
Showing posts with the label Sydney

Greens Transgender Politician takes preiest to court?

The national newspapers reporting of the freedom-sapping effects of same-sex marriage legislation is a potential game-changer in the long-running debate. After years of the gay lobby saying there were no consequences to changing the definition of marriage , suddenly mainstream media is waking up to the fact that this is not true. Concerns that ACL and others have raised for years about the impacts on freedom of speech and religion are now being taken seriously by serious journalists. The action against Hobart Archbishop Julian Porteous and the entire Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference in the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commission has woken journalists at News Corp with a jolt. The action is by Greens political candidate and transgender activist, Martine Delaney, who has claimed offence under the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act over a Catholic booklet entitled “Don’t Mess with Marriage”. The booklet contains all of the key arguments our side of the debate wou

Gayby Baby: promotes same-sex marriage agenda - a deadly disease movie for kids

Gay and lesbian groups have said the New South Wales Government is sending a message of intolerance by stopping a documentary on same-sex parenting from being shown in public schools. Churches have said the video is dangerous to the health of children. "The film, Gayby Baby, chronicles four children who have gay parents and how they navigate their way through life. It seeks to support the homosexual agenda and present all is well in the gay LGBT camp. Yet the reality is the LGBT community are intolerant of those who do not accept their view" It was to be the centrepiece of a campaign to indoctrinate schoolchildren about same-sex families as part of Wear it Purple Day on Friday , and has prompted backlash among normal families and parents. "Schools are where children go to study, they don't expect to see propaganda films promoting the homosexual lifestyle or same-sex relationships, especially while we're having a big debate over same-sex marria

Do we love gay people? - Hillsong

Praise and worship during the opening night of Hillsong Conference in Kiev, 2006 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) I love and care about people – from all walks of life; people with various beliefs, ethics, perspectives and lifestyles . I care that humanity and some within the Christian church can be so quick to alienate and ostracise others who are different than them; those who live differently, think differently, speak differently. I also live by my own convictions, and hold to traditional Christian thought on gay lifestyles and gay marriage. I do believe God ’s word is clear that marriage is between a man and a woman. The writings of the apostle Paul in scripture on the subject of homosexuality are also clear, as I have mentioned in previous public statements. Hillsong Church welcomes ALL people but does not affirm all lifestyles. Put clearly, we do not affirm a gay lifestyle and because of this we do not knowingly have actively gay people in positions of leadership, either

Australian Church Leader addresses the weak Same-sex 'marriage' arguments

The campaign to redefine marriage has recently gained such momentum – with now three and soon four bills before the Commonwealth Parliament – that many think it is inevitable. This can leave those with misgivings feeling that they are already losers in a done deal. Some think it is the inexorable progress of liberty and equality – which leaves the doubters on “the wrong side of history.” In this context supporters of classical marriage are presumed to have no real arguments to offer. So here I want to offer some reasons – not decrees from on high or from the past, not expressions of hatred or prejudice – but reasons I hope anyone can understand. I also hope these reasons prove persuasive and helpful in proclaiming and witnessing to true marriage among families, friends and colleagues. Regardless, I hope this will help explain why Australian law has always held, and many people still hold, that marriage is for people of opposite sex. I will examine five common slogans in this debate –

Why ddid a government funded TV station: SBS ban marriage advertisement during Homosexual mardi gras?

A lot has happened since our letter to you on Saturday 7 March, as the first television ad in our marriage campaign, ‘Think of the Child’, was broadcast in Sydney as the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade got underway. Since then our ad, “What about Equality for the Child?” has been seen  over half a million times  on YouTube - .   It was the #1 video on YouTube in Australia for most of last week. Mess after Mardi Gras, Sidney, Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) With the Senate set to debate Senator Leyonhjelm’s  Right to Marry Bill   next Thursday , AMF must keep putting out there the child-centred case against gay ‘marriage’ and gay adoption / surrogacy. ENGAGE THE DEBATE The Mardi Gras Parade, that decadent political protest march with its “marriage equality” float, was certainly the right time to place our gentle counter-protest. That decision, and the subsequent decision by SBS to ban our ad, has stimulated debate in a big way.