
Showing posts with the label United States armed forces

Military chaplain agencies demand conscience protections as ‘don’t ask’ repeal looms

Image via Wikipedia Twenty-one religious agencies that provide chaplains to the U.S. military sent  a joint letter  to the military’s chiefs of chaplains Monday voicing strong concern over the need for religious liberty protections if the military lifts its “don’t ask don’t tell” policy that forbids open homosexuality in the military. The  letter  asks the chiefs for their help in urging Congress and the Department of Defense to adopt such protections. Alliance Defence Fund ( ADF ) attorneys helped draft proposed religious liberty protections for the Pentagon’s working group on the matter, but the law designed to dismantle the “don’t ask, don’t tell” ( DADT ) policy still lacks any such protections.   “ Service members should not be denied the very constitutional liberties they volunteered to defend,” said ADF Legal Counsel Daniel Blomberg. “If this government truly cares about protecting religious liberties as it says it does, why has it been afraid to put it in writing? The al

Pamphlet instructs U.S. military leaders how to handle gay kissing

Image via Wikipedia A new pamphlet explaining how military officials should handle various scenarios involving homosexuals has been distributed to four branches of the U.S. military , the  Washington Times  reported Wednesday. A member of the U.S. Marine Corps , which has been the branch of the military most resistant to the changes in policy regarding homosexuality, gave the Times a copy of the document.  It explains how officials should act in given situations now that open homosexuality is no longer an offense punishable by discharge. “Situation: You are the Executive Officer of your unit,” states one section, according to the Times. “While shopping at the local mall over the weekend, you observe two junior male Marines in appropriate civilian attire assigned to your unit kissing and hugging in the food court. “Issue: Standards of Conduct. Is this within standards of personal and professional conduct?” The answer: “If the observed behavior crosses acceptable boundaries as de

Trouble with Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal

Image via Wikipedia President Obama's repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is already  damaging the U.S. military . An Army lieutenant colonel has asked to be relieved of command rather than order his troops to go through pro-homosexual indoctrination following the repeal of the policy, which required homosexuals to keep silent about their sexual preference. Currently the commander of a battalion-sized unit in the Army National Guard , the officer also has threatened to resign his commission rather than undergo "behavior modification" training intended to counter his religious convictions about homosexuality.  Discover what's causing modern America to disintegrate. Read "HOW EVIL WORKS: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces That Are Transforming America" The soldier sent the following  letter  to his commanding officer: Subject: Request for Relief from Command due to Personal Moral Conflict with New Homose

Don't Ask Don't Tell Culture Wars

Image via Wikipedia A Democratic Congress, discharged by the voters on Nov. 2, has as one of its last official acts, imposed its San Francisco values on the armed forces of the United States .     "Don't ask, don't tell" is to be repealed. Open homosexuals are to be welcomed with open arms in all branches of the armed services.     Let us hope this works out better for the Marine Corps than it did for the Catholic Church .      Remarkable. The least respected of American institutions, Congress, with an approval rating of 13 percent, is imposing its cultural and moral values on the most respected of American institutions, the U.S. military.     Why are we undertaking this social experiment with the finest military on earth? Does justice demand it? Was there a national clamor for it?     No. It is being imposed from above by people, few of whom have ever served or seen combat, but all of whom are aware of the power of the homosexual rights lobby. This is a

Don't Ask Don't Tell

Image via Wikipedia The Pentagon's poll on "don't ask, don't tell" is beyond idiotic. Instead of asking whether the troops support repeal of DADT , the Pentagon asked only if they can learn to play nice with the gays . Even more absurdly, the Pentagon polled all military "personnel" -- and their spouses! Only a small portion of what is known as "the military" actually does the fighting . The rest is a vast bureaucracy along the lines of the DMV. Today's military features "victim advocates" and sensitivity training facilitators, the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services personnel and a million other goo-goo positions. How did we ever take the shores of Normandy without a phalanx of "sensitivity training" counselors? No one has any need to be reassured that the military's " social action " staff will enjoy working with gays. Whatever a career in "social action" entails, it bett