
Showing posts with the label homosexual

Can practicing homosexuals be saved?

If "practising homosexual " means a person who is openly approving of homosexuality and is engaged in it, can this person be saved ?  Yes and no.   Yes, because any sinner has the potential of becoming saved.  On the other hand, if the person is professing to be a Christian yet is unrepentantly practising homosexuality, then it would appear that he would not be saved.   1 John 2:4  says, "The one who says, 'I have come to know Him,' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."  So, a homosexual can be saved, but once saved the Spirit of God will move that person to repent of the sin of homosexuality.  If a person continues to practice homosexuality unrepentantly, promoting it, etc., then that person would not be demonstrating evidence of regeneration. But then again, a person could become saved, still fall into homosexuality, be convicted by the Spirit of sin, and all the while seeking to break free from it.  So

Did the word "homosexual" only appear in English Bibles after 1946?

The homosexual community has raised the argument that the word homosexual never occurred in the  Bible  until 1946, thereby trying to demonstrate that homosexuality is not wrong; that instead,  Christians  have translated the Bible to make it suit their needs.  Consider this quote from a pro-homosexual website. "The word "homosexual" did not appear in any translation of the Christian Bible until 1946. There are words in Greek for same-sex sexual activities , yet they never appear in the original text of the New Testament." ( But, we have to acknowledge that you don't translate a word from Hebrew and Greek into the English if there is no English equivalent.  So, using the term "homosexual" in the English Bible could not have occurred until after the word had entered the English vocabulary . So, when did the term "homosexual" enter the English vocabulary? "In English the word

Gay Olympian accidentally states important truth: ‘heterosexual love is normal’

Homosexual Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy told  NBC’s Today Show  audience, in  “movies and commercials, in public – everywhere you see straight heterosexual love and that’s completely fine because it's normal.” Granted, that was embedded within a larger pro-gay statement. But it was a kernel – a gem – of truth that slipped out of Kenworthy’s mouth.  We’re pretty sure that’s not what he meant to say, but that’s what popped out as millions listened. In Washington DC , a “gaffe” is humorously defined as “when a politician accidentally tells the truth,” while trying to promote his or her prefered narrative about an issue . As it turns out, gay celebrities are just as prone to gaffes as politicians: My boyfriend and I had a kiss at the bottom of the contest and people were like, ‘we get it, we don’t need to see it though. I don’t care what you do it behind closed doors, but don’t put it in my face.’ And it’s kind of like, my entire life – in movies and commercials, in

What does Genesis 19 tell us about the sin of Sodom?

What does Genesis 19 tell us about the sin of Sodom? The Revisionist Answer The sin of Sodom was inhospitality toward Lot’s guests. The context of Genesis 19 does not mention homosexuality . The meaning of know in 19:5 refers to identifying the visitors. The corresponding Hebrew word is used more than nine hundred times with the meaning of “to become acquainted”; relatively rarely does it have the meaning of “to know sexually .” Even if homosexuality was involved at Sodom, it was rape, which had nothing to do with consensual, mutual same-gender behavior as it is now defined. Homosexual rape was an especially humiliating form of conquest over victims. Victors raped the vanquished. The Biblical Answer The words of the text describe the evil intent of the Sodomites. In light of Sodom’s reputation recorded earlier in Genesis (13:10, 13; 18:20–21, 23ff.), the behavior of the sodomites was known to be particularly despicable. However important hospitality was in that societ

Former homosexual exposing LGBT lies

Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFT) is holding its annual two-day  Banquet and "Teach-In"  later than month. "If you have a loved one or friend who was caught up in the homosexual or transgender lifestyle, this is the conference for you," AFT founder Peter LaBarbera said. "If you want to learn how to refute the lies of so-called 'Gay Christianity,' then come to this conference." The featured speaker is ex-gay author  Stephen Black , who lived the gay lifestyle for eight years but since has repented. The conference is scheduled for Oct. 20-21 at Grace for Life Bible Church in Naperville . Black is now a Christian family man and the director of First Stone Ministries, which helps people overcome homosexuality. First Stone Ministries also works with people of all backgrounds toward healing and restoration from any sexual brokenness, including sexual abuse , pornography addiction, and homosexuality. Another featured presenter is D

This Year’s Critical Darling Vying for Oscar Gold – A Pedophilia “Love” Story

Critics are drooling this fall over the Sundance hit CALL ME BY YOUR NAME , a drama about a 17-year-old male student living with his parents in Italy who’s wooed into a homosexual relationship by a 24-year-old grad student played by Armie Hammer . None of the reviews from the major publications seemed to even notice this age discrepancy and almost unilaterally praised the movie’s so-called “sensual” sex scenes. At least one homosexual author, Chad Felix Greene, has come out against the movie’s promotion of sexual relationships between men and boys.   He   wrote , “For me it is simply an issue of responsible adult decision-making. When an adult has sex with a teenager, they are being selfish, fulfilling their own temporary desires. They do not recognize or possibly even care about the impact that encounter can have on a very young and impressionable mind trapped between finding security in who they are and assuming more wisdom than they currently have.” Greene came under

Some assert Apostle Paul's prohibitions on homosexuality are abusive homosexual relationships not consensual same-sex relationships?

Question: Some scholars have asserted that Paul's writings about homosexuality are actually about abusive homosexual relationships (i.e., rape, prostitution, etc.). Isn't it the case that what Paul says does not apply to consensual same-sex relationships ? Due to the work of Robert Gagnon and many other biblical scholars, we know that this was not the case.' Secular historians of the Roman Empire also record clear examples of consensual, adult same-sex relationships in the Greco-Roman world . Paul knew exactly what he was condemning . Christians need to remember, given the doctrine of the divine inspiration of Scripture , that when Paul condemns something, the Holy Spirit condemns it as well. When we cite Paul, we cite the Holy Spirit.  Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 5 present a very sophisticated argument for the sinfulness of same-sex acts and same-sex relationships. In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul demonstrates an undeniable belief in the sinfulness of both the passive

Since Jesus did not specifically address homosexuality, how can we be certain he considers it sinful behavior?

Question:  Since Jesus did not specifically address homosexuality, how can we be certain he considers it sinful behavior? Jesus addressed a multitude of sins throughout the four Gospels . As evidenced in the Sermon on the Mount , he explicitly affirmed the continuation of the Old Testament moral law and its intensification in his kingdom.  At the same time, there are many specific issues, both ancient and modern, for which there is no specific scriptural text explicitly revealing what Christ said during his earthly ministry. This does not mean we cannot know what Christ believed and taught.  In answering a question about divorce, Jesus himself stated that God 's plan from the beginning was that a man and a woman be united in marriage. Jesus affirmed the Genesis pattern of complementarity, and he honored the institution of marriage as the conjugal union of a man and a woman ( Mark 10:2-9).  At every single point, Jesus affirmed the Old Testament's judgment aga

William Loader Uniting Church of Australia - wrong on homosexuality

The ABC Australia tried to convince Australian Christians that the Bible supports homosexual orientation and homosexual marriage. The ABC gathered two like minded authors to write the misleading article -  William Loader (Principal UCA WA Bible College) and Robyn Whitaker  ( Bromby Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Trinity College Theological School , Parkville Melbourne, Australia. William Loader has written several books on homosexuality and a series of Anglican collection of essays . All of which promote the sin of homosexuality.  For example: Loader says the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 is not about homosexuality but gang rape. Then we get a glimpse of what Laoder really is thinking: Genesis 19 has nothing to say about homosexuality or mutually consenting adults of the same gender expressing their desire and love. Proponents of this new view of Sodom follow an interpretative strategy that is appropriately described as revisionist. By one way or another, this

Same-sex Attraction - Balancing Grace & Truth


Australia PM no to same-sex marriage

IS THIS MARRIAGE? Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is discouraging a bill that would allow politicians to hold a conscience vote on immoral homosexual marriage because he said his political party would hold a plebiscite. Last month, homosexual  Senator Dean Smith and NSW homosexual MP Trent Zimmerman were working on a private members’ bill that they hoped to present to Parliament as soon as August. The bill was in defiance to their leader, self serving and arrogant towards the Australian people . When asked about the bill by reporters in Paris, The Sydney Morning Herald reports  that Turnbull said: “Dean crossed the floor against the plebiscite bill in the Senate so he’s got a longstanding view about it. And in our party room, members are entitled to raise what-ever issues they like.” “We support a plebiscite where all Australians will be given a vote on the matter,” Turnbull added. “It is critical that all Australians be given a say and the only reason they haven’t been

LGBT justification - Leviticus Bible arguments

How significant are the prohibitions of same-gender behavior in Leviticus 18 :22 and 20:13? Are these passages limited to Israel’s purity code and her separation from the surrounding gentile nations, or are they universal? The Revisionist Answer The context limits the prohibitions to the cult or religion of Israel, as shown by the use of the word abominable (Heb. toʿeba, Gk. bdelygma). These regulations belong solely to the purity laws applied to Israel in the Old Testament and have no on-going value as moral standards. These passages are never quoted in the New Testament as part of the Christian ethic. Establishment of the death penalty for violators does not help determine whether the texts apply to the modern world. The texts have no relevance. The Biblical Answer Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 clearly describe homosexual behavior, with the second passage calling for the death penalty. The words abomination or detestable occur in both passages. Among the vices listed in the

For those who are currently practicing homosexuals

Whatever the cause of your behavior, it is nevertheless sinful. The Bible admonishes you to repent of your interests and behavior. You must forsake them. Not to put too fine a point on it, these deeds are yours, and you will be held responsible. God will not allow you to blame someone else for your conduct, but, believe it or not, this truth is a source of great hope: The fact that homosexual desires and deeds are willful sins for which the person is morally responsible is overwhelmingly important if there is to be any hope in the Christian perspective on homosexuality. When responsibility for homosexuality is removed, hope for homosexuality as an unchangeable inner domination by those drives or desires doom the sinner to despair. And such despair is unnecessary, unwarranted, untrue to Scripture. Because homosexuality is sinful, there is divinely guaranteed hope for its reversal. Christ came to die for sinners and to deliver them by His Spirit from their sins. Not only has our