
Showing posts with the label relationship

What Caused Me to Have SSA? Part 5- Assembling the Pieces by Jeff Buchanan

The Salvation Army - To Give or Not to Give. . . (Photo credit: ckaiserca ) Assembling the Pieces Introduction For the past four articles I have been reminding us that  there is no conclusive explanation why any particular man develops same-sex attractions ( SSA ) .  I have described some of the major  contributors  – not  causes  – that seem to be common for most men with ssa.  This article assembles all the pieces together into a pattern I believe explains a very logical progression toward the development of ssa – and a progression that the young male has very little control of. Disclaimer :  The following ideas are my own presumptions, based upon my life, the stories of countless clients I have dealt with, along with explanations offered by other clinicians and researchers.  While many of the following descriptors may be true for you, it does not have to be the case.  I could certainly be wrong in my presumptions – or I could be right! Discussion I believe the biggest  contributors

With gay marriage will come polygamy

Image via Wikipedia In March, the popular HBO series “ Big Love ” ended its five-year run. The show about a polygamist household in Utah is as close as the vast majority of Americans will ever get to polygamy. Or maybe not.  Shockingly, polygamy is on the rise in the West, especially in Muslim enclaves. And there are 30-50 thousand polygamists in the U.S., the vast majority living in Mormon splinter groups. And despite the rosy picture of polygamy painted by “Big Love,” Rose McDermott, who teaches at Brown University , will tell you that in the real world, polygamy is abusive and exploitative: Women in polygamous communities suffer “higher rates of HIV infection ,” increased incidences of domestic violence, and even a higher likelihood of dying in childbirth. To stem the abuses, McDermott urges governments to “think twice” before legalizing polygamy. But elected officials may not have any say in the manner.  Since the 1960s and later, Roe v. Wade, decisions regarding marriage, fa