
Pro-family views cost ex-Marine a superintendent job in Berkeley

BERKELEY, September 19, 2012, ( ) – A former Marine’s views about the sanctity of marriage have cost him a job as superintendent of schools in Berkeley, California . Dr. Edmond Heatley withdrew after it became known he supported marriage. Dr. Edmond Heatley, who is African-American, had already been selected as the final candidate and resigned his position as a superintendent in Georgia when news broke that in 2008 he supported  Proposition 8 , a pro-marriage state ballot initiative  adopted by California voters  that November. “The Berkeley School Board is engaging in blatant viewpoint discrimination by declining to hire an otherwise well-qualified candidate for School Superintendent , just because he supported Prop 8 ,” Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse , the founder of  The Ruth Institute , wrote in a statement e-mailed to Local media found  a copy of a memo  Dr. Heatley wrote when he led the Chino Valley Unified School District , which oppos

Pro-gay Chicago alderman claims Chick-fil-a has agreed to stop ‘anti-gay’ donations

CHICAGO, September 19, 2012 ( – A Chicago alderman and homosexual activist who in July went public with his efforts to block Chick-fil-A from opening a franchise because its president, Dan Cathy, supports traditional marriage, is claiming to have gotten his wish.  Alderman Joe Moreno According to  a statement  from Civil Right Agenda, a homosexual rights group, Moreno has confirmed that Chick-fil-A will no longer give money to “anti- gay organizations ” through its charitable foundation, WinShape, and has agreed to clarify “in an internal document that the company will treat every person equally, regardless of sexual orientation.” Moreno says he will no longer oppose Chick-fil-a’s efforts to open a location in Logan Square. However, it is unclear how much has really changed. The statement of respect touted by The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA) as a new development was first issued back in July in response to the controversy over Cathy’s pro-marriage views,

Australian federal parliament resoundingly defeats same-sex ‘marriage’ bill

CANBERRA, September 19, 2012 ( ) - Australia ’s federal parliament has overwhelmingly voted down a bill that proposed to institute “gay marriage” throughout the country. The bill was resoundingly shut down in a vote of 98 to 42, but observers pointed out that the last vote had only 6 in favour. The movement of public opinion is also towards national legalisation, with a poll last year showing 64 per cent of 270,000 responses in favour of a change. The bill was tabled by Labour MP Stephen Jones who urged activists to “maintain your rage.” The bill did not receive unanimous support from the homosexual community. Homosexual Senator, Dean Smith voted against it, calling his vote “an honest acknowledgement of the special and unique characteristics of the union described as marriage.” Activists have shrugged off the defeat of the national bill, however, saying they have higher hopes for legislation at the state level. They are particularly looking towards Tasmania w

Why must we tolerate the homosexual agenda?

Cover of The New Tolerance Tolerance is our culture's supreme virtue. Whether it is  Glee  plot lines about homosexual children or battles about the role religion may play in the public square—from Christmas trees to Catholic Charities —the buzzword is "tolerance." Casual observers might note, however, that tolerance has undergone a change in meaning. What once meant recognizing other people's right to have different beliefs and practices now means accepting the differing views themselves. Vestiges of the old tolerance—conscience protections for medical professionals, religious liberty, and open discussions—are on the way out. Nowadays, conscience protections are frowned upon, threats to religious freedom prompt Congressional hearings, and "glitter bombs" replace meaningful debate. This shift from accepting the existence of different views to believing that all views are equally valid is "subtle in form, but massive in substance," explains

Gay Advocate Dan Savage attack: redefines ‘bullying’

It all began when the National High School Journalism Conference invited a gay rights activist named Dan Savage to speak to students in Seattle about the need to prevent bullying . But it turned out that this was a lesson Savage badly needed to learn himself. To the shock of the students, Savage launched a vicious attack on the Bible and Christian beliefs. As he put it, “We can learn to ignore the BS in the Bible about gay people.” Of course he didn’t say BS. As Savage continued his attack, some students broke into tears. Dozens of offended students walked out of the auditorium. As they left, Savage heckled them with vulgar words I can’t repeat. Dan Savage speaks at the National High School Journalism Conference One of the teachers present — Rick Tuttle of Sutter Union High School in California — said the speech “took a real dark, hostile turn ... It became very hostile toward Christianity.” Savage later apologized for using vulgarity to describe the students. But he

Polygamy and Homosexual Marriage

Polygamy involves the marriage of more than two persons at the same time. It can take a number of forms. Some are: Polygyny: the marriage of one man with multiple wives. Polyandry: the marriage of one woman with multiple men. Polyamory: An umbrella term that describes a romantic and/or sexual relationship involving multiple partners at the same time. The participants may or may not consider themselves to be married to each other. During debates on the Federal Marriage Amendment in the U.S. and same-sex marriage in both Canada and the U.S. , many opponents to SSM have expressed the belief that if SSM were legalized, polygamy would inevitably follow. For example: Social commentator Stanley Kurtz argued that: "Among the likeliest effects of gay marriage is to take us down a slippery slope to legalized polygamy and 'polyamory' ( group marriage ). Marriage will be transformed into a variety of relationship contracts, linking two, three, or more individuals (however weak

World Religions say NO to Homosexual Marriage

Recently there has been renewed debate on the question of allowing same-sex marriages . The discussion has centered on various aspects including civil rights, genetic pre-disposition and religious perceptions. In this article, the issue is addressed primarily from a religious standpoint, i.e. whether same-sex marriages are acceptable in God ’s eyes. Relevant to same-sex marriages is a discussion on the scriptural prohibition of homosexuality, and the unfortunate persecution of those openly gay. Homosexuality The traditional belief in Judaism, Christianity and Islam is that God forbids homosexuality, and therefore same-sex marriages as well. For example, in the Old Testament , Genesis 19 , we see the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where Lot implores the people of his town not to act wickedly and to leave his male guests alone. The story goes on to describe the persistence of the townsfolk in wishing to indulge in homosexuality and the subsequent annihilation of the two communities.