issues so they declare anything they oppose to be "discrimination" and "anti-gay" and attempt to demonize all those who oppose their agenda. There's no tolerance for opposite views but they label, and brand people as merchants of hate. Governor Bryant in Mississippi is standing strong and now it's our turn to stand with him. Please act immediately to express your thanks to this courageous defender of the rights of Christians and people of faith and let him know that you salute his leadership. Together we can fend off the cultural bullies, but we must act proactively to do so. We cannot be silent while the radicals wail mindlessly about this critical legislation. Related articles Project One America Engages with Community Around Lent and Easter Sunday (

Australia: How do we show love when activists call us “hate merchants”?

Eric Metaxas touches down in Brisbane next week for the first stop of his East Coast “Fearless” tour. ACL is delighted to host the New York Times best-selling author of biographies on Wilberforce and Bonhoeffer. For those who don’t know, William Wilberforce was the 19thcentury English parliamentarian who was instrumental in abolishing slavery and Dietrich Bonhoeffer was the courageous Lutheran pastor who defied the Nazis. Both faced intense opposition from politics and religious people. There are obvious echoes of the challenges we face today. Eric’s books on these men have inspired tens of thousands to be courageous Christians. With pressure mounting on Christians to be silent on issues like changing the definition of marriage and human rights for the unborn, we at ACL thought a visit by Eric would be just what us Australian Christians needed at this time. If you have yet to register for an event in Sydney , Brisbane or Melbourne, please do so . (Apologies to our friends in o

Bullies-R-Us: PayPal pulls 400 jobs from NC over bathroom law, but keeps business with gay-killing regimes

English: Logo of PayPal. Español: Logotipo de PayPal. Русский: Логотип системы PayPal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) PayPal , the online payment system, deserves the “hypocrite of the year” award for pulling hundreds of jobs out of North Carolina for a bill refusing men access to women's restrooms while doing business with regimes that kill or imprison homosexuals, according to Rev. Franklin Graham . PayPal has decided not to open a global operations center in Charlotte after Gov. Pat McCrory – a former mayor – signed a bill overturning a city ordinance that would have legally forced businesses to give biological males access to girls' restrooms, showers, and other public intimate accommodations. Since signing the measure, more than 130 businesses have threatened the state with economic sanctions over the bill. “PayPal gets the hypocrite of the year award!” said Rev. Franklin Graham. “PayPal operates in countries including Saudi Arabia , Nigeria, and Yemen for Pete’s

Pope Francis same-sex ‘marriage’ in exhortation

Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation   Amoris Laetitia   is a sprawling document that seeks to address the wide variety of challenges facing the family today – from widespread divorce, pornography, artificial reproductive technologies, gender theory , cohabitation, internal family strife, and much more. Much of the debate over the document will likely focus on Pope Francis’   treatment of the question   of whether the Church can admit divorced and remarried Catholics to the sacraments. The furor over the so-called 'Kasper proposal' to loosen the Church's restrictions had dominated the headlines and discussions during last year's Synod on the Family . In today's exhortation, the pope   stakes out   a markedly more liberal position on the issue than his precedessors. (Read about that   here .) However, on numerous other hot-button issues, the Pope upholds the traditional teaching, including on abortion, euthanasia, gender theory, gay ‘marriage,’ and more.

Bullies-R-US: Washington, NY ban state travel to Mississippi over religious liberty law

Pro LGBT Andrew Cuomo, supports immorality but is not satisfied with that now demands everybody bows to LGBT agenda. Really Mr Bully? The fallout from Mississippi's new religious freedom bill protecting people of conscience from being forced to participate in same-sex ceremonies has turned into a battle of the states. Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed the " Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act " on Monday. "I am signing H.B. 1523 into law to protect sincerely held religious beliefs and moral convictions of individuals, organizations, and private associations from discriminatory actions from state government or its political subdivisions," Gov. Bryant explained. Already, New York and Washington have banned certain law-abiding citizens from traveling to Mississippi in an effort to economically blackmail the state. Washington's Governor Jay Inslee and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray have barred state and Seattle city e

How a powerful gay lobby group orchestrated the Big Business pressure campaign against North Carolina

The media has made a big deal during the last week about various business interests coming out in opposition to the passage of House Bill 2 , North Carolina’s Bathroom Safety and Privacy Bill. These actions have left many across the state and nation befuddled and scratching their heads. Why are some executives with Fortune 1,000 companies and other businesses speaking out against the bill, which essentially reiterates existing state policy and includes a number of overtly pro-business provisions? And why is the president of a national LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) activist group, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), delivering an opposition letter to N.C. Governor Pat McCrory on behalf of these business interests just days after the bill passed? While LGBT activist groups would like for us all to believe this was a spontaneous uprising of indignation among the state and national business community, a closer examination reveals that it is actually part of a carefu