
Showing posts with the label Sex education

Porn the only place homosexual youth see homosexual sex portrayed ‘positively’: UK ‘sex health’ charity head

LONDON , August 26, 2013 ( ) – One of Britain’s largest government-sponsored youth “sexual health” charities and strongest promoters of abortion, artificial contraception and homosexuality and other immoral acts, has expressed doubts about government plans to provide optional blockers to internet porn, saying that young people can sometimes only get the sex education they need via porn. Brook’s Chief Executive, Simon Blake, wrote in the homosexual newspaper  PinkNews  last week that while online porn is “inadequate” as sex ed for homosexuals youth, it could be seen as better than nothing. Simon Blake It “is clearly not good enough, and has to change,” Blake wrote. “It is our shared responsibility to ensure pornography is not their first, only or main source of information.” But until the current “woefully inadequate” school Sex and Relationships Education programs are made more gay inclusive, porn can be “one of the first places they see their sexuality r

Health & Education groups asks Ontario gvmt to bring back sex ed pushing radical sexual agenda on kids

A high-profile coalition of education and health groups is urging Kathleen Wynne ’s Liberal government to reintroduce the radical sex ed curriculum that was shelved in 2010 after blowback from parents. That program would have had students learning about “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as early as grade 3, and oral and anal intercourse as early as grade 7. The coalition, which is spearheaded by the Ontario Physical Health Education Association and includes SickKids Hospital , the Council of Ontario Directors of Education, the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario , and the University of Toronto , among others, issued a set of reports Monday urging the province to get a new curriculum off the ground by the fall. They claim that Ontario’s existing 1998 curriculum is “woefully out of date” and ultimately hurting the province’s children. In particular, the groups are concerned that the curriculum needs to be more fully brought into line with the government’s

Teachers will be sacked and children will be indoctrinated if gay ‘marriage’ bill goes through

January 28, 2013 ( Pjsaunders ) - The Daily Telegraph carried a  front-page story  this week saying that the Government is ‘powerless’ to stop teachers getting sacked if they refuse to endorse same-sex marriage . It quotes a senior source at the Department for Education admitting that the UK is not ‘in control’ and that European judges will have the final say. We knew that teachers were under threat, but now we know the Government secretly thinks so too. The  Coalition for Marriage  (C4M) recently published a legal opinion from leading QC Aidan O’Neill (summary  here ) confirming that one of the major impacts of David Cameron ’s new law allowing same sex marriage would be in the classroom. It says that the law will require that children learn about gay marriage in sex education lessons. This is because Section 403(1A)(a) of the Education Act 1996 imposes a duty on the Secretary of State ‘to issue guidance’ ensuring that pupils ‘learn the nature of marriage and its importance

ICPD Global Youth Forum on “Families, youth-rights and well-being (including sexuality)”

NEW YORK, December 6, 2012, ( )—Following the  plenary session  (also discussed  here ) on the topic of “Families, youth-rights and well-being (including sexuality),” recommendations were compiled for inclusion in the International Conference on Population and Development ’s (ICPD) Global Youth Forum’s outcome document and  presented  to the forum.  The sad immoral recommendations are as follows: Financing and accountability : Governments should make a political and financial commitment to ensure that sexual and reproductive health and rights policies are prioritized for budgetary allocation and are equally accessible for all young people. Governments must be transparent in the implementation of these policies and programs on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Sexual rights : Governments must fund and develop, in equal partnership with young people and health care providers, policies laws and programs that recognize, promote, and protect young people’s sexua

Planned Parenthood targets gay youth with ‘LGBTTIQQ2S’ resource explaining gay/lesbian sex

TORONTO, Ontario , 29 August, 2012 ( – School-aged youths in Toronto who identify themselves with the homosexual lifestyle are about to be given a LGBTTIQQ2S sex-ed resource called “ Queering Sex ed ,” thanks to Planned Parenthood . The resource, when complete, will “have gay and lesbian sex properly explained” and will be offered to schools as part of Planned Parenthood’s sex education package. Anna Penner, one of the creators of Queering Sex ed,  told  the homosexual news service Xtra that she hopes to achieve a “resource that queer and trans youth can look at and think: ‘This is relevant to me.’” But Gwen Landolt, national vice president of REAL Women of Canada , told LifeSiteNews that if Planned Parenthood “really cared” about children who struggled with their sexual identity, then they would point out how the homosexual life style “negatively affects one’s health, longevity, and emotional stability”. Planned Parenthood  will involve youths  in the cr

Tennessee enacts strongest ban on explicit homosexual sex-ed in U.S. after oral sex demo.

English: Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville. Français : Le capitole de l'état du Tennessee à Nashville (États-Unis). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) NASHVILLE, Tennessee , June 26, 2012 ( ) - A new law banning explicit sex education, spearheaded after an anti- AIDS group two years ago demonstrated oral sex on anatomical models in front of high schoolers, took effect in Tennessee this week. The law emerged after one Nashville parent in 2010 learned his 17-year-old daughter’s class had seen the performance of “safe” oral sex by the anti-AIDS group, Nashville CARES. “It took me by surprise,” Rodrick Glover told The Tennessean at the time. “My daughter thought it was pornography.” In response, the Tennessee gay news source Out and About  targeted  Glover as numbering among “fundamentalist bigots” who oppose the methods of Nashville CARES because the group “does not discriminate based on sexual orientation and, in fact, is considered to be gay-affirming.”

US psychiatrist: Sex ed failing Kiwi teens

AIDS posters in the Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Teenagers are being let down by sex education that doesn't tell them it's best to wait until you're an adult and have one sexual partner for life, a visiting physician says. But Family Planning disputes United States psychiatrist Dr Miriam Grossman's characterisation of New Zealand's sex education. She has been brought here by the conservative lobby group Family First to speak at a conference in Auckland on Thursday. Dr Grossman said she took up writing and speaking on the "harms" of sex education after her experiences as a campus psychiatrist at the University of California . She saw many female students who were panicking about having, or possibly having, a sexually transmitted infection (STI), being pregnant, having had an abortion, or being confused about their emotional attachment to a man who had no intention of becoming emotionally attached to them. "The

Brand new ‘guidelines’ pushing radical, explicit sex ed agenda on schools nationwide

January 12, 2012 ( ) - A group of progressive education organizations in league with the family planning and homosexual lobby have released a new set of sex education “guidelines” that they are pushing on schools nationwide. The  guidelines , published Monday in the Journal of School Health, were authored by the American Association of Health Education , the American School Health Association , the National Education Association – Health Information Network, the Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education, Advocates for Youth , Answer, and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States . The document is being touted as “the first-ever national standards for sexuality education in schools,” and as an answer to what it calls “the inconsistent implementation of sexuality education nationwide.” “Forty individuals from the fields of health education, sexuality education, public health, public policy, philanthropy and advocacy convene