
Highschoolers horrified at gay male kiss in school play, while officials praise exposure

Image via Wikipedia HARTFORD,  - Several students at a Hartford high school expressed horror and left the auditorium when two male members of a city-funded school play shared a passionate kiss onstage on Friday. School officials said they opted against informing parents about the event ahead of time, saying that the students needed exposure to homosexuality , and hailed the “chaotic” reaction as a victory for raising the gay issue. The kiss occurred during Hartford Public High School ’s production of “ Zanna, Don’t !,” a play depicting a world in which homosexuality is normative and heterosexuals take up the role of “outcasts.” The Hartford Courant   reported  that “screams and loud voices” and sounds of disgust came from the audience during the display of aff Image via Wikipedia ection, while “dozens” of mostly male students left the auditorium. While some trickled back in, officials had to prevent many from leaving the school building. School officials had told students that homos

Romney dodges question about homosexual adoption in CNN interview

In response to a question by CNN ’s Wolf Blitzer about whether he thought it was “good” that homosexuals are able to adopt children during an intervi Image via Wikipedia ew last week, Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney repeatedly dodged the question,  responding  only, “I’m not going to change that.” Romney has  previously said  that homosexuals have a “legitimate interest” in adoptions. During the CNN interview, he also said that he believes homosexual adoption should be decided on a state-by-state basis. As the interview progressed, Romney expressed his belief that “marriage” should be a term reserved for men and women, but added that if people “enter into contracts with one another that are between same-sex individuals, they’re free to do so.” “Look, if two people of the same gender want to live together and enter into a contract with each other, so be it,” he continued. “But don’t pretend that it’s marriage. And society, as a whole, will benefit by having its children,

Homosexuality debate with a pastor

Image via Wikipedia Host:  You are a Christian pastor, and you say you believe the Bible, which means you are supposed to love all people. Pastor:  That’s right. Host:  But it appears to me that you and your church take a rather unloving position when it comes to gay people . Are homosexuals welcome to come to your church? Pastor:  Of course. We believe that the gospel is a message relevant for every person on the planet, and we want everyone to hear the gospel and find salvation in Jesus Christ . So at our church, our arms are outstretched to people from every background, every race, every ethnicity and culture. We’re a place for all kinds of sinners and people with all kinds of problems. Host:  But you said there, “We’re a place for sinners.” So you do believe that homosexuality is sinful, right? Pastor:  Yes, I do. Host:  So how do you reconcile the command to love all people with a position on homosexuality that some would say is radically intolerant? Pastor:   (smiling)  If you
Image via Wikipedia When  Will & Grace  debuted in 1998, few could have imagined that scarcely a decade later, same-sex marriage would be regarded by many Americans as a constitutional right. Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York was no alarmist when he worried aloud that the next step in the marriage debate would be another redefinition to allow polygamy and infidelity. How did we get to this point? It began with making what was once marginalized and tolerated seem normal and mainstream by calling into question the very idea of norms. Pop culture excels at perpetuating this kind of relativism: gay characters were depicted as interchangeable with, if not superior to, their heterosexual counterparts. The message was clear: Only a bigot would make a fuss over homosexual behavior. This approach, while effective, was too slow for some activists. That led to the second part of the "how": the legal strategy. This strategy built on the foundation laid by abortion-right

Same sex money dance by Republican Senator sell outs

Image via Wikipedia Money dance . Perhaps you’ve heard about the practice of some brides and grooms dancing for money with supporters at their wedding. Well, last Thursday the four Republican senators who pushed same-sex marriage through in New York this summer were doing a money dance of their own – dancing with wealthy contributors like Michael Bloomberg and Tim Gill , who purchased their allegiance during the recent legislative session. These four senators reportedly raised well over a million dollars in a single night – in their quest for wedding cash purchased at the expense of their values and promises made to New York voters. Are you disgusted that your politicians can be bought? Related articles NOM's 'Dancing Senators' target GOP SSM yes voters ( David Banner Ft. Denim - "Dance The Night Away" [Audio] ( NY Pro-Equality GOP Senators to Get $1.25 Million in Gay Money ( Ubisoft goes for money, money, m

El Paso priest: failing to oppose homosexual agenda ‘a grave sin of omission’

EL PASO, TX , Fr. Michael Rodriguez, the Texas priest who was transferred out of his El Paso parish after publishing opinion pieces condemning the homosexual lifestyle, discussed the controversy surrounding his situation in an interview with  The Remnant  last week. Image via Wikipedia Rodriguez’s essays, published as paid ads in the El Paso Times, explained the Church’s teaching on homosexuality and urged Catholics to support a local effort to oust El Paso politicians who he said had supported “public recognition and legitimization of homosexual unions.” The diocese of El Paso announced shortly after the ads were published that the priest would be transferred from his current assignment at San Juan Bautista parish, citing IRS regulations that forbid intervention in the political process by religious organizations. Fr. Michael Rodriguez The priest was reassigned to Santa Teresa Catholic Church in Presidio, Texas , which he said in last week’s interview is located “out in the rura

Teacher under investigation for criticizing homosexuality on Facebook page

UNION TOWNSHIP, New Jersey ,  – New Jersey school officials are investigating allegations that a teacher criticized homosexuality on her personal Facebook page. Special education teacher Viki Knox had posted complaints about a Union High School display recognizing October as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History month. According to the  Star-Ledger , Knox posted the display, which included photographs of homosexual icons Virginia Woolf, Harvey Milk, and Neil Patrick Harris , and commented, “I’m pitching a fit!” Knox, who is the faculty advisor to the high school’s student prayer group, The Seekers Fellowship, said that while she had friends and loved ones who were homosexual, she believed that the way they lived was “against the nature and character of God” and that the high school was “not the setting to promote, encourage, support and foster homosexuality.” Knox also reportedly said that “homosexuality is a perverted spirit that has existed from the beginning of creation