
Showing posts with the label christians

Should Christian retreat or engage?

Without question, Christians face a new reality in post-Homosexual Marriage Turnbull Australia . This PM who has promoted and approved of homosexual sin falls under the condemnation of Romans 1:32.  Now Christians are wondering how to move forward. They hear some leaders counseling retreat and disengagement from the culture. Send back your marriage license and paperwork, marry only according to Church law and refuse to deal with the Governments new Marriage Act of 2018.  Christians hear other leaders say that we need to engage the  culture war . To fight back with solid arguments, form a new coalition or political party.  Neither option really captures what  Jesus  taught us about our enduring relationship with the world.   John 17  records the words of Jesus' prayer just before He was handed over to be crucified. His prayer focused not only on the eleven remaining disciples, but also on all those who would believe in Him through His disciples' testimony.  In sho

US: Turning down ‘gay wedding’ jobs the same as racism, judge rules

A federal judge has shot down a ‘pre-enforcement challenge” to Minnesota ’s law that denies the right of Christian businesses and professionals to decline providing wedding services to gay couples. “A government that tells you what you can’t say is bad enough. But a government which tells you what you must say is even worse,” said John Tedesco, lead attorney representing the plaintiffs. “You can’t force people to say things that violate their beliefs.” But Chief District Judge John Tunheim disagreed with that principle in his lengthy 63-page ruling. The judge said turning away gay and lesbian couples is “conduct akin to a ‘White Applicants Only’ sign.” Preemptive filing to avoid legal jeopardy Carl and Angel Larsen, owners of Telescope Media Group that has a clearly stated Christian mission , wanted to extend their company’s services to include wedding videography. But before doing so, they wanted to make sure they would not be placing their livelihood in jeopardy if t

Christians bow to the LGBTQ agenda

There is a school of thought in the debate about redefining marriage that it is inevitable and that Christians should just sue for peace with the same-sex marriage activists. Try and extract as many protections for religious freedom as possible and roll over. To make it easier for us to capitulate, leading politicians such as Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, Attorney General George Brandis and Tim Wilson say same-sex marriage and freedom of religion can co-exist. “I don’t accept the religious practice in this country is under threat,” Mr Shorten said this week. What he is essentially saying is it is okay to go to church and believe what you like there. But what is under threat, and what Mr Shorten is not telling us, is that religious practice outside the church, mosque or synagogue is under grave threat should the definition of marriage in law be changed. Indeed, it is now Labor policy to use the law to punish anyone who does not conform to same-sex marriage ideology, unless they are

Evangelicals Declare New Commitment To Reject the sin of homosexuality

Travis Weber, Director of the Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty, encapsulated this new conversation on the right in a post he  published Wednesday on FRC’s blog entitled, “How can Christians oppose same-sex marriage and yet pray and care for the LGBT victims in Orlando at the same time?” He answered the question in his opening line: “In a word: Love.” When we decline to agree that same-sex marriage (or any sexual conduct at odds with God’s standard) is okay, we are doing this for the good of those who may engage in that conduct which is harmful to them. When we pray for the well-being of the LGBT victims of violence in Orlando, we are doing it for their good. There should be no tension between the two for a Christian. Telling LGBT people that their lives are sinful can have severe mental health consequences . The have no concept of sin and so they see it as offense only. They don't see God as holy and homosexual sin as unholy ...just offended. But when

LGBT threats against church, schools, colleges and Christians increase

Christians in America now face a moment of judgment at the hands of a secular culture that grows more intensely adversarial with each passing day. Churches, institutions, and individuals committed to the Christian church’s historic sexual ethic, held consistently over two millennia, now find themselves faced with a stark choice — join the sexual revolution or face the consequences. Those consequences include social marginalization, overt discrimination,the censure from the cultural elites, and worse. Christian colleges and schools are now openly threatened with the loss of tax-exempt status and participation in federal and state student aid. Christian employees in businesses large and small are told to get with the program or get lost. Getting with the program does not mean simply working amiably with all, regardless of sexual orientation. It means openly and enthusiastically celebrating every demand and aim of the LGBT community. Entire professions will soon be closed to many Chri

7 ways Christians interpret - homosexual agenda and marriage

The first step in navigating your way through any complicated topic is to work out what the main approaches are and try (as best you can) to identify what is appealing about each position, as well as what might be a weakness. In our efforts to think through the fraught topic of same sex marriage, the Centre for Public Christianity has developed the following brief guide to seven approaches we’ve encountered amongst Christians wrestling with this topic. It does not claim to be exhaustive. It cannot capture every nuance. But we thought it might still be helpful to describe the various perspectives in a simple, convenient format, and invite readers to evaluate their own position in light of the alternatives.  1.     Innovators : moving beyond scripture Innovators enthusiastically support same sex marriage. They do so with what they hold to be a generous   moving beyond   the Bible’s teaching. For some this will be justified on the theologically liberal grounds that the Bible is

Intolerant Governor orders Christians to signs homosexual marriage licenses

English: Governor of Kentucky Steve Beshear at the Fancy Farm picnic in Fancy Farm, Kentucky. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The governor of Kentucky has a stark message for county clerks across the state: Either issue homosexual "marriage" licenses or lose your job. Governor Steve Beshear , a Democrat, refuses to make any consessions for religious freedom, or to protect the consciences of those who believe in natural marriage. Beshear issued a statement saying that government employees "must recognize same-sex marriages as valid and allow them to take place." Casey Davis is a clerk whose religion teaches that it is unloving to facilitate homosexual sodomy or lesbian sexual activity. He is among the Kentucky clerks who are not issuing licenses to homosexuals for religious reasons. Gov. Beshear ordered Davis to issue homosexual licenses, or else he must quit. "'Issue marriage licenses or resign' — those were the words," Davis told reporters aft

Does the New Testament condemn Homosexuality?

Confirmation of the absolute or universal character of these laws comes from use of these chapters in the New Testament. When our Lord stated the two commandments upon which the whole Law and the Prophets depend, He cited Deuteronomy 6:5 (“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might”) and Leviticus 19:18 (“You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” cf. Matt. 5:43; 19:19; 22:37–40; Mark 12:31, 33; Luke 10:27). The first commandment regarding love for God ( Deut. 6:5) follows the universals of the Decalogue (Deuteronomy 5), as here the second commandment regarding love for man (Levit. 19:18) follows the universals of chapter 18 and summarizes them. This is a telling argument for the universality of Leviticus 18 . In addition, Paul uses Leviticus 19:19 to illustrate the need for separation of Christians (2 Cor. 6:14ff.).102 Peter cites 19:2 (cf. 11:44–45; 20:7) as a standard of holiness, calling Christians away from “former lusts