
Showing posts with the label Sodom

A response to Brad Chilcott on the sin of Sodom

The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah, a painting by John Martin (painter), died 1854, thus 100 years. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Christ on Sodom Perhaps the most convincing implicit references to homosexual conduct and orientation occur where Christ mentions the city of Sodom and events surrounding its destruction.   Christ makes six references to Sodom, including parallel texts (Matt. 10:15; 11:23–24 [2 x]; Mark 6:11; Luke 10:12; 17:26–37). Jesus said more about Sodom than did any other New Testament teacher. The statements fall within three categories. Matthew 10:15 Jesus sends out His disciples to teach and preach and do miracles throughout the cities of Israel. They are to shake from their feet the dust of any house or city that rejects them or their words; those who reject will come under severe judgment (v. 14). The pattern for this judgment is the utterly devoured cities of Sodom and Gomorrah . This is a clear object lesson describing God ’s disapproval and re

How Christ saved a homosexual porn actor

When the Lord threw me over his shoulder, carried my lifeless body from the pit of sin and desperation, that I had so stupidly and willfully dropped myself, I hated the mud and dirt, and all those still wallowing in it, which had once been my only home.  I spit at and cursed at the political leaders and activists I had previously cherished; I swore to never return to the gay Sodom and Gomorrah of San Francisco ; and I wished death upon my fellow porn actors – for they had all deceived and abused me. In my mind, I had been rather taintless and completely victimized.  Slowly and patently, the Lord filled my soul with a true heart of love for these people: because, as I began to realize why I had made the choices I did – I came to understand that they were no different; they too had been led to the slaughter – on the bloodied altar of ignorant pride and satanic perversion. The hate was only making me prideful, thinking that God saved me because – somehow, I was special; I was d

On homosexuality, the ‘yuck factor’ is not enough

In our increasingly superficial culture, many moral decisions are made based on surface appearances, emotional reactions to those appearances, and an alarming lack of intellectual or volitional activity to check those emotional reactions. This has serious ramifications for all of us, who want to evangelize the larger society of which we are a part. Whereas many of the issues we might consider as specimens of this would be on the “left” side of the cultural divide — abortion, contraception, divorce, etc. — I will focus on only one issue, and keep myself to censuring those on the “right” side of that divide. (And the word “right” has a double meaning here.) The issue is homosexuality. I am taking issue with those who are fundamentally correct in opposing the vice, but inadequately rooted in their principles and therefore unreliable in their actions. The sin of Sodom is a grave matter, which means that to commit it is a sin, i.e., something so heinous that one instance of it a

What does the New Testament say about Homosexuality?

In Romans 1:18–32 Paul writes of the wrath of God that has been revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. The reason for His wrath is that people have perverted the revelation of God. This perversion substituted the glory of the true God with gods made in images of people and birds and animals and crawling creatures, which people themselves made. As a result, God passed sentence on the world. Three times Paul says that God gave people over to various lusts and perversions, which include homosexuality and lesbianism (Rom. 1:24, 26, 28). “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error” (Rom. 1:26–27). Notice the words Paul uses to describe lesbianism and homosexua

What does the Old Testament say about homosexuality?

Homosexuality is mentioned eight times in the Scriptures (four in each testament), and lesbianism (homosexuality between females) one time. In no instance is it commended; instead it is always described as wrong and unnatural. The first instance, the account of Lot in Sodom , is debated as to whether or not it refers to homosexuality (Gen. 19:4–11). With the growing prominence of the homosexual movement, it is now being said that the sin was not homosexuality but inhospitality and gang rape. The claim goes that when Lot received the two angels (who appeared as men and were strangers to the residents of Sodom), he angered the locals because no one had examined their credentials. So when the locals demanded to “know” them (v. 5), they only wanted to get acquainted with them. Lot, however, was bound to be hospitable to the strangers and to protect his guests, so he offered to sacrifice his daughters to the crowd. And had not the angels blinded the men of the city, then gang rape would h

What if someone in my family is homosexual?

This is a rebuttal to an article published by  Free Inquiry  about why Christians are wrong about their views on homosexuality entitled " Why the Christian Right is Wrong About Homosexuality ," by Jerry Drosman. Jerry Drosman's piece is so easy to pick apart I am astonished that  Free Inquiry  even bothered to publish it. I suppose the philosophy of secular humanism would accept any argument against Christianity no matter how inane. Familial relationships Drosman begins by citing an example of a Christian named Rob who will not associate with his sister because she is a lesbian. Drosmen also goes on to state that Rob won't let his sister's partner even touch his children. This is interesting because if Rob refused to associate with his sister how is her partner coming into situations where she could touch Rob's children? My guess is that Drosman may be overstating the relationship rift between Rob and his sister, but even if his portrayal is acc

What does the Bible say about anal homosexual sex or sodomy?

There is no overt mention of anal sex in the Bible . In the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 , a large group of men sought to gang rape two angels who had taken the form of men. The reasonable presumption is that the men of Sodom wanted to have forcible anal sex with the angels. The men’s homosexual lust is obvious, but again, anal sex is not mentioned in the passage. The words  sodomy  and  sodomize   come from this biblical account. Sodomy is, literally, “the sin of Sodom.” In modern language, the term sodomy has acquired a broader definition than what is biblically warranted. Today, “sodomy” often refers to any form of non-penile/vaginal sexual act, which includes anal sex and oral sex . If the biblical text is used as the basis for the definition, though, “sodomy” cannot include oral sex or, technically, even anal sex. The strict understanding of sodomy , based solely on the events of Genesis 19, would have to be “forcible anal sex, with one male homosexually raping

Bible rejects homosexual argument and slavery logic

English: Abraham Sees Sodom in Flames, circa 1896–1902, by James Jacques Joseph Tissot (French, 1836-1902) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) There are, in our day, two principle competing views on how to answer this question. Because we live in a world where those committing sexual perversion have become a protected class , certain circles of the church have rushed to accommodate them. The up and coming theory, however anti- intuitive it might be is this- God destroyed Sodom not because it was a city given over to perversion, but because it was a city that failed to exercise hospitality. God’s wrath was poured out not because the men of Sodom, pounding on Lot’s door, wanted to sexually assault the angels, but because the angels were not treated with grace and compassion. It wasn’t what they wanted to take, but what they failed to give. The more conservative wing of the church, of course, takes an older view, a more intuitive view. The narrative here goes like this- Sodom was a ci