
Showing posts with the label Twitter

Dutch men hold hands to protest homophobia - would they do this for adultery?

Politicians from Democrats 66 party, Alexander Pechtold (L) and Wouter Koolmees (R), arrived a meeting in Le Hague holding hands to show support for immoral homosexuality after there was an incident or attack wither on or by two homosexual men in the Netherlands on Sunday. Two homosexual men said they were attacked in the early hours of the morning in Arnhem in the country's east.  They claim they were attacked because they were holding hands. The lawyer of the alleged attackers appeared on a TV show claiming one of the homosexual men threw the first punch and had nothing to do with hand holding.  But does that stop the pro-homosexual zealots including politicians who will jump at any chance to promote immoral homosexuality. Homosexuals around the world are using every gimmick, every form of manipulation to achieve their immoral goals. That does not mean violence is the answer, but awareness of these horrid tactics that seek to normalize the immoral sin of homos

Australia: Politician Eric Abetz denies suggesting gays can become straight

Senator Eric Abetz has stated clearly that homosexuals can become straight, during a TV interview. Asked by Samantha Maiden on Sky News on Tuesday if, “do you personally believe that gays and lesbians can pull up their bootstraps and show a bit of discipline and become heterosexuals . Do you actually think they can stop being who they are in some way?,”  Senator Abetz said: “The reality is, and evidence has been given to Senate Committees , where people that have been in gay relationships have gone into heterosexual relationships and I believe that can happen courtesy of the evidence."  Senator is not talking specifically about a small number bi-sexual people who are driven by confusion and possibily lust, but those who have testified that they no longer are homosexual and return to heterosexuality. The media seems to have convinced itself this is not possible. The reason why, is because it undermines the whole homosexual equality marriage argument because it become

Homosexual activist make people loose their jobs

Michael Barnett and M arriage equality advocate IBM Australia is being targeted by ­militant gay rights activists who have condemned the company over a senior executive’s links to a ­Christian organisation . Activists have criticised the IT giant and Sydney-based managing partner Mark Allaby, suggesting that his role on the board of the Lachlan Macquarie Institute, an internship program for young Christians, is incompatible with IBM’s public support on the issue. The social media campaign comes after the same activists shamed Adelaide brewer Coopers into pledging allegiance to Australian Marriage Equality after its ties with the Bible Society were ­exposed. Greens candidate Rod Swift. Picture: Mark Dadswell Michael Barnett, convener of Jewish LGBTI support group Aleph Melbourne, and Rod Swift, a Greens candidate in the 2014 state election, have targeted IBM with a barrage of messages via Twitter in recent days, accusing the company of hypocrisy for ­allowing an emp

Alberta education minister: It’s ‘extremist’ to say parents have right to know when child joins LGBT club

Alberta NDP Education Minister Dave Eggen has slammed Jason Kenney ’s defence of parental rights as “extremist.” Kenney, newly elected leader of the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party , told  Postmedia’s  editorial board Tuesday he would not repeal Bill 10, which mandates schools must provide pro-homosexual gay-straight alliance (GSA) clubs if a student requests it. "I do, however, think that parents have a right to know what's going on with their kids in the schools unless the parents are abusive," added Kenney. “I don’t think it’s right to keep secrets from parents about challenges their kids are going through.” The education system “should be predicated on the presumption that the vast majority of parents are good, loving, caring people who have the best interests of their children at heart,” he said. Eggen, who last week ordered two  private Christian  schools to allow GSAs or be shut down, reacted quickly. “Jason Kenney has shown, once you scra

Planned Parenthood uses Mother’s Day to celebrate abortion, ‘gender fluidity’

Planned Parenthood volunteers help bring the fight for health insurance reform to the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Planned Parenthood took advantage of Mother’s Day to promote the antithesis of empowered motherhood : abortion . On its Twitter account, the nation’s largest abortion provider celebrated abortion and gender fluidity on the holiday dedicated to honoring mothers and the sacrifices they make for their children: “Planned Parenthood works every day to promote healthy, planned motherhood all over the world, and to support moms of all ages, races, and walks of life,” the abortion giant posted on Facebook .  “We wish you a Happy Mother's Day!” According to its   own annual report , Planned Parenthood ripped 323,999 children out of their mothers’ wombs during the fiscal year 2014-2015.  Planned Parenthood’s work promoting “healthy, planned motherhood all over the world” includes supplying to women hormonal birth control that the   Wor

Disproportionately gay: an alarming trend in youth literature

The way to win over a culture is to capture the minds and hearts of its young people. The gay-rights movement has certainly learned that lesson, which helps explain a current trend in youth literature. Anyone who reads books for teens these days will tell you that portrayals of gay relationships and characters are rapidly increasing. In fact, they’re increasing to the point where they’re all out of proportion to reality. If you know the statistics on rates of homosexuality in the real world, you know that it’s somewhere around three percent, maybe less. Not so in the world of Young Adult fiction ; there, it’s far more pervasive. Book reviewers on the Youth Reads page at our website  are noticing that the subject is coming up in more and more contemporary teen novels. It doesn’t matter if they’re romances or fantasy novels or any other genre—the theme runs through all kinds of books for this age group. Acclaimed author Rainbow Rowell is just one prominent rece

Say anything negative - loose your job - Same sex madness

Has there ever been a sweeter-sounding, more goosebump-inducing phrase than ‘ Freedom to marry ’? Everyone likes freedom (even illiberal politicians pay lip service to liberty), and who doesn’t love a good wedding? Marry these two things together (pun intended) and you end up with an endorphin-releasing buzzphrase that will make anyone grin wildly. So it has been following Senator David Leyonhjelm’s unveiling of the Freedom to Marry Bill. Across Oz, right-minded people who think gays must be allowed to get hitched experienced paroxysms of joy at the introduction of this new phrase into the political vernacular. Sure, those of a leftish bent had trouble computing the fact that it’s a classical liberal politician who’s championing their most beloved cause. But the instant they made peace with this seeming anomaly, they, together with small-l liberals, gay-rights activists and the Age-reading patrons of non-chain coffee shops across the land (well, in Melbourne ), were giving themselve

Still angry with the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage?

I’ve been checking my Facebook newsfeed more in the past few days than I have in the last couple months combined, and I’m filled with sadness over the response of some people I thought were Christians, but have obviously departed from the Gospel . I’m super thankful for my old pastor and his thoughts , as well as my current pastor and his video . But I’ve also been concerned about the response of some other friends. As I was watching people’s responses and examining my own angry thoughts about the SCOTUS decision, I couldn’t help but think what is the purpose in what we are posting and saying? What is our goal? Are we trying to avoid persecution? Are we trying to convince people that we are being mistreated? Are we trying to evangelize? Can anyone come to faith by our giving crafty arguments against same-sex marriage? A few years ago, I was out doing street evangelism for one of the first times in my life in Italy , and I walked up to a market place where a guy named Mario (yes th

Facebook’s conformity campaign

Facebook  launched a new "Celebrate Pride" tool which lets users blend their Facebook profile photo with the rainbow flag . The tool came out soon after the U.S. Supreme Court 's ruling on same-sex marriage was announced last Friday, and it has become a massive movement. Within hours of the tool's launch,  over a million people  had changed their profile photo. It now likely reaches into almost everyone's Friend list , including mine. I was startled at first when I logged into Facebook and saw that a few of my friends had giant rainbows painted across their faces in their profile pics. My first surprise was that some of these people were conservatives, whom I had believed supported the conjugal definition of marriage . I guess I learned something about my friends this weekend. But Facebook's new tool also got me thinking.  What else is this, but a massive conformity campaign?  I look at my list of friends and breathe a sigh of relief. Only a few have d