
Showing posts with the label Rick Santorum

Santorum rips Obama admin for censoring abstinence as ‘artifact of a bygone era’

MUSCATINE, Iowa, - GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum has taken the Obama administration to task for its role in eroding traditional views on sexuality to make way for a more pluralistic view. Rick answering questions in Muscatine During a campaign event in Muscatine, Iowa last month, Santorum took on a questioner challenging his marriage views by expounding on the benefits of a traditional household for children and society, and blasting the “hate” branding used by gay rights leaders and media against marriage defenders. Santorum said that he learned radio conservative pundit Bill Bennett ’s wife, who runs an abstinence program called Best Friends, had been pressured by the Obama administration not to use the word “abstinence” or uphold the traditional family as better than other lifestyles. “The Obama administration has said to them, they can’t use the word abstinence anymore. They can’t use it, because of course that is a cultural artifact of a bygone era, and therefore

Rick Santorum: homosexual ‘marriage’ would bring gay agenda into schools

WASHINGTON, D.C. December 9, 2011  – Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has stated that if the government legalizes same-sex “marriage,” it will inevitably result in public schools teaching that homosexuality is no different than heterosexuality. While stumping in Iowa this week, a 23-year-old graduate of Dordt College   challenged  the former Pennsylvania senator to show any harm gay “marriage” would cause. In response, Santorum pointed out that if the institution is legalized, schools will teach young students that homosexual “sexual activity” must be “seen as equal” to heterosexuality. He  predicted , “you are going to have…spread throughout our curriculum a worldview that is fundamentally different than what is taught in schools today.” “What is going to be taught to our children…even to little children” about the definition of “ married couples [or] what families look like in America?” he asked. Despite the student’s protests, Santorum held firm, saying, “if we say

Big Bully Ontario Premier readies to expel students over gay bullying

TORONTO, Ontario , November 30, 2011 ( ) – As part of an ongoing campaign to reform the province’s “attitudes” on homosexuality , Premier Dalton McGuinty announced Wednesday that he is proposing anti- bullying legislation with an emphasis on cracking down on homosexuality-related bullying in Ontario’s schools. Meeting with students at L’Amoreaux Collegiate Institute in Toronto, the Premier said the bill will impose tougher consequences, including expulsion, for “bullying and hate-motivated actions.” Dalton McGuinty It will also require all schools to “support any students who want to lead activities that promote understanding, acceptance and respect for all,” according to a press release. Pro-family activists expressed concerned that the bill will be used to further clamp down on students, teachers, and schools that oppose the normalization of homosexuality. While the mainstream press is reporting on the initiative as a general anti-bullying initiative, McGuinty him

Santorum stands by ‘Don’t Ask’ defense against racism comparison

Image via Wikipedia October 11, 2011 - After coming out strongly against the repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell ( DADT ) policy during the GOP Fox News /Google Debate, Rick Santorum defended his comments in  an interview  this past Sunday on Fox News with Chris Wallace . Confronted at the debate by a homosexual soldier, Santorum had explained that he opposed the repeal of DADT, which had forbidden open homosexuals from serving in the military, because it was like “playing social experimentation with our military.” “The military’s job is to do one thing and that is to defend our country. We need to give the military, which is all volunteer, the ability to do so in a way that is most effective in protecting our men and women in uniform, and I believe this undermines that ability,” he said, adding that, as president, he would reinstitute DADT, but would allow those who had been admitted under the current administration’s policy to remain. In Sunday’s interview, Wallace comp

Perry signs pledge to protect marriage, oppose homosexual ‘marriage’

Image via Wikipedia Presidential candidate Rick Perry has signed a pledge that if elected president he will protect the traditional definition of marriage and oppose homosexual “marriage.” The Republican Texas governor joins Mitt Romney , Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum in signing the National Organization for Marriage (NOM)  pledge . Rick Perry's signature on the National Organization for Marriage pledge “Kudos to Gov. Rick Perry for making it clear: he’s a marriage champion,” National Organization for Marriage (NOM) president Brian Brown said in an August 26  statement . “By doing so, Perry makes crystal clear that, contrary to the conventional wisdom, gay marriage is going to be a bigger issue in 2012 than it was in 2008, because the difference between the GOP nominee and President Obama is going to be large and clear,” Brown said. “We look forward to demonstrating that being for marriage is a winning position for a presidential candidate.” The NOM marriage pledge lists

Rick Perry: ‘Obviously, homosexual marriage is not fine with me’

Image via Wikipedia After stirring controversy among conservatives by saying the passage of New York ’s gay “marriage” law was “fine” with him, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has clarified that he is against the marriage law, but in favor of states’ rights on the marriage issue. “I probably needed to add a few words after that ‘it’s fine with me,’ and that it’s fine with me that a state is using their sovereign rights to decide an issue.  Obviously gay marriage is not fine with me. My stance hasn’t changed,” Perry told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on Thursday. The rest of Perry’s interview with Perkins will be broadcast on  Washington Watch Weekly  on Friday. Perry  had made  the original marriage remarks before a crowd of GOP donors in Aspen, Colorado last week. “Our friends in New York six weeks ago passed a statute that said marriage can be between two people of the same sex. And you know what? That’s New York, and that’s their business, and that’s fine with me,” the

Rick Perry on gay ‘marriage’ in NY: ‘That’s their call … it’s fine with me.’

Image via Wikipedia Potential GOP presidential contender and Texas Governor Rick Perry has stated that while he supports defending traditional marriage as the union of a man and a woman, he believes that U.S. states must come to their own decision without interference from the federal government. “I’m pro-traditional marriage,” Perry told a group of GOP governors and donors at the Aspen Institute , in Aspen, Colorado last Friday. “The fact is, we passed a constitutional amendment in the state of Texas that says marriage is between one man and one woman.” Perry, however, noted that lawmakers in New York recently legalized same-sex “marriage,” a statute that took effect this past weekend, saying, “That’s their call.” “Our friends in New York six weeks ago passed a statute that said marriage can be between two people of the same sex. And you know what? That’s New York, and that’s their business, and that’s fine with me.” “If you believe in the 10th amendment, stay out of their bus

Media love gay anti-bullying bully who wishes Republicans were ‘all f***ing dead’

Dan Savage hates bullying. Make that some bullying. Admirably, Savage hates it when gay teens get bullied. Less admirably, Savage doesn’t hesitate to bully, smear and malign those who disagree with him. Savage, a gay sex columnist, has never been shy about expressing his hatred for social conservatives. In his latest attack, appearing on  HBO’s “Real Time” with Bill Maher  July 15, Savage wished  Republicans were  “all f**king dead” and admitted that he has contemplated how he’d like to “f**k the s**t out of [conservative presidential candidate] Rick Santorum .” (Video  here .  Warning: extremely offensive.) Dan Savage Savage, a syndicated columnist best known for his “Dear Abby”-style sex advice column titled “ Savage Love ,” is an open homosexual, and in 2010 launched a  video campaign  with his partner against gay bullying called, “It Get’s Better.”  The campaign’s goal is to encourage gay teens to remain strong and seek help in the wake of several  gay teen suicides  that resu