
Showing posts with the label gay sin

Democrat LGBT town hall paints a terrifying picture for Christians

DEMOCRATS WANT YOU ON THE RAINBOW TRAIN So CNN held their LGBTQ Town Hall last night for the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, and the rest of us got a good look at where this country is headed if they manage to retake power (which Trump's bumbling seems to be abetting at the moment). Many conservative commentators are trumpeting the fact that the Democrats let their mask slip and will consequently turn off many voters, but I think we may have just gotten a clear glimpse of the future. Maybe not in 2020, but someday  soon  — and perhaps sooner than we think. The sheer groveling of both the CNN hosts and the Democratic candidates, combined with an obviously desperate desire to please and faux sincerity that occasionally triggered applause when the audience approved of their performance, was genuinely nauseating to watch at times. In many cases, the candidates brought themselves to tears — although they and the hosts took so much chastisement from the triumphalist LGBT

God loves homosexual sin - Teacher claims

God does not approves of the sin homosexuality A Victorian teacher has launched legal action against a Christian college claiming she was discriminated against over her political and her fake religious beliefs in support of homosexual marriage, setting up a test case over faith-based protections for religious schools. Former Ballarat Christian College teacher Rachel Colvin — backed by Equality Australia ( a homosexual lobby zealot group)— lodged the claim with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal this week ahead of the school being served on Tuesday. Ms. Colvin, had been employed between 2008-11 before returning part-time in July-2016, resigned in February following failed attempts to keep her on staff. Ballarat Christian College principal Ken Nuridin said Ms. Colvin’s claim alleges discrimination in breach of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Victoria). Clause 8 of the school’s enterprise agreement lodged with the Fair Work Commission in 2017 states “all employ

Has Your Church Abandoned You to Handle LGBT Dilemmas On Your Own?

Three ethical dilemmas, each of them a true story. What do they have in common, other than the obvious? An analyst working at a major corporate headquarters says, “If I eat lunch at Chick-fil-A, I don’t dare mention it when I return to work. Chick-fil-A is ‘homophobic,’ they say, and they’ll report me to HR for creating a hostile work environment.” All the managers in one corporate department have placed LGBT “Ally” stickers on their office doors. All but one, that is: the one Christian there, who feels caught. By not putting a sticker on his own door, he’s making an unpopular statement — one that could earn him disciplinary action. A manager at another corporation sees his company throwing great public support behind last June’s LGBT “Pride” month. He feels an ethical urgency to talk to his boss about the Christian view being overlooked — if not outright steamrolled — in the process. His boss is homosexual, by the way. I didn’t make up these stories. These are friends of m

Homosexuality and Bad Bible Interpretation

When Matthew Vines’ book God and the Gay Christian came out in 2014, I could hardly have imagined how much of an impact it would have among evangelicals. Nevertheless, it has had an impact. Some of the high-profile evangelicals (e.g. Jen Hatmaker) who have come out affirming gay marriage have done so on the basis of arguments found in Vines’ book. Among the ideas from Vines’ book that I still see gaining purchase among evangelicals is a particular hermeneutical oddity that Vines draws from Jesus’ teaching about “trees” and “fruit” in Matthew 7:15-20, where Jesus says, Every good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits. Whereas Jesus applies this to false teachers, Vines applies the principle in a way that goes against the way Jesus intended it. Vines writes,

Get Outraged and Stay Outraged

There are some things so wrong that we cannot allow ourselves to get used to them. We must always be outraged over them. Always grieved over them. We can never accept them as the new status quo. The drag queen assault on our children is one of those things. I’m talking about the celebration of little children in drag. I’m talking about drag queens dancing for our children (and reading stories to them). I’m talking about children posing with naked (or nearly naked) drag queens. This is unacceptable. This is perverse. This is outrageous. Coming After Our Children It was bad enough when this stuff happened at gay pride parades. It was even worse when it started to happen in our community libraries. Yes, you ought to be outraged. Now it has even entered houses of worship. As a June 24 headline announced , “Drag Queen Reads During Worship Service as Cincinnati Church Celebrates Pride Month.” As reported, “Following the song ‘God Welcomes All’ by the church choir, [Dad] Davidson [who was

IKEA sacks workers for objecting to Homosexual store agenda

IKEA is being sued by a former employee who claims he was fired for refusing to take down anti-gay comments from the company's intranet. On May 16, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the Swedish furniture maker posted an article on its internal website, underscoring support for the LGBT community. The post also encouraged employees to ask customers what pronoun they preferred and engage in conversations with LGBT customers about their partners and families. That didn't sit right with at least one employee in Warsaw, identified only as Tomasz K. He told Polish state broadcaster TVP Info, "I've been hired to sell furniture but I'm a Catholic and these aren't my values." Tomasz posted a comment to the article, reportedly writing that "acceptance and promotion of homosexuality and other deviations is a source of scandal." He also included two Bible verses: One, Matthew 18:6, reads, "Woe to him through whom scandals come, it w

How LGBTQ twist speech to hate speech

“Hate speech” needs to be defined with respect to the Israel Folau saga.  It can be defined as “abusive or threatening speech or writing against a particular group”, but as with many other terms that have been hijacked by LGBT ideology, this is also equated to hating the person or group to whom the speech or writing is addressed – even if not to a specific person or group but simply expressed as a point of view or belief in something. Best illustrated (still) by the lawyer in the 2002 “two Dannys case” who said in effect “it doesn’t matter that what you said is true – not even when you have quoted from the Koran – it is how you made my client feel.” Hate was not an issue in that instance and is not an issue now with Israel Folau. Nor is abuse, nor personal threat.  A term that would better reflect what the LGBT lobby accuses him of would be “speech that may result in a listener feeling offended or hurt”. It can be shortened to “speech that may result in hurt” or “speech tha

Guardian Incorrect View on Religious Liberty

The Guardian gets everything wrong about Christianity. It is a pro-LGBTQ online left-leaning news site. Their opening quote is riddled with lies.  "Conservative religious believers, of whom there are perhaps 4 billion in the world today, mostly Christians and Muslims, still suppose that homosexuality is sinful."   Well, it is sinful not because of personal beliefs, but beliefs based on scripture. The Bible clearly states homosexuality is a sin. Biological design of our bodies affirms homosexuality is not natural but a lifestyle choice based on lust emerging from a sinful heart.  Sometimes their belief is an expression of genuine hatred; sometimes it is an unconsidered expression of belonging in a prejudiced society. In countries where this is a generally accepted prejudice, they probably don’t think about it much. In countries where gay people are accepted and affirmed as equals, fundamentalists have to think more carefully. Some retain their beliefs but place them

Moms expose library’s shocking ‘Youth Pride’ event: homosexuality, transgenderism, drag queens

Have you ever wondered what REALLY goes on at “gay” high school and middle school clubs and other “youth pride” programs for schoolchildren? We’re constantly told that it’s all about tolerance, anti-bullying, “AIDS education,” and especially feeling “safe.” We’re told that we must trust the adults running these events – who are unsupervised and lacking background checks. Virtually all of these programs take place at schools or offsite locations where parents (and the public) are easily excluded. The short answer is: It’s a nightmare – and it’s anything but “safe” for children! 'Teen Pride' event planned at a public library But on Saturday, June 22, the local LGBT groups in Renton, Washington scheduled a “Teen Pride” event at the local public library. In early June when some parents in Renton first noticed  the library promotion  for the “Teen Pride” event, they were very worried. Among other things, it advertised “safer sex presentations” and a “drag show,” as well as