
Showing posts with the label Ted Cruz

Sens. Cruz and Lee introduce bill to stop Obama from imposing marriage redefinition on states

WASHINGTON, D.C. , February 14, 2014 ( ) – The Obama administration 's decision to recognize same-sex “marriages” in states that do not recognize them undermines the Constitution's protection of states rights, according to two staunch pro-family senators. They have introduced a bill to end that encroachment. On Thursday, Sens. Ted Cruz, R-TX, and Mike Lee , R-UT, introduced the State Marriage Defense Act (S 2024). This bill would allow states to preserve and enforce their definition of marriage, as voted on by their people, without interference by the federal government. Sen. Ted Cruz , R-TX A similar bill  was introduced to the House of Representatives on January 10 by Rep. Randy Weber , R-TX, and currently has  57 co-sponsors . The bill has a better chance in the Republican-controlled House than Cruz and Lee’s in the Democrat-controlled Senate. “I support traditional marriage,” Sen. Ted Cruz  said . “Under President Obama , the federal government

Fox Sports war on religious freedom: sacks Christian for homosexuality views

Fox Sports (United States) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) September 10, 2013 ( FRC ) - As a former quarterback, Craig James isn't used to being on the defensive. But unfortunately, that's exactly where Fox Sports is putting him in a story that should rock the football world. The retired Pro-Bowler became the latest face of the war on religious liberty, when -- after one day on the job -- Fox Sports gave James the boot for his conservative views on marriage. And here's the kicker: he made the comments, not at the sports desk, but during last year's Senate campaign! Apart from being a popular analyst, Craig also had political aspirations -- aspirations he followed to Texas in an unsuccessful bid against Ted Cruz during the primary. In the course of the campaign, Craig was asked -- as all candidates are -- about his views on marriage and sexuality. James's opinion happens to coincide with  the research , which is that no one is born gay. And, as an orthodox Ch

Sen. Ted Cruz: Gay ‘marriage’ could lead to Christian beliefs being punished as ‘hate speech’

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 24, 2013 ( LifeSiteNews ) – In an  interview  with the Christian Broadcasting Network , Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he believes the legalization of same-sex “marriage” may lead to those who express religious objections to homosexuality being prosecuted for hate speech . Sen. Ted Cruz “If you look at other nations that have gone down the road towards gay marriage, that’s the next step of where it gets enforced,” Cruz told CBN host David Brody. “It gets enforced against Christian pastors who decline to perform gay marriages, who speak out and preach biblical truths on marriage, that has been defined elsewhere as hate speech, as inconsistent with the enlightened view of government.” In Canada, where gay ‘marriage’ was legalized in 2005, Christian pastors, public officials, educators and business owners have all faced heavy fines and lengthy court battles after speaking critically of the homosexual lifestyle. In one case a pastor  was fined $7000  a

IRS Bullies target Christians who dont support Homosexual Marriage

NOM's decision to stand up to abuse and fight back by suing the IRS is generating a mountain of positive responses with major media outlets. By our rough count, NOM's case has been mentioned over 85 times this past week! A special shout-out to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz , a major GOP presidential hopeful, for speaking out about this abuse of power in front of the cameras at a morning press conference: Fox News took notice on numerous occasions — including this one: Here's NOM's own fighting law professor and Chairman John Eastman on Neil Cavuto : But of all the coverage the one that lays bare new and important details is this radio interview between Mike Huckabee and John Eastman: Mike Huckabee:   "...this is pretty explosive. It's one thing to say an application got bureaucratic red tape that's inexcusable and unforgivable but what you're saying is that the information that by law is confidential on your tax return was handed over to