
Showing posts with the label Utah

Sens. Cruz and Lee introduce bill to stop Obama from imposing marriage redefinition on states

WASHINGTON, D.C. , February 14, 2014 ( ) – The Obama administration 's decision to recognize same-sex “marriages” in states that do not recognize them undermines the Constitution's protection of states rights, according to two staunch pro-family senators. They have introduced a bill to end that encroachment. On Thursday, Sens. Ted Cruz, R-TX, and Mike Lee , R-UT, introduced the State Marriage Defense Act (S 2024). This bill would allow states to preserve and enforce their definition of marriage, as voted on by their people, without interference by the federal government. Sen. Ted Cruz , R-TX A similar bill  was introduced to the House of Representatives on January 10 by Rep. Randy Weber , R-TX, and currently has  57 co-sponsors . The bill has a better chance in the Republican-controlled House than Cruz and Lee’s in the Democrat-controlled Senate. “I support traditional marriage,” Sen. Ted Cruz  said . “Under President Obama , the federal government

United Nations targets Churches on their homosexuality stance

The push to redefine marriage and the family and thereby to de-gender society on the whole  always  ends up targeting religious individuals or groups for abject discrimination. You see, this radical agenda is its own kind of "orthodoxy" and dogmatism, and doesn't brook competition: it is intolerant of any "heresy" and insists on either converting or condemning absolutely — with no room for negotiation. Humanity, as made in God's image, "male and female," will be remade according to their own imaginings — genderless, sexless, role less — and the meaning of marriage written on our hearts will be scribbled over with nonsense. In their minds, it's as if the Creator made marriage to cause harm to gays and lesbians and to punish them with a cruel attack on their basic human dignity. It does not ever occur to them that marriage is a profound public  good  that greatly benefits men and women, and especially their children. But in this most recent

Utah stands for traditional marriage

Utah Standing for Marriage I was honored,  on Tuesday , to be able to join hundreds of pro-marriage supporters at the Salt Lake City Capitol Rotunda for  a wonderful rally supporting Utah's marriage amendment. The turnout was great, and I take my hat off to the organizers who did such a fantastic job pulling the event together. But even more so, I owe high praise to the many wonderful Utah citizens I saw there who came out to express their pro-marriage views and who did so with such positivity, kindness, and dignity. In his " State of the State " address the following day, Governor Gary Herbert   stressed how important those elements are to a healthy public discourse , saying that he wished for Utah to "be a model of how to work through honest disagreements with civility and respect." Well, of course Governor Herbert is right, and I can honestly say from what I saw  on Tuesday  that pro-marriage Utahans are already fulfilling that wish.  Unfortun

Radical Activist Judges forcing immoral homosexual marriage

U.S. Supreme Court building. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) 2014 has started with a bang... a few days before the end of last year, an activist federal judge in Utah issued a ludicrous decision striking down that state's constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. He did this despite the Supreme Court ruling last summer (in the  Windsor  case) that clearly upheld a state's right to define and regulate marriage. He also ignored past legal precedent from the Supreme Court defending the legality of state constitutional marriage amendments. Rather than rely on precedent, he engaged in rampant speculation that eventually the U. S. Supreme Court would agree with him to make marriage genderless. Talk about imposing a personal viewpoint contrary to law! Well, in the first few weeks of new year, another activist federal judge in Oklahoma has done the same thing — throwing out Oklahoma's constitutional amendment defending marriage! Th

Holder violates States rights over immoral homosexuality

Indeed, when the history of the marriage debate comes to be written, the events of the beginning of 2014 may become the chapter entitled, "The Same-sex 'Marriage' Lobby's Boldest Overreaching." This chapter begins with a single federal judge... The ruling from District Court Judge Robert Shelby in Utah handed down December 20th was  an unexpected shock   for marriage supporters around the nation. Coming, as it did, hot on the heels of  another federal court decision in Utah  that ruled to de-criminalize religious plural marriages (i.e., polygamous unions), Shelby's ruling added insult to an already injured state legislature and citizenry. Utah's voters and lawmakers alike probably found themselves wondering whether they had any say in their State's values at all anymore. Then came yet another unexpected plot twist. Following failed applications for a stay of Shelby's decision both in the District court and in the 10th Circuit Court of

Defend genuine marriage not immoral homosexual zealots

Another very important piece of legislation has been introduced in Congress and  I am urging all NOM supporters to take action today to urge their Representatives to support this critical bill: the State Marriage Defense Act of 2014. The bill, authored by Representative Randy Weber of Texas, aims to reaffirm and strengthen the right of states accorded them in the U.S. Constitution to define marriage and to have their determinations in this important matter respected by the federal government. It already enjoys over two dozen co-sponsors in the House of Representatives as it begins being debated in the House Judiciary Committee . I cannot emphasize enough how important federal legislation like this is becoming each day as we continue to see the fallout of the Supreme Court's decision last summer in the   Windsor case that challenged a particular section of DOMA : In Utah, a constitutional crisis is underway as the State works to defend its marriage amendment in the 10t

The end of morality laws? Not exactly

January 13, 2014 ( Albert Mohler ) - Does the legalization of same-sex marriage and polygamy mean the end of all morality laws? George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley thinks so, and he openly celebrates the death of all morals legislation—or, at least he says he does. Turley was the lead counsel in the “ Sister Wives ” case in Utah that legalized polygamy in that state last month, a reversal of the very morals legislation that the U. S. government required of Utah for that territory to be admitted as a state in the late nineteenth century. Here is how Professor Turley explained the case: It’s true that the Utah ruling is one of the latest examples of a national trend away from laws that impose a moral code . There is a difference, however, between the demise of morality laws and the demise of morality. This distinction appears to escape social conservatives nostalgic for a time when the government dictated whom you could live with or sleep with. But the