
‘State-sanctioned prejudice’: federal courts overturn marriage amendments in Mississippi and Arkansas

Two more states have had their voter-approved marriage protection laws overturned by federal judges, this time in Mississippi and Arkansas . In two separate rulings Tuesday, Judges Kristine Baker in Little Rock, Arkansas , and Carlton Reeves in Jackson, Mississippi, ruled that laws defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman violate homosexuals’ rights under the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution .  Both judges are appointees of President Barack Obama . In the Arkansas decision, Baker quoted a previous court ruling in asserting that “times can blind us to certain truths and later generations can see that laws once thought necessary and proper in fact serve only to oppress. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom.” Baker concluded that “by precluding same-sex couples from exercising their fundamental right to marry in Arkansas, by not recognizing valid same-sex mar

False sensitivity: ‘Misleading’ people on sexual morals is not ‘loving’

St. Peter's Basilica at Early Morning (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Canada and the West is in a crisis caused by ideologies that oppose the institution of marriage and the family, said Ottawa Catholic Archbishop Terrence Prendergast at a conference on the family on the weekend. “At the root of it is, as Pope Benedict called it, the Dictatorship of Relativism. We don’t get to make the rules. God makes the rules. Or rather, God has designed us beautifully, and written his plan for our happiness in our hearts and on our bodies,” he said to participants at the conference which took place at Dominican University College in Ottawa. Prendergast alluded to a movement within the Church to have her change her teachings on sexual morality in order to accommodate people living in objective states of disorder, calling the motivation behind it a “false sensitivity or tolerance which suggests it’s good to allow people to continue down a dangerous path.” “As if misleading people is

UN passes bullying resolution: Western nations lament lack of ‘sexual orientation’ protections

Color-coded map displaying civil rights protection for employees based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the United States (current as of August, 2007) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The United Nations decided to take on bullying, with the first ever stand-alone resolution on the subject in the General Assembly. Once the resolution was adopted by consensus on Monday, countries behind it wasted no time in making their intentions known. “We regret that bullying because of the sexual orientation and gender identity of children or their parents was not reflected in the resolution,” said the European Union . The United States echoed those sentiments in an ad hoc intervention to highlight specifically that health concerns of LGBT youth must be reflected in the report of the Secretary General mandated in the resolution. Several countries in Latin America, Australia, and Nordic countries made statements to also express frustration for failing once again to have a reso

Atlanta fire chief suspended for publishing Christian views of homosexuality

Atlanta Fire Rescue Chief Kelvin Cochran has been suspended for one month without pay, ordered to undergo sensitivity training, and told by government officials to check his beliefs “at the door” for publishing a book affirming that homosexuality and other forms of sex outside marriage violate the Bible's teachings. Last November Cochran, a former Obama administration appointee, published the book  Who Told You You Were Naked? Cochran, a Baptist deacon, says to be “naked” in the Biblical sense means to suffer “condemnation and deprivation.” But Christians “have been clothed with Christ! Redeemed men who carry the curse of condemnation and deprivation cannot fulfill their purpose as husbands, fathers, community and business leaders — world changers!” Certain behaviors, he warned, lead to a life that inherently contradicts God's blessings. “ Sexual acts pursued for purposes other than procreation and marital pleasure in holy matrimony is the sex life of a naked m

Bank of Montreal now requiring business partners to conform to its pro-gay ‘diversity’ standards

English: BMO Centre "Hall A" entrance in Stampede Park, Calgary, Alberta. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Bank of Montreal, Canada ’s fourth largest bank, has begun a process of requiring the businesses with which it works to conform to its pro-homosexual “diversity” standards. In an  October 9th email  to its legal suppliers, leaked by the Institute for Canadian Values, the Bank of Montreal ( BMO ) wrote that to show its “commitment to diversity and inclusion” it will no longer do business with law firms whose diversity standards are “not compatible” with the bank’s. However, the bank indicated that law firms were only the first among many groups it does business with to face the sanctions, stating: “The bank is starting with legal suppliers and going from there.” “BMO requires the law firms with whom we do business to disclose the diversity statistics of their associates, partners and management committee as part of our External Counsel Selection Program,” the co

Gay activists urge UN to declare ‘reparative therapy’ a form of torture

Water torture being executed in Sing Sing prison in 1860. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) American activists against “ reparative therapy ” asked the UN Committee on Torture to define the practice as a form of torture and a violation of international law. At issue is the treatment sought by persons who struggle with unwanted same-sex desires. Many therapists still offer the treatment to those who ask for it, even though professional organizations for the therapeutic community say same-sex desire is not a form of mental illness and discourage this kind of therapy. Christians simply states: this locks people into sin. There is a movement in the United States to ban all such therapy by law. Already, New Jersey and California have banned reparative therapy for minors and the National Center for Lesbian Rights is campaigning for a nationwide ban in the next five years. It was this group that went to Geneva this week. The UN Committee on Torture is a treaty monitoring body that overs

National Day of Pink - forces everybody to obey - claims celebrates diversity?

Some schools have gay–straight alliances or similar groups to counter homophobia and bullying and provide support for LGBT students in school. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) On the announcement by Ontario school boards that in conjunction with newly imposed “ Gay-Straight Alliance ” clubs, they would be holding a “National Day of Pink,” Steyn’s sarcasm turns acidic. “ Er , I don’t think I have a lot of choice on that front, do I? ‘For schools holding Anti-Bullying events in April, you still have time to order [pink] shirts at a discount.’ That’s great news! Nothing says ‘celebrate diversity’ like forcing everyone to dress exactly the same, like a bunch of Maoists who threw their workers’ garb in the washer but forgot to take the red flag out.” Diversity, as it happens, is where Steyn says “nations go to die.” Canada is one example. “If local Mennonites or Amish were segregating the sexes and making them enter by different doors for religious services in a Toronto grade-school