
Showing posts with the label Single parent

Homosexual marriage leads to the“casualization of heterosexual unions and separation of marriage and parenthood.

Rainbow flag. Symbol of gay sin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Half of all British children born this year will be living with only one parent by the time they reach their teens, a study has revealed. The study, titled “The myth of long-term stable relationships outside of marriage ” undertaken by the Marriage Foundation, found that 45 percent of British teenagers between the ages of 13-15 are not living with both parents and that 9 out of 10 children born to unmarried, cohabiting “partners” will be living in single-parent households by their teens. The study examined the differing rates of “family breakdown” experienced by married and cohabiting couples using data from the Understanding Society national longitudinal survey of 40,000 British households. The numbers indicate that half of all cohabiting couples will break up within a year of moving in together. Nearly one-fifth (17 percent) of babies under a year old do not live with both natural parents, and that number jumps

What harm would it do to legalize gay “marriage”?

Q—What harm would it do to the institution of marriage if we redefine it to include same-sex couples? At the outset, it is worth noting that this question is often framed in a rather misleading way: “What harm would a same-sex couple getting married do to your opposite-sex marriage?” The issue, however, is not how any one couple’s marriage would affect any other specific couple’s marriage—the issue is how changing the definition of marriage under the law would change the social institution of marriage. Giving unique privileges and a unique status to the only type of relationship that can ever result in the natural creation of another human being sends an important message to society . Contrary to the charges of those who would redefine marriage, that message has nothing to do with “sexual orientation” as such. It simply sends the message that relationships of a type which can result in natural reproduction are unique, and are uniquely valuable to society; and it further sends the

Call for separate adoption laws from NZ's gay marriage debate

Family First NZ is calling on politicians to treat any changes to the Adoption Act as distinct and separate from the current debate on redefining marriage. "Significant changes to adoption laws should not happen without appropriate debate and consideration. Changes are being sneaked in under the radar and many people are unaware that changes to the Marriage Act will automatically confer rights to same sex couples to adopt ," said Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. "The Select Committee report spent very little time discussing the issue of adoption - yet it has huge ramifications for the children involved. There is no need to overhaul the current law because the Adoption Act isn't broken. There is no huge queue of children desperately waiting to be adopted. There is no shortage of suitable married couples wanting to adopt." " Same sex couple and single parent adoption where there is no biological connection and surrogacy pot

Kids of homosexual parents perform much worse than heterosexual parents

A new study which found that children of heterosexual parents fare better on numerous indicators of personal well-being than children of homosexual parents is being hailed by true marriage advocates as by far the most scientifically credible studies to date on the subject. Authored by Mark Regnerus, a sociology professor at the University of Texas at Austin , the study will be published in the July 2012 issue of Social Science Research, and is currently  available online . Regnerus’ findings, based upon the responses from children raised by their biological parents , or a homosexual parent with his or her partner, were striking. He found that 12% of those with a lesbian mother and 24% of those with a gay father reported having recently contemplated suicide, compared to only 5% raised by an intact biological family or a single parent . While 28% of those raised by a lesbian mother and 20% of those raised by a gay father reported being currently unemployed, compared to 8% ra

Research: Homosexual Households Endanger Kids

A lesbian couple married in San Francisco in 2004 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A new study , authored by Associate Professor Mark Regnerus from the University of Texas , shows alarming child endangerment in same-sex households: • Parental pedophilia is widespread: 23 percent of children with a lesbian mother reported having been touched sexually by a parent or adult, compared to 2 percent of those raised by biological parents. • Rape is rampant: 31 percent of children raised by a lesbian mother and 25 percent raised by a homosexual man report that they were forced to have sex against their will, compared to 8 percent from intact families. • Sexually transmitted disease (STD) is epidemic: over 20 percent of those brought up by two women and 25 percent raised by two men reported having contracted an STD, compared to 8 percent from natural families. • Suicidal tendencies are startling: 24 percent of children raised by homosexual men and 12% of children raised by lesbian mothers