
Christianity and Homosexuality: A Review of Books

Christianity and Homosexuality : A Review of Books ( Tim Keller ) Washed and Waiting: Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality by Wesley Hill  Zondervan, 2010 Is God Anti-Gay? Questions Christians Ask by Sam Allberry  The Good Book Co., 2013 The relationship of homosexuality to Christianity is without doubt one of the main subjects of cultural conversation today. If you are a Christian in New York City, it is nearly impossible to talk about your faith without this subject being raised. Although it is not central to the gospel message at the heart of Christianity, right now the cultural moment requires that we be prepared to address this issue whenever we are publicly identified as Christians. A sign of this cultural moment is the wave of new books—from very divergent points of view—that have come out recently treating this topic. People who attend Redeemer will either come across the books themselves, or will have their basic arguments presented to them in shorter

Progressive theology on homosexuality is code for blatant sin

Official seal of City of Dayton (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) ‘I don’t want to be the reason for the church to split, and potentially for family members to be at odds with one another,therefore, I felt that it was in the best interest of everyone to resign.” A pastor resigned after announcing to her congregation that she had married a woman. Bishop Allyson Abrams, 43, stepped down from Zion Progress Baptist Church in Detroit . She told her congregation earlier in the month that she married Diana Williams in March in Iowa, where gay marriage is legal. She served as pastor at the church for five years, according to the Michigan Chronicle . Abrams told the Chronicle that she was not forced out, but chose to resign because she didn’t want to cause a divide within the church. The pastor, who was previously married to a man, told the Free Press she hadchanged her views a year ago and would not classify herself when it comes to sexual orientation. “I progressed in my theology

Replace marriage with a ‘wedlease’?

Marriage plays a fundamental role in civil society because it is characterized by sexual complementarity, monogamy, exclusivity, and permanence. These marriage norms encourage men and women to commit permanently and exclusively to each other and take responsibility for their children.[1] In recent decades, a revisionist view of marriage has eroded these norms. No-fault divorce was the first major trend to undermine a strong marriage culture. Now the effort to redefine marriage away from male-female complementarity has gone even further in abandoning the central characteristics of the institution. But if the law redefines marriage to say the male-female aspect is arbitrary, what principle will be left to retain monogamy, sexual exclusivity, or the expectation of permanency?[2] Such developments will have high social costs. The New Language of Marriage New terms have even been coined to describe this new outlook on marriage. Here are some examples. “Monogamish.”  A 2011  New

Same-sex ‘marriage’ also fails the kinship test

The procreation and care of children play a central role in the current debates over the meaning of marriage. For supporters of the conjugal view of marriage, children are the dominant reality driving the state’s recognition of marriage. Because sex leads to babies, the state wants to channel sex into a stable relationship that bonds both a mother and a father to their children. Those two parents, the mom and the dad, are then present from birth through their child’s emergence into adulthood as a constant source of love, education, and provision. As the social science presented at  Public Discourse  and  else where  has documented, a married mom and dad provide the best possible home for raising their children. And so the state recognizes, supports, and promotes marriages—for the sake of the children. Making children the integral attribute of marriage has shaped the legal and political debate over marriage, and it has led to several obvious objections from those seeking to overthr

Judge orders renegade clerk to stop issuing gay ‘marriage’ licenses

HARRISBURG, PA , September 12, 2013 ( ) – A Pennsylvania judge has ruled that a county clerk does not have the authority to violate state law and issue marriage certificates to homosexuals. Montgomery County Register Wills D. Bruce Hanes became a national hero to the LGBT movement when he began issuing marriage licenses to gay couples despite the fact that a 1996 law defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Judge Dan Pellegrini Republican Governor Tom Corbett ordered him to cease and desist. Then the state Department of Health took Hanes to court, where they triumphed this morning. “Unless and until either the General Assembly repeals or suspends the Marriage Law provisions, or a court of competent jurisdiction orders that the law is not to be obeyed or enforced, the Marriage Law in its entirety is to be obeyed and enforced by all commonwealth public officials,”  ruled Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court President Judge Dan Pellegrini.

Richard Dawkins: There’s nothing wrong with a little ‘mild pedophilia’

CANTERBURY, UK, September 12, 2013 ( ) – When Richard Dawkins was 11 years old, his art teacher pulled him onto his lap, reached into his shorts, and fondled his genitals. When he told his schoolmates, he learned he wasn’t alone – the man had abused some of his friends, too. But 60 years later, the famed atheist author of  The God Delusion  can’t bring himself to condemn the teacher’s actions. Dawkins told  The Times  magazine last week that abuse like he and his classmates suffered causes “no lasting harm,” and that “mild pedophilia” or “touching up” shouldn’t be judged as harshly as rape or other crimes. “I am very conscious that you can’t condemn people of an earlier era by the standards of ours,” Dawkins said. “Just as we don’t look back at the 18th and 19th centuries and condemn people for racism in the same way as we would condemn a modern person for racism, I look back a few decades to my childhood and see things like caning, like mild pedophilia, and can