
Catholic Synod’s final report is a victory for liberals on homosexuality – here’s why

The truth of the Catholic Church regarding homosexuality is so far removed from the mainstream media’s debates over same-sex “ marriage ” it is nearly impossible to achieve an accurate reading of the Synod’s final document ( Relazione Finale ) without an in depth understanding of the Church’s teaching in this regard. The most essential and basic teaching is that homosexual acts are gravely sinful, which means they separate the perpetrator from God and can lead to eternal damnation. (Naturally the inclination to commit homosexual acts – popularly called a homosexual orientation – is not sinful, just as the temptation to any other serious sin is not sinful in itself.)  Every subsequent understanding of homosexuality in the Catholic Church develops from this truth – and this teaching is missing from the Synod’s only paragraph concerning homosexuality. The   Relazione Finale   paragraph on homosexuality speaks first and foremost about respecting and welcoming homosexual persons

Kentucky clerks slammed as ‘Jim Crow’ for differentiating marriage licenses - choice VS race?

A leading LGBT website is bashing Kentucky clerks for wanting to differentiate between same-sex and opposite-sex couples when issuing marriage licenses. Earlier this week, the investigative website   published more than 400 e-mails   from embattled Kentucky clerk Kim Davis . Those e-mails showed that 54 of the state's 93 clerks preferred to have separate marriage licenses for same-sex and opposite-sex couples. "' Separate but equal ,' the same old Jim Crow argument that was used to defend 'whites only' lunch counters and segregated schools, has resurfaced," wrote Contributing Editor Jean Esselink for The New Civil Rights Movement (TNCRM). "The words may be different but the underlying concept is the same, except that this time it's being used by Kentucky county clerks who would like to make marriages by same-sex couples separate but equal to marriages by heterosexuals." Homosexuality is a choice - race is not. Ho

Al Mohler - to attend homosexual marriage is to approve

Mohler (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Hi, this is Fred Zaspel, executive editor at Books At a Glance. We are talking today with Dr. Al Mohler about his new book,  We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong .  It’s a great new book, very contemporary title, seeks to get behind the specific moral issues that have come to the fore in recent years, and it takes a look at our culture itself and the responsibilities that are left to us in the light of it all. Dr. Mohler is well known as one well-informed and articulate on these subjects. We are glad to have you with us today – Dr. Mohler, welcome. Al Mohler: Fred, thank you so much. It is great to be with you.   Zaspel: Alright, let’s begin with the observation that you make at the beginning, regarding the massive reversal, the revolution that has occurred with respect to the church and Christians in the broader public perception of morality. Describe how the

Homosexuality - the competing visions of sexuality as they relate to morality and the common good.

Transgender moral mental confusion  Wikipedia ) Australia ’s current sexual mess finds its roots in the past – back to the sixties and before. The sexual revolution has affected our culture . The acceptance of no fault divorce culture, marriage as a contract and not a covenant, liberation of sex from reproduction, the prevalence of heterosexual cohabitation, the normalization of homosexuality, and the rise of the transgender movement has led to the moral insanity of our culture. In particular regarding birth control and contraception, I think virtually no one understood the eventual moral revolution that would be accelerated by that. And you add to that the therapeutic revolution and a revolution in the academic culture with post modernism and moral relativism, and you’re going to have all that before you get same sex marriage. Transgenderism is specifically the claim that gender is a social construct and that every individual is autonomous to determine what gender in terms o

NY Gov. Cuomo to outlaw transgender ‘discrimination’ by executive fiat

English: Andrew Cuomo, 11th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and 64th New York State Attorney General as a candidate for Governor of New York, outside of City Hall, little American flags on his tie. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says he will create statewide regulations "protecting" transgender people . "The fair, legal interpretation and definition of a person's sex includes gender [self-] identity," Cuomo said at a fundraiser in Manhattan.  At the Empire State Pride Agenda fundraiser on Thursday, Cuomo said his newly imposed law will be enacted by executive order within a week. The sweeping new transgender rule will force compliance in the workplace, in the housing industry, and in public services and facilities. It will impact public and private retail stores, hospitals, education and recreation facilities, rental establishments, and other businesses. Cuomo will be the first governor to compel

Feminist icon: Transgender ‘women’ like Bruce Jenner aren’t women. They’re delusional.

Australian author and feminist Germaine Greer at the 2006 Humber Mouth Festival. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Author and '60s radical feminist Germaine Greer is coming under fire after telling the BBC that transgender "women," such as Bruce Jenner , are not women and that they don't "look like, sound like, or behave like women.” Greer was responding to a petition that was being passed around by leftist activists demanding that Cardiff University   cancel a lecture   by the radical feminist scheduled for November 18 because of her history of making statements questioning transgenderism. Criticizing Glamour magazine ’s decision to name Jenner " Woman of the Year ," Greer told the BBC, "I think misogyny plays a really big part in all of this, that a man who goes to these lengths to become a woman will be a better woman than someone who is just born a woman.” Greer suggested that Jenner's transition was part of an effort to gain attent