
Maine: Notaries must perform immoral homosexual ‘marriages’ or violate human rights law

BANGOR, December 14, 2012, ( ) – In the state of Maine , any notary public who performs marriages may not refuse to perform a same-sex “marriage” for any reason, upon pain of being charged with a human rights violation , according to Maine’s secretary of state. After legalizing same-sex “marriage” in November, Maine in now notifying notaries public who wed heterosexual couples they must provide the same services to homosexuals as of December 29. Secretary of State Charles Summers Jr. made the comment in response to an e-mail query.  Charles Summers Jr, Maine's Secretary of State. There are approximately 25,000 notaries public in the state, licensed by the bureau of corporations, elections , and commissions. They may choose not to perform weddings, but they may not wed only heterosexuals, regardless of their religious objections.  Under Maine’s human rights ordinance, refusal is considered a human rights violation. This does not violate their r

Pope: True peace in the world requires end of abortion and gay 'marriage'

ROME, December 14, 2012, ( )—“ Peacemakers are those who love, defend and promote life in its fullness,” said Pope Benedict XVI in his Message for World Day of Peace 2013. In the message, which was  released today , the pope noted that “serious harm to justice and peace” comes from denying the true principles of respect for life and promotion of the “natural structure of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.” Pope Benedict XVI, boldly stressed that pro-lifers are the ‘true peacemakers’ and that those who would support abortion promote a “false peace.” The path to the attainment of the common good and to peace is above all that of respect for human life in all its many aspects, beginning with its conception, through its development and up to its natural end. True peacemakers, then, are those who love, defend and promote human life in all its dimensions, personal, communitarian and transcendent. Life in its fullness is the height of peace. Anyone wh

Homosexual Marriage and Child Sacrifices

Gay Couple with child (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Government needs to get marriage policy right, because it shapes the norms associated with this most fundamental relationship. Redefining marriage would abandon the norm of male-female sexual complementarity as an essential characteristic of marriage. Making that optional would also make other essential characteristics—like monogamy, exclusivity and permanency—optional. ... increasingly confirmed by the rhetoric and arguments of those who would redefine marriage (“revisionists”) and by the policies that their more candid leaders increasingly embrace ... These are the words of leading supporters of same-sex marriage . If you believe in monogamy and exclusivity—and the benefits these bring to orderly procreation and child well-being—but would redefine civil marriage , take note. Some revisionists say marriage is simply whatever sort of interpersonal relationship consenting adults—be they two or 10 in number—want it to be; sexual or

No US Constitution right to redefine marriage

"It's time for the Supreme Court to correct some wrongs!" That's what I told Fox News in the wake of the Supreme Court's surprise decision last Friday to take up the Prop 8 case, as well as the DOMA cases: There is no constitutional right to redefine marriage. Our Founding Fathers didn't see it that way, and the last Supreme Court decision, Baker v. Nelson, the United States Supreme Court said there was no federal question here; so this is essentially making the law up as you go along, it is reading into the Constitution something that is not there. And I reiterated this on Tuesday, as I told  Newsmax.TV , "We are ecstatic that the court granted cert and took the case. Folks may not remember this, but the lawyers for those that wanted to overturn Proposition 8...actually argued and asked the Supreme Court to not take the case. [...] There is no constitutional right to redefine marriage and the Court's going to find that." Predict

Children of gay couples academically disadvantaged: study

December 11, 2012 ( ) – A  new study  has found that children of same-sex couples suffer a marked disadvantage in educational progress when compared to children living with married parents of opposite sexes.  The study, spearheaded by Dr. Douglas Allen of Simon Fraser University , took a fresh look at data that had previously been analyzed by a Stanford sociologist, Dr. Michael Rosenfeld. While dozens of preliminary studies have been conducted on the effect of same-sex households on the children in those households, this is reportedly the first study to use data from a full census with a large random sample .  Dr. Rosenfeld’s original analysis of the 2000 census date concluded that children of same-sex couples are do not significantly differ in their levels of academic achievement when compared to children of married heterosexual parents. But Dr. Alan identified a problem with the control in Rosenfeld’s study: it excluded many same-sex households.  In an

Uruguay on verge of approving homosexual and transsexual ‘marriage’ law

El Espectador's front page as a daily in tabloid format, May 2008 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) December 11, 2012 ( ) - Uruguay ’s ruling socialist coalition, known as the “ Broad Front ,” is spearheading a legislative initiative to create homosexual and transsexual ‘marriage’ in the South American country, according to regional news reports. The text of the bill not only permits two people of the same sex to “marry,” but also enshrines gender ideology into its marriage statute. It states that “the institution of matrimony will include the union of two contracting parties, whatever their gender identity or sexual orientation, on the same terms, with equal effects and forms of solution that the Civil Code currently establishes.” The Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the National Congress, is reportedly scheduled to vote on the measure tomorrow, following approval of the text of the bill by the chamber’s Constitution and Codes Commission. Uruguay’s El Esp

Homosexual Marriage challenge and the Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court building. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) E.J. Graff has been a leading voice in the charge for same-sex marriage for well over a decade. But now that same-sex marriage is on the doorstep of the Supreme Court, she's nervous. More than that: she's scared. As she wrote last week in The Advocate: If the court does take up Perry ( Proposition 8 ), be afraid, be very afraid. Almost no one believes the Supreme Court is ready to get out ahead of American opinion on the question at Perry's heart: Do same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry under the U.S. Constitution ? Last Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court did take up the Perry case—as well as a case attempting to overturn the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. This is fantastic news for marriage! It is also a strong signal that the justices are concerned with the rogue rulings of far-left, activist courts that have been practically legislating from the bench to re-define marriage. NOM has been deeply