
Christian ethics rejects pro homosexual philosophy

Image via Wikipedia At the heart of Christian ethics is the conviction that our firm basis for knowing the true, the good, and the right is divine revelation . Christianity is not a life system that operates on the basis of speculative reason or pragmatic expediency. We assert boldly that God has revealed to us who He is, who we are, and how we are expected to relate to Him. He has revealed for us that which is pleasing to Him and commanded by Him. Revelation provides a supernatural aid in understanding the good. This point is so basic and so obvious that it has often been overlooked and obscured as we search for answers to particular questions. The departure from divine revelation has brought our culture to chaos in the area of ethics. We have lost our basis of knowledge, our epistemological foundation, for discovering the good. This is not to suggest that God has given us a codebook that is so detailed in its precepts that all ethical decisions are easy. That would be a vast ov

NDP candidate wants to force ‘sensitivity training’ on Sun News over anti-transgender pro-family ad

TORONTO, Ontario , November 28, 2011  – The parent company of Canada’s Sun News chain has been targeted by a homosexual activist and former NDP candidate after it aired ads that were critical of teaching young children about “transgenderism” in school. Toronto teacher Michael Erickson, who ran for the federal NDP in the May election, has launched a petition slamming Quebecor for running “transphobic” ads by Charles McVety’s Institute for Canadian Values in October on its Sun News Network and in the Toronto Sun paper. The ads, sparked by a Toronto District School Board policy forbidding parents to withdraw their children from pro-homosexual classes, featured images of young children pleading “Please! Don’t confuse me.” “I’m a girl. Don’t teach me to question if I’m a boy, transsexual, transgendered, intersexed or two spirited,” the ad read. According to Erickson’s petition, the ad “encourages viewers to gather together and fight for a world filled with hate, hurt and p

Gay rights activist calls for boycott of Salvation Army Christmas fundraiser

November 28, 2011 - Gay rights activists who object to the Salvation Army ’s biblical stance on homosexuality are launching their annual call to shut down the organization’s Christmas fundraiser. The red kettle campaign, which is now in its 120th year, is a familiar sight to Christmas shoppers. The organization’s simple method of begging for shoppers’ loose change as they exit stores has raised millions of dollars to benefit needy families, seniors, and the homeless. The Salvation Army's humble method of raising funds during the Christmas season has brought in millions to provide food, shelter and clothing for the poor. But if the author of a recent blog post on , one of the internet’s most prominent homosexual blogs, has his way, that would be brought to an end. “As the holidays approach, the Salvation Army bell ringers are out in front of stores dunning shoppers for donations. If you care about gay rights, you’ll skip their bucket in favor of a charity that does

Vatican Cardinal Burke: ‘We’re well on the way’ to Christian persecution in the U.S.

VATICAN , November 28, 2011 – One of the highest ranking cardinals in the Vatican has said that the United States is “well on the way” to the persecution of Christians.  Cardinal Raymond Burke Cardinal Raymond Burke, former Archbishop of St. Louis and now the head of the Vatican’s highest court, told  Catholic News Agency  that he could envision a time when the Catholic Church in the U.S., “even by announcing her own teaching,” is accused of “engaging in illegal activity, for instance, in its teaching on human sexuality.” Asked if the cardinal could even see American Catholics being arrested for their faith he replied, “I can see it happening, yes.” In his remarks to several U.S. Bishops meeting with him Saturday, Pope Benedict XVI   made  similarly emphatic warnings about the U.S. The pope told the bishops that “the seriousness of the challenges which the Church in America, under your leadership, is called to confront in the near future cannot be underestimated.”  He added: “The

Campus pamphleteer exposing ‘homofascism’ acquitted of trespassing charge

CALGARY, Alberta , November 25, 2011 – A judge has acquitted a controversial pro-family activist from a July 2008 charge of trespassing at a Canadian university. William (Bill) Whatcott was arrested by campus security at the University of Calgary and put into a holding cell for distributing a pamphlet that addressed the “harmful consequences” of homosexuality. Whatcott,  called the ruling a “victory for all Canadians who value freedom of expression and religious liberty on our university campuses.” Judge J.D. Bascom  ruled  from the Provincial Court of Alberta on November 15th that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms “applies” to the University of Calgary since “the University is not a Charter free zone.” Section 2.b  of the Charter states that everyone has the “fundamental freedoms [of] thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.”  The University had argued that the Charter only applied to “government actors and

Homosexual activists ‘increasingly aggressive’: Family Research Council

Image via Wikipedia In recent years, activists push­ing for a “ gay rights” political agenda, such as the legaliza­tion of same-sex marriage and the overturning of the law against open homo­sexuality in the military, have become increasingly virulent in their attacks upon social con­servatives who oppose that agenda. Examples of these attacks include a federal judge declaring that the pas­sage of California’s Proposition 8 in 2008 could only have been motivated by hostility toward gay and les­bian individuals 1 , and the 2010 announcement by the Southern Poverty Law Center that it classifies several pro-family organizations as “anti-gay hate groups .” 2 Such attacks reveal a fundamental misunderstanding (if not deliberate misrepresentation) of the beliefs, arguments, and motives of social conservatives . This misunderstanding arises from the existence of two completely different paradigms , or fundamental ways of understanding the nature of homosexuality. The “Gay Identity” Pa