
Showing posts with the label Television

The truth about Homosexuality

Image via Wikipedia Homosexuality is now the most controversial issue of debate in American culture - and it is likely to stay that way for a long time. Once famously described as “the love that dares not speak its name,” homosexuality is now openly discussed and debated throughout American society. Homosexuality is now the most controversial issue of debate in American culture - and it is likely to stay that way for a long time. Once famously described as “the love that dares not speak its name,” homosexuality is now openly discussed and debated throughout American society. Behind this discussion is an agenda, pushed and promoted by activists, who seek legitimization and social sanction for homosexual acts , relationships, and lifestyles.  The push is on for homosexual “marriage,” the removal of all structures and laws considered oppressive to homosexuals, and the recognition of homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, and others as “erotic minorities” deserving of special legal pro

'Freedom to Marry' mask aggressive Homosexual agenda

Image via Wikipedia The largest-ever national public campaign to sway Americans towards same-sex “ marriage ” launched today, Valentine’s Day , with a media blitz of TV , radio, and online ads. Last Wednesday, the homosexualist group Freedom to Marry announced the launch of “Why Marriage Matters,” a campaign that features homosexual and heterosexual couples side by side, saying why marriage matters to them.   The organization has pledged to raise and spend $10 million over the next three years on the campaign, which will launch with an initial national cable buy on CNN .  The Freedom to Marry campaign, founded in 2003, aims to deconstruct the legal definition of marriage as between a man and a woman across the United States . “Across the country the thinking of many Americans, from the president to the people next door, continues to – as President Obama put it – ‘evolve’ toward support for same-sex couples joining in the freedom to marry.   Freedom to Marry’s team has crunche