
Showing posts with the label transgender confusion

Showdown: Alberta’s Catholic trustees unite behind bishops against gvmt ‘transgender’ mandate

The association that represents all Catholic school trustees in Alberta has fired back against the New Democrat government’s new guidelines for forming mandatory transgender policies in all schools, including Catholic ones, stating that it’s the bishops, not the government, that provides “moral and theological leadership” to Catholic schools . In a statement issued earlier this week that comes as a blow to NDP Education Minister David Eggen , the Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association (ACSTA) stated that it “reaffirms the responsibility and the role of the Alberta Catholic Bishops to provide moral and theological leadership to the Catholic community including Catholic education communities .” It added that while it “reaffirms its commitment to work with Alberta Education” it at the same time “regrets Alberta Education's lack of consultation during the development of the Guidelines for Best Practices resource material.” Last week the NDP issued “best practices” guidel