
Did Jesus ever mention homosexuality?

Let's look at the objection that Jesus Himself never said a word about homosexuality. Those who make this argument grant that Paul condemned it as sinful (Rom 1:26–27; 1 Cor 6:9–10; 1 Tim 1:9–10). But the sentiment behind this objection is that Paul had corrupted the way of life and the ideology that Jesus came to propagate, and that Jesus would have been “loving” and “accepting” of homosexuals, just as they are . But is it true that Jesus never said anything about homosexuality? Actually, just like the other objections, there are several reasons for which this objection simply does not hold up to biblical and logical scrutiny. Today let's address five of them. Argument from Silence First, it must be noted that this is an argument from silence, and thus rests on a shaky rational foundation. Jesus also didn’t say a word about pedophilia, bestiality, or rape. But it would be absurd to seek to garner support for any of those abominable acts on the basis of such sile

NDP threatens Family Coalition Party with legal action for 'hate literature' mail drop

TORONTO, October 26, 2012,  – An MPP who sponsored what critics call the “bathroom bill” was irked by a mail drop in her riding last Saturday that questioned her leadership and called for a repeal of the bill. NDP Member of Provincial Parliament Cheri DiNovo   has demanded  an apology from the Family Coalition Party of Ontario and has threatened them with legal action for what she called a “transphobic and hateful piece of literature”. The brochure  features a picture of  a stick-figure man peering over a wall at a stick-figure little girl  in pigtails with the words “Repeal the Bathroom Bill”. Two dozen people handed out about 2,500 brochures on Bloor West in DiNovo’s riding of Parkdale-High Park . The brochure states that “DiNovo’s new ‘Bathroom Bill’ will give men who dress like women access to girl’s washrooms, public, showers, and pool changerooms.” “Maybe it’s time to ask her…Cheri, What were you thinking?” Bill 33, an Act that amended the province’s Human

Traditional values pay: Chick-fil-A makes record-breaking profits after marriage controversy

ATLANTA,  – Chick-fil-A has learned upholding traditional values is not just good for the soul; it’s also good for business. Since President Dan Cathy stirred up a firestorm of controversy and protests by daring to say in public that he supports traditional marriage, the fast food chain has enjoyed record sales and increased brand recognition . A typical line on Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, August 1. According to a report by  USA Today , consumer use, visits, and ad awareness all rose measurably in the third quarter, despite widespread negative media coverage of Cathy’s remarks to the  Baptist Press  opposing same-sex “marriage.” A Sandelman and Associates survey of more than 30,000 fast-food shoppers in markets where Chick-fil-A operates showed consumer use of the restaurant chain rose 2.2 percent in the third quarter compared with the same period in 2011. Their market share rose 0.6 percent. Awareness of their advertising rose 6.5 percent. Jeff Davis, president

Bill Gates supports immoral homosexual marriage

n just 10 days, you can change history. You could wake up the morning after the election to watch the shocked expression on the faces of all the pundits, the politicians, the out of control judges, and see the headlines:  HISTORIC NATIONAL VICTORY FOR MARRIAGE ! Just 10 days until the polls close, when America will choose. The future of our country—and also the future of marriage—could be decided for generations to come. Nationally, Americans will choose between Mitt Romney , a pro-marriage candidate for President who will defend DOMA and appoint judges that respect our Constitutional values; or the openly pro-gay marriage incumbent, Barack Obama , who has surreptitiously undermined the legal defense of marriage for four years and who, if he gets a second term, will have the power to position a fifth vote on the Supreme Court to invent a right to gay marriage and insert it in our founding document. In Iowa, Judge David Wiggins —the fourth of seven judges who imposed gay marri

Polls: Homosexual Marriage support is dropping

As you know, our opponents in Washington State have had a monopoly on the airwaves for months, trying to mislead voters into supporting same-sex marriage. A little over a week ago we began airing our ads (see them here ), informing voters about the real consequences of redefining marriage and explaining why they should Reject Referendum-74 ( gay marriage ). Yesterday a new Elway poll showed gay marriage has dropped in Washington State from a 14 point lead a few months ago to a 4 point race today (49%-45%), within the margin of error ...meaning the race is a statistical tie! This is amazing news and it shows that our ads and message are working! Even more amazing, the Elway poll wrote: "Opposition to Referendum 74 has grown over the past month while support has stayed at virtually the same level since July." Did you catch that? Support for same-sex marriage has flat-lined at just under the critical 50% threshold despite their massive spending and advertising advantage for

'Catholic' university hosts pro-abortion theologian who compares Mass to gay sex

SAN DIEGO, October 25, 2012, ( Cardinal Newman Society )—The University of San Diego (USD) will host a lecture series by a radical theologian from England who not only supports abortion but has used just war theory and the imagery of the Trinity to support killing the unborn, advocated sacramental same-sex marriage, and even compared the sacrifice of the Mass to homosexual intercourse . USD’s  stated mission  includes being “committed to the dignity and fullest development of the whole person.” Just last month, Bishop Declan Lang of the English Diocese of Clifton   cancelled  a lecture by theology professor Tina Beattie , the Director of the Digby Stuart Research Centre for Religion, Society and Human Flourishing at the University of Roehampton in London, because of her radical views. But that isn’t stopping USD’s Center for Catholic Thought and Culture (CCTC) from proudly hosting her as a visiting fellow for the fall semester. Ironically, the University uses the CCTC a

NY Court of Appeals slams the door on challenge to same-sex 'marriage' law

NEW YORK, October 24, 2012, ( ) – Same-sex “marriage” is here to stay, at least according to the New York State Court of Appeals . On Tuesday the appellate court refused to hear a case challenging the state’s gay marriage law. The court gave no explanation for its decision. The suit, filed by New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedom, argued the State Senate ran afoul of state law in their push to approve same-sex “marriage,” holding closed-door meetings in violation of New York ’s “open meetings” statute. The court’s rejection of the case prompted Governor Andrew Cuomo to release a statement saying, “With the Court’s decision, same-sex couples no longer have to worry that their right to marry could be legally challenged in this state. The freedom to marry in this 9tate is secure for generations to come.” Thousands of homosexual couples have taken advantage of the state’s same-sex “marriage” law since it was passed in July 2011. “Obviously we’re disapp