
Showing posts with the label gay manipulation

Silencing of Christian teachers has begun - Lesbian witch hunt?

A veteran teacher at an Edmonton Catholic school appears to be the victim of a vicious smear job. Albert Felicitas, who has been a teacher for 32 years and received what he called “glowing endorsements” from students in the past, has now been accused of making “anti-gay” comments as well as pushing his “hatred of abortion.” The accusations have bewildered former students such as 21-year-old Marianne Madrazo, who remembered him “teaching that the Catholic church does not accept the act of homosexuality and that it is a sin, but felt he was accepting of all his students.” So in other words, teaching the orthodox Christian view of sexuality in a religion class. His accusers, however, are waxing creative in their accusations, claiming that Felicitas has made the following statements: That homosexuals are “incapable of love” and that they “do not deserve love.” And that homosexuals cannot reproduce. (The fact that two men or two women cannot naturally reproduce children, of course

Tennessee bill to keep kids from using bathrooms of opposite sex moves forward

A bill requiring all students to use the bathrooms and other facilities that match their biological sex has unanimously passed a House subcommittee. While the bill is opposed by Governor Bill Haslam over concerns related to federal funding , Tennessee legislators defended it as necessary to balance the privacy of all students with compassion for those with gender identity disorder. Haslam has supported leaving gender identity and related facility decisions up to individual school districts. The bill is opposed by the ACLU . Many school boards and other political entities and individuals have expressed concern about the risk to federal funding if students are required to use restrooms, locker rooms , and other facilities that match their gender. However, legal precedent and federal law do not allow the Obama administration or any other federal entities to tie federal funding of any kind to gender identity and facility use,   according to attorneys at the Alliance De

Marco Rubio’s deputy campaign manager is a gay ‘marriage’ activist

CHARLESTON, South Carolina , February 18, 2016 ( LifeSiteNews ) – A pivotal member of Marco Rubio 's campaign actively encouraged the Supreme Court to impose gay "marriage" on the entire nation by judicial fiat. Senator Rubio's deputy campaign manager, Rich Beeson, signed a legal brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to redefine marriage in last summer's   Obergefell v. Hodges case. The   amicus curiae   brief , which was signed by 300 Republican operatives whose names spill over 24 pages, argued that having the court discover a nationwide right to same-sex "marriage" served "conservative values." The state marriage protection amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman "run afoul of our constitutional order by submitting a fundamental right to legislative or popular referendum," it stated. However, the original intent of the Constitution did not include a right to same-sex "marriage," as st

LGBT bill to ban therapy for youth on sexual orientation issues is stalled in Mass. Legislature

The Massachusetts State-house in Boston, Massachusetts (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What happens in Massachusetts on “culture war” issues is often repeated across America . After weeks of hard lobbying to stop Bill H97 in the Massachusetts Legislature. we’re happy to report some success. Just before this week’s formal House session, a “hold“ was put on the bill and it was not acted on. But the battle will continue. Bill H97 is a big part of the LGBT movement ’s War on Children. It would make it illegal for licensed therapists to give critical treatment to youth on sexual-orientation or gender-identity issues. It’s particularly devastating for kids who have been sexually molested and need help dealing with the emotional fallout. Similar bills have been  rejected by 20 states  and passed in three. But they consider Massachusetts a major goal to get it moving everywhere else. It’s being pushed here by a coalition of state and national pro- LGBT organizations. And of course, it’

Australia: Homosexuality and their new morality

A new censorship has arisen which threatens the right of individuals and groups to dissent from the new morality. Oppose abortion? Unthinkable. Suggest that people who aren't born with wombs but who want to call themselves 'women' aren't actually women? Disgusting. Argue dispassionately that the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman? You should be ashamed of yourself. And so we have former PM Tony Abbott being invited to speak to America's Alliance Defending Freedom , which is, to describe it in its own terms, "an alliance-building legal ministry that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith", or, to describe it in the terms of the Australian media, a " gay-hate group " - and copping a barrage of outrage. I have found nothing in the ADF literature which could be fairly characterised as "gay hate". What you have to remember is that the American habit of fighting ideological battles through the

Hillary would ban reparative therapy for minors, says top LGBT group in endorsement

The nation's foremost homosexual and transgender political group has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, saying she has made banning reparative therapy and allowing transgender military service "a pillar" of her presidential campaign. “All the progress we have made as a nation on LGBT equality -- and all the progress we have yet to make -- is at stake in November," said Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin . The HRC said that Clinton has made homosexual and transgender political advocacy "a pillar of her campaign and recently unveiled the most robust and ambitious LGBT plan any candidate for president has ever laid out." Her campaign's platform "specifically calls for   dropping the ban on open transgender military service   [and] outlawing dangerous   'conversion therapy' for minors ...among other proposals that would advance equality and support the LGBT community." Clinton's tenure as Secretary of Sta