
The Problem with gay right legislation

Gay rights seem to want to coerce & suppress opposing views

How today's Homosexuality perverts friendships

Image via Wikipedia Again, I do not intend to speak about the morality of homosexuality because I believe the Bible is absolutely clear on that matter. Instead, today I want to look at one very interesting result, one very interesting development, that has come with the widespread acceptance of homosexuality .  I have thought about this a little bit in the past but had my mind drawn to it again while reading Al Mohler ’s book  Desire and Deceit: The Real Cost of the New Sexual Tolerance .  In this book Mohler compiles some of his best blog posts and articles dealing with a common theme. In this case he writes about contemporary issues related to sexuality. And while there is much to glean from the book, one issue in particular give me a lot to think about. I have sometimes wondered if, when  The Lord of the Rings  was first published, people looked with a certain suspicion upon the relationship of Sam to Frodo and Frodo to Sam. Here are two characters who loved one another

I was born Homosexual by Reuben Cardenas

Image via Wikipedia I didn’t choose to be like this, I was born this way.  This is just who I am.  So how can it be wrong? This morning I preached  a message  on homosexuality and our hope in Christ to change.  But many homosexuals say they were born that way, so how can it be wrong, or how can they hope to change? In 1 Corinthians 6.9-11 Paul says that homosexuals, the sexually immoral, adulterers, drunkards , the greedy, revilers and swindlers won’t go to heaven.  Then he makes a stunning statement: And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God . Did you catch that?  “And such  were  some of you.”  Past tense.  They “were” at one time, but weren’t any longer.  Some had been drunkards but were no longer.  Some had been adulterers, but were no longer. Some “were” homosexuals, but now they were no longer.  They had changed when Jesus washed, sanctified and justified them. I

Gay parents influence their child's orientation

Image via Wikipedia A study due out next month has found that children raised by homosexual parents are far more likely to identify as homosexual themselves. Walter Schumm, a family studies professor at Kansas State University , told  AOL News  that he questioned the conviction - ironclad in both popular culture and the academic world - that parents could not influence their children's sexual orientation , while being able to influence so many other aspects of their lives. "I just want to know the truth about something," he said. In the  abstract  of the study, Schumm concluded that research conducted by pro-family leader Paul Cameron in 2006, although widely lambasted by media and professionals, accurately concluded that homosexuals are more likely to raise homosexual children. The study, an analysis of previous research, attempted to skew the results in favor of popular opinion, but still found Cameron's conclusion solid. "Despite numerous attempts to bias

ABC or Gay BC

Image via Wikipedia Homosexual marriage should not be permitted by law . We as a nation must affirm and protect children’s rights and the primacy of those rights over adults’ aspirations.  Family structures have altered significantly, becoming more diverse and less institutionalized, but nonetheless that in the best interests of children homosexual marriage should remain prohibited. It is not possible to think about marriage separately from filiation : the two questions are closely connected, in that marriage is organized around the child .  Marriage is not merely the contractual recognition of the love between a couple;  it is a framework that imposes rights and duties, and that is designed to provide for the care and harmonious development of the child.  Foreign examples demonstrate this: countries that have made marriage available to same-sex couples have all, simultaneously or subsequently, authorized adoption by those couples and developed systems for assisted procreation

TEN Australia drops religious program based on one complaint

Ten Drops TV Show for Gay Comments 5th October 2010  The TV Industry blog TV Tonight reports that TEN has dropped the Kevin Copeland TV show "Believer's voice of Victory" for comments about Homosexuality. Copeland is a US pentecostal minister with a large TV following. His "word of faith" movement teaches an extreme "prosperity gospel" that  believers could receive a hundredfold return on their giving. The last Copeland show on ten Aired in mid September. In a show aired in June, TV Tonight reports that Copeland said: “… the reason God condemned homosexuality is because of the severe attack it has on the fabric of the blessing, life, all that God created.” In response evangelical minister David Barton agreed, referring to the Bible: “….not only does God not approve homosexuality, it says He does not approve those who approve homosexuality …” The Kevin Copeland show is still on the air on the Australian Christian Channel on pay TV as well as some regio

Homosexuals are not oppressed

 Conservative commentator Ann Coulter stayed true to her reputation for courting controversy during an address to homosexual conservatives in New York on Saturday, telling them that they did not need special rights and that marriage was the union of a man and a woman. According to reports, Coulter charmed her audience of 150 at the HomoCon fundraiser for GOProud with a number of jokes, admitting that it must have been difficult to come out of the closet and tell their parents that they were conservatives. But then the outspoken pundit said to her audience, “I should warn you: I've never failed to talk gays out of gay marriage ." Talking Points Memo reported that Coulter explained to the crowd that she supports marriage as the union of a man and a woman, because the institution is fundamentally about the procreation of children. Coulter then stated frankly that keeping marriage defined and restricted to heterosexual couples does not violate homosexuals’ civil rights . She a