
Showing posts with the label Victoria

Australian Doctors support heterosexual marriage

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has distanced itself from a group of prominent doctors who say children are better off when raised by heterosexual parents, rather than same-sex couples. Around 150 medical practitioners from the group Doctors for the Family , including a member of Victoria's Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission , say children raised in heterosexual relationships "do better in all parameters". The group has signed a submission to the Senate inquiry into marriage equality, opposing same-sex marriage and asserting that marriage between a man and a woman is the "basis for a healthy society". The submission says that marriage, as it is currently defined under the Marriage Act 2004, is more stable than same-sex marriages. Doctors for the Family's convener, Lachlan Dunjey, is concerned about the health consequences for children of gay marriages . "It's well proven that children who grow up with a mother an

Same-sex ‘marriage’ could force churches to stop performing legal marriages altogether: archbishop

ROME, October 19, 2011 – The legalization of same-sex “marriage” in Australia could push Christian churches out of their historic role in solemnizing legal marriages altogether, according to on Image via Wikipedia e archbishop. Archbishop Barry Hickey of the archdiocese of Perth   said  late last month that the archdiocese would cancel its registration that allows it to celebrate legal marriages if the government attempted to force them to participate in same-sex ceremonies. “We might be back to the ghetto,” Hickey told parishioners at St. Ninian and St. Chad in Maylands. “We can’t do those marriages at all. And if the law forces us to, we cancel our registration as marriage celebrants. We just don’t do it.” Image via Wikipedia Hickey added, “We continue to perform Church marriages but we can’t perform the marriage where there is a basic objection.” “We might be back to the ghetto,” Hickey told parishioners at St. Ninian and St. Chad in Maylands. “We can’t do those marriages at

Legal Australian brothels linked to human trafficking, sex slavery and organized crime

Image via Wikipedia MELBOURNE, Australia , – Prostitution may be legal in the Australian provinces of Victoria and New South Wales , but this hasn’t stopped legal brothels from having ties to human trafficking , sex slavery and organized crime, according to recent police investigations. The results of the investigations have led critics to denounce the decriminalization of prostitution in these states. The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) said the government attempt to regulate the sex trade has failed, and has exacerbated rather than solved the dangers to the women involved. A report in  The Age  states that state authorities have not taken action against legal brothels in Victoria and New South Wales - at least three in Melbourne and two in Sydney - that have been linked to an international sex slavery ring run by Asian organized crime. Image via Wikipedia “A trade that encourages workers to undertake regular health checks for STIs and requires the provision of panic alarms cle

Gays get your hands off marriage

Image via Wikipedia Revising marriage would cause harm At the heart of the argument for same-sex marriage lies  the revisionist propositions that same sex marriage  harms no-one, and that to deny gay and lesbian couples                                                             Marriage is not a denial of natural justice. But under these  proposals, marriage would be totally changed. Marriage  would be something else. It would place adult sexual  choice and emotional commitment at the centre. In other  words, marriage would not be about securing the rights of  children, but rather meeting the needs of adults .  Under  these conditions (rarely articulated, but nevertheless the  case), there is of course no reason why marriage rights  should not be granted to polyamorous relationships, or  indeed any other type of sexual relationship.  Indeed, it is  unclear even why sexual activity should be the focal point   – why couldn’t long term housemates or inseparable  golfing pa

Gay marriage does not link a child to a mother and father

Image via Wikipedia Changing the definition of marriage would thus be a blow to parenthood generally, with the State withdrawing its interest in promoting the stability of parenthood.  It is interesting that when Victoria legislated to permit  surrogacy, through the  Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2008 it introduced the concept of "substitute  parenthood" and the first casualty was fatherhood.  There are no fathers in the legislation, just mothers and parents. Everything turns on the woman who gives birth and her relationships and those whom she appoints to be the substitute parents.  The significance of being a father to a  child has been completely lost in the new law. Those who are most harmed by that are the children who no longer have a right to both a father and a mother, and their biological connectedness to a father no longer has any status in the law. By declaring a legal equivalence between same sex relationships and marriage, the revisionist ap