
Showing posts with the label Sexual attraction

Parents, get in the game: Teach the true meaning of human sexuality

Image via Wikipedia Much of society is confused about the true meaning of human sexuality. Terribly confused. Teaching the meaning of sexual feelings, desires and behaviors tends to be a free for all. It’s much like that game adolescent boys enjoy playing – we all know what it is called – that basically involves a mob trying to tackle the boy with the ball.  He may whirl it in the air before being tackled, or he may zigzag and try to fight his way through the crowd. That is really the extent of the rules: run with the ball as long as possible without being tackled. This chaotic game is exhilarating for boys, who earn bragging rights as they juke the other players or possess the ball the longest. Unfortunately, such a maelstrom is alarming and harmful when society acts like this about the meaning of human sexuality. Here’s what I mean. In our pluralistic society numerous organizations and groups try to influence how everyone else understands the meaning of human sexuality. Much like