
Showing posts with the label Sochi

Obama promotes homosexuality in State of the Union - again

President Barack Obama  promoter of immorality Judged by God to be promoting the worst of sin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) WASHINGTON, D.C. , January 29, 2014  – The annual State of the Union Address is a time for the president to unveil his political agenda for the coming year and ask Congress to pass it. But President Obama largely showed the nation how he would work around the institution through executive orders and regulations – boasting of his dedication to homosexuality. At no point did he directly address abortion, something he avoided last year as well. He took the opportunity of the nation's most-watched political speech to say that ObamaCare is “fixing” the nation's health care sytem. However, nestled in a paragraph about how First Lady Michelle Obama “sets a good example” for the country, Obama said, “Across the country, we’re partnering with mayors, governors, and state legislatures on issues from homelessness to marriage equality.” “The point is, th

Russia proposes to expand law to ban propaganda of all sex to minors

MOSCOW,  – The Russian government has outflanked opponents from the homosexualist lobby furious over the prohibition on promoting the “gay lifestyle” by proposing to expand the law to include promotion to children of any sexual activity outside natural marriage. The existing law makes it a crime to promote “non-traditional” homosexual relations to children and young people under 18. Changes to the law, submitted in the Duma on Friday, propose to remove the term “non-traditional” sexual activity, and change the wording to a prohibition on propagandizing of any sexual relations among under-aged children and of the idea of a “priority of sexual relations” on children’s minds, Itar-Tass reported Sunday. The bill cites the increase in sexual activity among teens as well as the need to protect children from information “damaging to the values of family life, the spiritual and intellectual development of minors.” In the lead-up to the Sochi Winter Olympics, that will run from Feb

Putin to homosexuals: Come to Olympics but ‘leave children in peace’

KRASNAYA POLYANA , Russia , January 20, 2014 ( ) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that homosexual people are welcome to attend the Sochi Olympics and can "feel safe and free" in Russia during the winter games, but warned them to “leave children in peace.” Homosexuality itself is not a crime in Russia, so gay people can “feel calm, at ease, but leave children in peace, please,” Putin said at a meeting with Olympic volunteers in the mountain village of Krasnaya Polyana, the base outside Sochi for Olympic snow sports, according to  RIA Novosti . "We don't outlaw anything and don't nab anyone. Our law prescribes no responsibility for these kinds of relationships unlike laws in some other countries do,” he said. But he did emphasize that the law bans homosexual propaganda targeting minors. Putin signed that bill into law last June, forbidding the promotion of homosexuality and other forms of “nontraditional sexual

Obama administration cranks up executive actions to give gays government benefits

WASHINGTON, D.C. , December 20, 2013 ( ) – As Congress goes home for Christmas,  the Obama administration is now using executive powers  and other regulatory policies to benefit homosexuals. This week, the Social Security Administration   announced  that it is starting to give homosexual couples “survivor benefits,” formerly reserved for heterosexual couples who were legally married. Such benefits were  intended to benefit lifelong stay-at-home mothers upon their death of the family breadwinner . The Obama administration is currently limiting benefit recipients to those who have been “married” in a state where homosexual relationships are legal. This may change to incorporate couples in states where homosexuals cannot get “married.” Last week, Education Secretary Arne Duncan   continued  the administration's efforts to help gay couples with student loans. Duncan  said  the administration would not differentiate between “married” homosexuals and wedded h

Athletes, activists push immoral homosexual agenda at UN on Human Rights Day

NEW YORK, - On Human Rights Day , famous athletes and UN officials met at UN headquarters to condemn what they consider to be discrimination against homosexuals. Russia took the brunt of the criticism ahead of the Winter Olympics to be held in Sochi next February. It is the first of several countries that have enacted a law to protect children from information that glamorizes unhealthy sexual behaviors, homosexuality being considered one of them. US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power called Russia’s law “as outrageous as it is dangerous” at a press conference early in the day. “Sports have the power to change the world,” Czech tennis star Martina Navratilova told homosexual and transgender activists at an event at UN headquarters. Given Russia’s increasing international influence, that law is particularly problematic to homosexual activists and critics. Ambassador Power said that discriminating against homosexuals is “barbarism” and spent the morning at a strategy s

Mainstream media coverup plans to have Olympic athletes smuggle gay propaganda into Russia

English: Vladimir Putin and Gerhard Schroeder (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) BOSTON, September 10, 2013 ( ) – Two nations' Olympic teams, a global network of LGBT activists , and unnamed international diplomats have a secret plan to flout Russia's new laws banning gay propaganda at the 2014 Olympics , a homosexual activist recently told a meeting of journalists representing the most powerful media outlets in the world – but not one has reported it. The Massachusetts-based family group  MassResistance  has  released an audio recording  of a speaker alluding to the wide-ranging plan during the  National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association  (NLGJA)'s 2013 convention, “Boston: Uncommon,” last month. The three-week-long campaign would include such antics as athletes displaying LGBT pride symbols that had been smuggled into the country by foreign policy officials from Western nations. “We've spoken with the Canadian and U.S. hockey teams. We'

Poll finds majority of Canadians disagree with Olympic boycott over Russian homosexuality laws

TORONTO, September 3, 2013 ( ) - The idea of a boycott of the 2014 Olympic games in Russia in protest over laws that ban propaganda promoting the homosexual lifestyle. In a new poll of Canadians by  Forum Research , the majority (58%) disagree that Canada should boycott the 2014 Sochi Olympics, while less that one third agree with such an action (32%). One tenth (10%) had no opinion on the issue.  However, a slightly smaller majority (56%) also think Canadian athletes at Sochi should be allowed to show their support for homosexuality by wearing rainbow pins or carrying rainbow flags, an activity forbidden by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).  The  IOC's charter  specifically prohibits demonstrations or political propaganda in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas. (Bylaw to Rule 50.)  "Any violation of the provisions of the present clause may result in disqualification or withdrawal of the accreditation of the person concerned. T

Media: Gay panic over new Russian laws

The picture above depicts gay activists in London demanding a boycott of the 2014 winter Olympic games in Sochi, Russia . (Photo Credit: Lefteris Pitarakis / AP) ( ) – A  psychiatrist of the early 20th century coined “homosexual panic” to describe an overreaction by heterosexuals who have been hit on by a gay guy. Now it’s the gays turn to panic, in this case by any public criticism, imaginary or otherwise, or legal restriction on their proselytizing. Gay writer Jonathan Capehart   published a short piece in the  Washington Post  this week in which he oh-so-bravely spoke truth to Gospel power. He attended his aunt’s funeral in North Carolina at which the preacher’s “guest eulogy gave way to a harsh sermon about who can and cannot get into the kingdom of heaven.” From what Capehart quotes, the preacher did not actually talk about who can get into heaven but rather who can “transform” their lives by washing themselves in the “blood of the Lamb.” “During