
Billionaire funds pro-homosexual groups with churches

Image via Wikipedia Top ‘gay-rights’ groups claiming to represent Christians and Catholics, and at least one Jesuit-run college, are being funded by a major homosexualist business magnate with the aim of stirring up dissent within the ranks of the church. In a  recent article  Thomas Peters, Cultural Director for the National Organization for Marriage and founder of the American Papist blog, revealed the funding sources of various groups that promote acceptance of homosexuality under the guise of representing concerned members of the Judaeo-Christian community. Groups such as New Ways Ministry , a top group recently  condemned by the U.S. Catholic bishops, have received large sums from the Arcus Foundation for the purpose of promoting same-sex “marriage” specifically among Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Jews. The Arcus Foundation was begun by Jon Stryker , an openly gay billionaire stockholder and a leading supporter of homosexualist initiatives. A 2006  Salon article  

Apple bows to Homosexual lies and distortions

Image via Wikipedia Author: Chuck Colson . The greatest threat to religious liberty and free speech in the United States is on the attack again. I’m not talking about Islamic extremism or the New Atheists.  No, as dangerous as these anti-Christian ideologies are to our freedoms, they take a back seat right now to the ruthless, methodical attacks by gay-rights groups on anyone who disagrees with them. Let me explain. Last year, you’ll recall that we created an iPhone app for the Manhattan Declaration . The app would allow users to read, sign, and share the Manhattan Declaration and its defense of human life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom.  Apple said the app was “free from objectionable material.” But when a group that supports so-called “gay marriage” protested that the Declaration promoted “hate” and “homophobia” and was “anti-gay,” (which it wasn’t), Apple removed the app from its iPhone store. Since then I’ve been warning you that the Manhattan Declaration w

iPhone app attacks freedom of speech

Image via Wikipedia The greatest threat to religious liberty and free speech in the United States is on the attack again. I’m not talking about Islamic extremism or the New Atheists. No, as dangerous as these anti-Christian ideologies are to our freedoms, they take a back seat right now to the ruthless, methodical attacks by gay-rights groups on anyone who disagrees with them. Let me explain. Last year, you’ll recall that we created an iPhone app for the Manhattan Declaration . The app would allow users to read, sign, and share the Manhattan Declaration and its defense of human life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom. Apple said the app was “free from objectionable material.” But when a group that supports so-called “gay marriage” protested that the Declaration promoted “hate” and “homophobia” and was “anti-gay,” (which it wasn’t), Apple removed the app from its iPhone store. Since then I’ve been warning you that the Manhattan Declaration was just the first target of

Apple Yanks Another Conservative App

Image via Wikipedia Apple has pulled another Christian application from its online store. This time, the "offender" was Exodus International which was trying to share the hope of Jesus Christ with those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction . Exodus offers compassion and help for people who  choose to seek it. In October, Apple approved and posted a Manhattan Declaration app on its online store giving it a 4+ rating for "no objectionable content." The document statement affirms the sanctity of human life, marriage as defined by the union of one man and one woman, and religious liberty and freedom of conscience. Nearly 500,000 people have signed the declaration. The app was yanked from the Apple site over Thanksgiving weekend because it held a biblical worldview of marriage which is objectionable to certain groups. Apple also gave the Exodus app a 4+ rating before pulling it. Complaints from the homosexual community caused Apple to pull the app. Apple

Apple pulls ex-gay app after complaints from gay activists

Image via CrunchBase Apple has now pulled the iPhone application that caused such a stir this week after the homosexual activist group Truth Wins Out (TWO) complained that it was “hateful and bigoted.”  This marks the second time that Apple has pulled an app because it promoted a traditional Christian view of homosexuality.  In November of last year Apple pulled an app created for the Manhattan Declaration , a pro-life and pro-family document signed by nearly 500,000 people. The app was attacked because it opposed same-sex “marriage.” The recent app, created by the international Christian ex-gay ministry Exodus International and available through Apple’s online iTunes store , originally received a 4+ rating from Apple, meaning that it was found to contain no objectionable content.  The app provided a gateway to the ministry’s news, blog, podcasts, and other social networking and resource materials.  Exodus International denied that the app was aimed at “curing” homosexuality,

Pamphlet instructs U.S. military leaders how to handle gay kissing

Image via Wikipedia A new pamphlet explaining how military officials should handle various scenarios involving homosexuals has been distributed to four branches of the U.S. military , the  Washington Times  reported Wednesday. A member of the U.S. Marine Corps , which has been the branch of the military most resistant to the changes in policy regarding homosexuality, gave the Times a copy of the document.  It explains how officials should act in given situations now that open homosexuality is no longer an offense punishable by discharge. “Situation: You are the Executive Officer of your unit,” states one section, according to the Times. “While shopping at the local mall over the weekend, you observe two junior male Marines in appropriate civilian attire assigned to your unit kissing and hugging in the food court. “Issue: Standards of Conduct. Is this within standards of personal and professional conduct?” The answer: “If the observed behavior crosses acceptable boundaries as de

No gay ‘marriage’ in California while Prop. 8 appeal ongoing: court

Image via Wikipedia A three-judge panel of a federal appeals court Wednesday ruled that, despite a lower court decision overturning California ’s true marriage amendment, Proposition 8, the amendment would stay in force while that decision is being appealed. Ninth Circuit Judges Stephen Reinhardt, Michael Daly Hawkins and N. Randy Smith have upheld an injunction against homosexual couples seeking marriage licenses while the law remains in dispute. The one-sentence order was greeted as a significant victory for Prop. 8 supporters, who have been abandoned by the California state government to defend the voter-approved amendment on their own. “It’s a victory for Proposition 8 supporters and the initiative process as a whole. People need to have confidence that their vote will count, at least until the courts make a final decision,” said general counsel Andy Pugno, who is defending Prop. 8 in the Perry v Schwarzenegger case, according to the  Los Angeles Times .