
Showing posts with the label Washington

Senator to Obama: Promoting abortion and undermining marriage is the real ‘inequality’

WASHINGTON, D.C. , January 31, 2014 ( ) – President Obama raged against “inequality” during his 2014 State of the Union address , using the phrase three times in just over an hour. But Senator Mike Lee said Obama has misunderstood the concept. Real inequality has less to do with the gap between income classes and more to do with whether the government is using its might to retard economic opportunity, suppress the traditional definition of marriage, and deny millions of children the right to be born, says the senator. “Inequality is denying viable, unborn children any protection under the law, while exempting unsanitary, late-term abortion clinics from basic safety standards,” the Utah Republican said during his response to the State of the Union address, which was sponsored by the Tea Party Express . “It's denying citizens their right to define marriage in their states as traditionally or as broadly as their diverse values dictate,” he added.

Obama promotes homosexuality in State of the Union - again

President Barack Obama  promoter of immorality Judged by God to be promoting the worst of sin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) WASHINGTON, D.C. , January 29, 2014  – The annual State of the Union Address is a time for the president to unveil his political agenda for the coming year and ask Congress to pass it. But President Obama largely showed the nation how he would work around the institution through executive orders and regulations – boasting of his dedication to homosexuality. At no point did he directly address abortion, something he avoided last year as well. He took the opportunity of the nation's most-watched political speech to say that ObamaCare is “fixing” the nation's health care sytem. However, nestled in a paragraph about how First Lady Michelle Obama “sets a good example” for the country, Obama said, “Across the country, we’re partnering with mayors, governors, and state legislatures on issues from homelessness to marriage equality.” “The point is, th

The Catholic Church will fight Immoral Homosexual Marriage

WASHINGTON, DC , January 27, 2014  – The US Catholic bishop from Illinois who held a public exorcism on the same day the state governor signed into effect a controversial same-sex “marriage” bill has defended his actions as the “loving” thing to do. “You really have to understand what love is all about. Love is really to seek the best for people. By being opposed to the redefinition of marriage , and being opposed to things that are sinful, that’s actually a very loving thing,” Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Springfield Diocese told in a video interview during the March for Life in Washington, DC. It was in November that Paprocki held the  rare public exorcism , an event that he  defended  as a prayer to God to cast out the influences of evil in the state. The service, held at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception , was called “Prayers of Supplication and Exorcism in Reparation for the Sin of Same-Sex Marriage.” During an announcement of the eve

U.S. State Department condemns Nigeria for banning same-sex ‘marriage,’ gay clubs

WASHINGTON, D.C. , January 15, 2014 ( ) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and other top diplomatic brass are criticizing the African nation of Nigeria after President Goodluck Jonathan signed a new law banning same-sex “marriage.” Both Secretary Kerry and his predecessor, Hillary Clinton, have said that promoting the gay “rights” agenda around the world is a “top priority” for U.S. foreign policymakers. The Obama administration has made promoting homosexuality around the world a priority. “The United States is deeply concerned by Nigeria’s enactment of the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act,” Secretary Kerry said in a  statement  Monday.   “It is inconsistent with Nigeria’s international legal obligations and undermines the democratic reforms and human rights protections enshrined in its 1999 Constitution.” U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said via Twitter  that she was “deeply troubled” by President Jonathan’s decision to sign th

FBI: Uses group that classify Christians who disagree with Homosexuality as Hate Crime candidates

WASHINGTON, D.C. , – The FBI is still under fire for listing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) – which considers organizations that oppose same-sex “marriage” hate groups – as a resource on its  Hate Crimes website  alongside official government resources. While a spokesman for the FBI has twice refused to comment to  about the listing of the SPLC as a resource, one spokesperson  told   CNS News that "the Resource link to SPLC is for informational purposes and not an endorsement of the organization or the information on their website.” Gay activist Floyd Corkins opened fire on the Family Research Council headquarters, and admitted he targeted the organization based on SPLC's designation of the group as a "hate group." The SPLC’s targeting of pro-family groups has been linked to at least one terrorist act, a shooting at the Family Research Council's headquarters in Washington, D.C. The shooter said he used the SPLC's “

Ex-lesbian spoken word poet slams Macklemore’s anthem ‘Same Love’ for claiming gays can’t change

NEWARK, N.J., – Macklemore ’s “Same Love” has been called the “ Gay Equality Anthem ” by homosexual activists who are trying to redefine marriage worldwide to include same-sex couples.  Written to support the legalization of gay “marriage” in Washington state last year, the rap song reached number eleven on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States and hit number one in Australia and New Zealand. The song and its accompanying video harshly criticize Christians (particularly Catholics, who are portrayed as hateful in the video) and “right wing conservatives” for opposing same-sex “marriage” and asserts that God made homosexuals the way they are, so they “can’t change,” even if they wanted to. Macklemore But  Jackie Hill , a spoken word artist whose poetry recitations have attracted hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube , recently told  Wade-O Radio  that Macklemore – who got his start in the spoken word poetry movement – is “lying” when he says homosexuals can’t chan

AFL-CIO amends its constitution, pledges to organize for transgendered workers

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 10, 2013 ( LifeSiteNews ) – Homosexual activists celebrated a victory Monday after the nation’s largest labor union amended its constitution to affirm its commitment to organizing for so-called “transgender” workers. In an  amendment  titled “Welcoming All Workers to Our Movement,” the AFL-CIO added “gender identity” and “ gender expression ” to the organization’s constitutional objectives and principles. They now state that AFL-CIO’s mission is “To encourage all workers without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to share equally in the full benefits of union organization.” The AFL-CIO’s move echoed those taken by a number of smaller unions which have already promised to advocate for the interests of transgendered workers.  Homosexual activists applaud the trend. National Center for Transgender Equality executive director Mara Keisling told  Buzz