
Showing posts with the label YouTube

Why ddid a government funded TV station: SBS ban marriage advertisement during Homosexual mardi gras?

A lot has happened since our letter to you on Saturday 7 March, as the first television ad in our marriage campaign, ‘Think of the Child’, was broadcast in Sydney as the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade got underway. Since then our ad, “What about Equality for the Child?” has been seen  over half a million times  on YouTube - .   It was the #1 video on YouTube in Australia for most of last week. Mess after Mardi Gras, Sidney, Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) With the Senate set to debate Senator Leyonhjelm’s  Right to Marry Bill   next Thursday , AMF must keep putting out there the child-centred case against gay ‘marriage’ and gay adoption / surrogacy. ENGAGE THE DEBATE The Mardi Gras Parade, that decadent political protest march with its “marriage equality” float, was certainly the right time to place our gentle counter-protest. That decision, and the subsequent decision by SBS to ban our ad, has stimulated debate in a big way.

Can practicing homosexuals be saved?

Jesus is considered by scholars such as Weber to be an example of a charismatic religious leader. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) If "practicing homosexual " means a person who is openly approving of homosexuality and is engaged in it, can this person be saved?  Yes and no.  Yes, because any sinner has the potential of becoming saved.  On the other hand, if the person is professing to be a Christian yet is unrepentantly practicing homosexuality, then it would appear that he would not be saved.  1 John 2:4 says, "The one who says, 'I have come to know Him,' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."  So, a homosexual can be saved; but once saved, the Spirit of God will move that person to repent of the sin of homosexuality.  If a person continues to practice homosexuality unrepentantly, promoting it, etc., then that person would not be demonstrating evidence of regeneration. But then again, a person could become saved,

The Burger King is homosexual?

PROUD WHOPPER !! ...item 1c.. Burger King Sells 'Proud Whopper' in San Francisco (Jul 01, 2014) -- PedobearForPresident • Taste the rainbow! ... (Photo credit: marsmet527 ) Burger King is going all-in for same-sex "marriage." In a brilliant marketing maneuver, a Burger King franchise in San Francisco launched the LGBT -focused "Proud Whopper " campaign. Timed to be released for the June 28 Pride Parade in San Francisco, the burger has created a social media, business, and cultural stir. Its YouTube video advertising the promotion has garnered over one million views since being posted yesterday. The video is also a brilliant piece of promotional material. It spends time telling people about the "Proud Whopper," then watches as people try to guess what's different as they chow down. Finally, there are enlightened, wide-eyed expressions from people who read what's written on the inside of the rainbow wrapping: "We are all the sam

Why 'God and the Gay Christian' Is Wrong About the Bible and Same-Sex Relationships

In March 2012, Matthew Vines posted a video on YouTube suggesting that "being gay is not a sin," and that the Bible "does not condemn, loving, committed same-sex relationships." He spoke eloquently from the heart with poise, conviction and vulnerability. The video quickly went viral. Vines is a bright young man raised in a Christian home. At age 19, he left Harvard University after his third semester so that he could come out to his family and friends in Wichita. He knew that his father would not agree with the way he reconciled his sexuality with Scripture . So Vines sought to arm himself with biblical scholarship on the affirmation of same-sex relationships and strove to convince his family and church that they were wrong—that homosexuality is not a sin. Vines's new book, God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships, expounds further on the arguments made in his video. His aim is not to present new information, but

There is no ‘third way’ — Southern Baptists face a moment of decision (and so will you)

English: Al Mohler, President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) June 2, 2014 ( Albert Mohler ) - Southern Baptists will be heading for Baltimore in just a few days, and the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention is to be held in a city that has not hosted the convention since 1940. This time, Baptists attending the meeting will face an issue that would not have been imaginable just a few years ago, much less in 1940 — a congregation that affirms same-sex relationships. Just days before the convention, news broke that a congregation in suburban Los Angeles has decided to affirm same-sex sexuality and relationships. In an hour-long video posted on the Internet, Pastor Danny Cortez explains his personal change of mind and position on the issue of homosexuality and same-sex relationships. He also addressed the same issues in a letter posted at In the letter, Cortez describes a sunny day at the beach in August of 2013 whe