
Showing posts with the label Satan

Ex- Gay Porn Actor says sex acts among homosexual men are aberrations of nature.

Joseph Sciambra, 44, will be the first to tell you of his large-hearted and abiding love for gays . He will also be the first to tell you that despite its feel-good name, genuine happiness cannot be found in the “gay” lifestyle. The former gay porn actor has described his own journey into the darkest core of the gay underworld in the Castro District of San Francisco in the early 90’s as like being “ Swallowed by Satan ” – the title of his new book, in which he recounts his experiences.  Joseph, who left the gay scene thirteen years ago after a dramatic reconversion to the Catholic faith , says his quest for love and acceptance through sex began with pornography . At the age of eight, he one day naively flipped through a porn magazine left out by an older brother. This was followed by more graphic porn magazines. Then came masturbation and the urge to act out with others what he saw in the magazines.  Joseph Sciambra Joseph says that what he craved to experience was a d

Hate homosexual sin but love the homosexual?

The new normal is for homosexuals to announce their sexual identity , and then receive affirmation for their bravery, boldness, and honesty from their co-workers and clients. This puts Christians with secular jobs in a predicament. Most believers understand perfectly well the concept of hate the sin and love the sinner. But that concept is more and more being seen as inadequate simply because homosexuals often perceive their sexual orientation as their identity, thus rendering any attempt to love the sinner while hating the sin as contradictory. The difficulty is compounded for believers who work with, for, or around those who are openly homosexual. How should Christians respond to those in the work place who are homosexual? If you manage a company with homosexual employees, or if you have homosexual co-workers, how do you find the balance between hating the sin and loving the sinner? Here are six suggestions: 1)   Remember the gospel , which is another way of saying the

Is there a demonic spirit behind homosexuality?

Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Springfield Diocese held a rare public exorcism service at the Cathedral on Wednesday afternoon, at the same time Governor Pat Quinn was expected to sign Illinois’s same-sex “marriage” bill into law. An exorcism is a casting out of evil.  Usually, an exorcism is performed on an individual believed to have been corrupted by evil spirits, but in an interview with the  Chicago Tribune , diocesan spokeswoman Kathie Sass explained that Wednesday’s service was to be a general exorcism “specifically designed to pray for the limitation of the work of the devil and the work of evil in the world.” Bishop Paprocki said that under certain circumstances, a bishop may judge a cultural situation sufficiently grave to warrant a public exorcism. Citing remarks by Pope Francis, he said gay 'marriage' clearly fits the bill . She warned that anyone hoping to see spinning heads or projectile vomiting at the service, as portrayed in the gris

Michael Kirby condemns a man to his own sin, not save him

English: Justice of the High Court of Australia, Michael Donald Kirby. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Below is an article that appears in the  Sydney Morning Herald  by a football player. This is perhaps one of the worst argument for  homosexual  marriage I have encountered. It is however an emotional argument that is seeking sympathy and loyalty to a cause. This article borders on an emotional rant, and hence it includes unfounded and arguments again of being born homosexual  a view supported only by  Lady Gaga , not genetists, theologians and most thinking Australians. People are born with disabilities, sicknesses, and various diseases of which we don't celebrate and leave them, but research to bring healing and restoration. The writers viewpoint was reinforced at an emotional moment in time, when the now ex  High Court Judge  Kirby spoke emotionally about his situation at a homosexual sporting event which excludes all others except homosexuals (so much for equality and inclus

Emotion driven illogical homosexual argument by a Australian Footballer

English: Justice of the High Court of Australia, Michael Donald Kirby. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Below is an article that appears in the Sydney Morning Herald by a football play Mr Andrew Webster. This is perhaps one of the worst argument for homosexual marriage I have encountered. This article borders on an emotional rant, and hence it includes unfounded and arguments again of being born homosexual. This view is supported by Lady Gaga but not by genetists, theologians and most thinking Australians. People are born with disabilities, sicknesses, disease of which we don't celebrate but seek to bring healing. The writers viewpoint was reinforced at an emotional moment in time, when the now ex High Court Judge Kirby spoke emotionally about his situation at a homosexual sporting event which excludes all others except homosexuals (so much for equality and inclusion) In such a reinforcing emotional experience, logic and truth leave the room and emotions rule. The writer mistak

Homosexuality, Marriage Equality equals wrong sinful and offensive

Liberals have a way of renaming things in order to make them acceptable. When former- President Clinton committed adultery he called it a “mistake.” Of course, it was sin. When Prime Minister Kevin Rudd calls homosexuality a worthy social issue that brings equality to all, it is still a sin. Everyone knows that the words “choice” and “fetus” have been used to justify murder. Recently, politically correct wordsmiths have coined the phrase “same-sex marriage.” From a biblical perspective, however, a proper name for this activity, is “legalized  homosexuality .” Regardless of the attempt of two same-sex partners to justify “ marrying ” by declaring in a ceremony that they will be faithful to one another, God will neither condone nor accept their acts — even if the state eventually does. Indeed, taking vows to remain in such a sinful relationship only aggravates the situation. Moreover, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ must never participate in nor promote the legaliza