
Showing posts with the label Washington Post

Replace marriage with a ‘wedlease’?

Marriage plays a fundamental role in civil society because it is characterized by sexual complementarity, monogamy, exclusivity, and permanence. These marriage norms encourage men and women to commit permanently and exclusively to each other and take responsibility for their children.[1] In recent decades, a revisionist view of marriage has eroded these norms. No-fault divorce was the first major trend to undermine a strong marriage culture. Now the effort to redefine marriage away from male-female complementarity has gone even further in abandoning the central characteristics of the institution. But if the law redefines marriage to say the male-female aspect is arbitrary, what principle will be left to retain monogamy, sexual exclusivity, or the expectation of permanency?[2] Such developments will have high social costs. The New Language of Marriage New terms have even been coined to describe this new outlook on marriage. Here are some examples. “Monogamish.”  A 2011  New

Homosexual marriage first then one year marriage leasing?

August 26, 2013 ( Breakpoint ) - Sometimes, and for some people, leasing makes better sense than buying. For instance, if you like to drive a new car every few years, leasing allows you to drive an updated one for less money and enjoy the “ new car smell ” more often. Likewise, renting rather than owning your home makes it easier to move if circumstances or even wanderlust makes it necessary. Well, if a certain Florida lawyer has his way, there’s something else you’ll be able to lease every few years along with your new car and your new digs: a new spouse. I’m not kidding. Paul Rampell is a Palm Beach attorney specializing in estate planning. In a recent Washington Post article, he told readers “We all know that far too many marriages end in divorce . . .” And that’s true enough. According to Rampell, the problem isn’t that people no longer believe in marriage. On the contrary, he notes that many Americans want to expand the institution to include same-sex couples. The pro

Media: Gay panic over new Russian laws

The picture above depicts gay activists in London demanding a boycott of the 2014 winter Olympic games in Sochi, Russia . (Photo Credit: Lefteris Pitarakis / AP) ( ) – A  psychiatrist of the early 20th century coined “homosexual panic” to describe an overreaction by heterosexuals who have been hit on by a gay guy. Now it’s the gays turn to panic, in this case by any public criticism, imaginary or otherwise, or legal restriction on their proselytizing. Gay writer Jonathan Capehart   published a short piece in the  Washington Post  this week in which he oh-so-bravely spoke truth to Gospel power. He attended his aunt’s funeral in North Carolina at which the preacher’s “guest eulogy gave way to a harsh sermon about who can and cannot get into the kingdom of heaven.” From what Capehart quotes, the preacher did not actually talk about who can get into heaven but rather who can “transform” their lives by washing themselves in the “blood of the Lamb.” “During

D.C. Mayor axes gospel singer from MLK memorial concert because he is an ‘ex-gay’

WASHINGTON, D.C. ,  – D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray  admitted  Monday that he made the final decision to remove gospel singer Donnie McClurkin from the lineup of performers at a city-sponsored concert held Saturday at the Martin Luther King memorial in respond to complaints by gay activists .  McClurkin was to have been a headline performer at the event , called “Reflections on Peace: Ghandi to King,” which marked the beginning of a planned series of events to commemorate King’s life during the run-up to the 50 th  anniversary of the civil rights leader’s “ I Have a Dream ” speech. But on Friday, several homosexual activists contacted the mayor’s office to complain about McClurkin’s inclusion in the show because the gospel singer is a vocal ex-gay who believes homosexuality is a “curse” which can be overcome through prayer and determination.  They threatened to protest the event if he was allowed to perform.  Soon after, it was announced that McClurkin would no longer be part of th

Obama slated to name five openly immoral homosexual foreign ambassadors

The Obama Administration’s ongoing celebration of homosexual “ Pride Month ” has seemingly carried over into its ambassadorial nominations. On monday, the president announced the nomination of Daniel Baer as ambassador to the Vienna-based Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).  If confirmed, Baer would be the first open homosexual to serve as ambassador to a multilateral institution. Next on the list is HBO executive James Costos, who together with his boyfriend, decorator Michael Smith, fundraised over $1 million for President Obama’s re-election.  He is expected to be named ambassador to Spain as early as this week.  After that, at least three more homosexuals are slated to be announced as ambassadorial picks, including former Office of Personnel Management director John Berry (Australia), former Democratic National Committee finance chairman and Obama fundraising director Rufus Gifford (Denmark), and hedge fund manager James “Wally” Brewster, a

Washington Post faith reporter asks, ‘Why is polygamy so problematic?’

WASHINGTON, D.C. , October 10, 2012, ( ) – As three states face ballot questions on whether to uphold the traditional definition of marriage between two members of the opposite sex, some in the national intelligentsia are looking forward to the next victory of the sexual revolution: polygamy. The faith writer at  The Washington Post  asked in a recent column, if one believes marriage should sanction any affectionate arrangement that makes its parties happy, “Why is polygamy so problematic?” John Witte Jr., a law professor and religion scholar Atlanta’s Emory University , has written in a forthcoming book on plural marriages that the case for legalizing polygamy rests on the same ground as that of homosexual unions. “American states today, viewed together, already offer several models of state-sanctioned domestic life for their citizens: straight and gay marriage, contract and covenant marriage, civil union and domestic partnership,” he writes in the first

Sacked because she didn't support homosexual marriage

Dr. Angela McCaskill has the distinction of being the first deaf black woman to receive a PhD from Gallaudet University , where she has served as their Chief Diversity Officer and has worked as a teacher, administrator and leader  for twenty-three years. Today she was summarily put on administrative leave while university officials "determine her future" at Gallaudet. Why?  Because it was brought to their attention that she signed the petition to allow the people of Maryland to vote on same-sex marriage ! No one is safe when marriage is redefined. The architects of same-sex marriage are bent on silencing and firing those who oppose their agenda. The irony of a university putting its own chief diversity officer on leave—a woman who by all accounts has served the institution with distinction for  over two decades —simply because she chose to exercise her rights as a citizen, cannot be ignored. This is a wake up call to all of us. We all have a stake in marriage. If

Have Evangelicals Shifted in Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage

A man in black traditional Christian garb stands on the steps of San Francisco city hall with a sign that reads "FRANCISCANS FOR SAME-SEX MARRIAGE". Two women behind him smile, one holding another sign that reads "REJ☻ICE". This was taken on June 17 2008, the first day same-sex couples were legally allowed to marry in California. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) From Christianity Today President Obama's announcement that he  supports same-sex marriage  will likely cause ripple effects among evangelicals. Polls show that evangelicals remain among the most opposed to same-sex marriage, but the same polls also show that opposition has diminished over the past two decades. The potential backlash from evangelicals had an immediate impact on some of Obama's evangelical supporters. Pastor Joel Hunter prays with the President, but he told reporters yesterday that it would be more difficult to support him now. Obama called Hunter shortly after the interview t